Lifecycle of the Roundworm


Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Lifecycle of the Roundworm

Eggs passed out of body through feces.

Eggs hatch on the ground & are eaten by an animal.

Enter intestine

The larvae penetrate the intestinal wall .

Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

275.T 1

Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

Larvae grow & develop in lungs.

275.T 2

Enter bloodstream

Larvae move through blood to the liver.

Enter lungs

Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Larvae mature & reproduce.

Larvae are coughed up, re-swallowed, & return to intestines.

Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

275.T 3

Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Lifecycle of the Tapeworm

Animal ingests intermediate host & receive larvae.

Larvae turn into adult.

Adult lives in small intestine & feeds off of host.

Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

275.T 4

Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

Adult body is made up of egg-filled worm segments.

Egg-filled segments leave body through the feces.

275.T 5

Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Larvae develop in intermediate hosts.

Beetles, Mosquitoes,

Crickets, etc. ingest eggs (intermediate host).

Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

275.T 6

Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Lifecycle of the Mosquito

Adult lays egg directly in the water or on dry surfaces.

Eggs hatch to larval form once they are moistened.

Larvae change to pupa form in water.

Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

275.T 7

Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Carries many diseases:

Encephalitis, malaria, fowl pox, etc.

Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

Metamorphosis occurs changing larvae to adult.

275.T 8

Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Lifecycle of the Bot Fly

Adult fly lay eggs onto horse’s leg.

(up to 500)

Horse licks leg.

Eggs get into mouth.

Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

275.T 9

Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

275.T 10

Eggs hatch in mouth.

Larvae develop in mouth and is swallowed.

Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Pupa burrow into the ground until adult fly emerges during warm weather. (4 to 8 weeks)

Larvae change into pupal stage & leave with feces.

Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

275.T 11

Larvae migrate to stomach and attach to stomach walls for

8 to 10 months.

Pathogenic Classification & Life

Cycles of Common Parasites

Bot Fly







Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement

University of California, Davis

275.T 12
