- (CLF800) Core Area: (CLF820) AGRICULTURAL CORE CURRICULUM - - CAREERS Unit Title: OCCUPATIONAL GOALS ____________________________________________________________________________ (CLF821) Topic: CHOOSING A Time Taught in Year(s) CAREER GOAL 2 hour 1 ____________________________________________________________________________ Topic Objectives: be able to: Upon completion of this lesson the student will Learning Outcome #: (B-1) - Identify and describe a career interest in an agricultural or agriculturally related occupation (B-2) - Analyze the skills, abilities and education required to gain entry into the students occupational choice. (B-3). -..Develop a plan for accomplishing an occupational object.(This must include and S>O>E> secondary and post-secondary education planner, occupational goal. Special Materials and Equipment: for all students. Supplemental Worksheets #1 & #2 References: California Vocational Curriculum Guidelines, Careers. Evaluation: Completion of a Career Plan. TOPIC PRESENTATION: CHOOSING A CAREER GOAL A. Review Ag Careers (CLF 812) for a discussion of careers available in agriculture. B. Skills and Abilities Required ___________________________________________________________ ACTIVITY: Have students list 3 careers they are interested and then list skills and abilities they think would be important. Discuss high school classes available that would provide opportunities to learn skills and abilities. See Supplemental Worksheet #1. ___________________________________________________________ C. Education requirements differ with the career you choose. types and examples of education beyond high school. 1. Here are some Vocational Institutes: Train students in areas such as diesel mechanics or horse shoeing. Courses are intensive and rely heavily on practical experience and may be completed in 1 year. 821.1 2. 3. Community colleges provide continued education to prepare students to go on to a university or receive enough training in certain areas to obtain jobs. a. A larger variety of classes can be taken than at a Vocational Institute. b. A program of study is generally completed in 2 years. State colleges and universities require 4 years to complete and allow students opportunities to obtain employment in areas such as engineering, education, nutrition and economics. a. A 4 year degree can broaden job opportunities and increase wage earning power. b. A degree of this type can lead into graduate work to obtain an advanced degree such as PhD, MD, DVM or MBA. __________________________________________________________ ACTIVITIY: 1. Complete Student Data Sheet - See Supplemental Worksheet #2. __________________________________________________________ 821.2 CHOOSING A CAREER GOAL SUPPLEMENTAL WORKSHEET #1 NAME_________________ Date__________________ Period________________ This worksheet will help you discover what skills and abilities are necessary for the career in ag you choose. Career Choice #1 H.S. Skills & Abilities Necessary ...Classes ______________________ a.. a. b. b. c. c. d. d. a. a. b. b. c. c. d. d. a. a. b. b. c. c. d. d. Further Education? Career Choice #2 ______________________ Further Education Career Choice #3 _____________________ Further Education? 821.3 SUPPLEMENTAL WORKSHEET #2 STUDENT DATA SHEET AGRICULTURE EDUCATION NAME______________________ Course Title___________________ MALE_______FEMALE_________ Instructor_____________________ DATE______________________ Year Graduating________ Year in School_________ Permanent address at which you will always receive mail: ____________________________________ Year in Agriculture ________ ____________________________________ 1.) Your occupational goal. (Check one) I intend to have a career in: a. Agriculture Production _______ b. Agriculture Supplies and Services _______ c. Agriculture Mechanics _______ d. Agriculture Products and Processing _______ e. Ornamental Horticulture _______ f. Natural Resources & Rural Recreation _______ g. Forestry _______ h. Marketing or Agribusiness _______ i. Other agriculturally related occupation. Specify:_________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ j. Undecided - in agriculture _______ k. Undecided - not in agriculture _______ 2.) If you have narrowed your occupational goal to a more specific occupation or kind of work than the broad categories listed in #1, please describe it briefly: 3.) Please indicate your plans after graduation from high school: (Check one) Go to work fulltime with no further education. 821.4 _______ Go to work fulltime with college later. _______ Continue my education at a Vocational or Technical school _______ Continue my education at a 2-year college. _______ Continue my education at a 4-year college _______ Attend college part time and work part time _______ Attend adult evening classes _______ Go into the service _______ Other, please describe 4.) Courses in your Occupational Preparation Program: Below, Mark a Mark a mark a 5.) __________________________________________ list all "C" next "T" next "P" next the courses offered in your agriculture program. to the courses which you have already completed. to the courses which you are currently taking. And to the courses which you plan to take in the future. ___________________________ _______________________________ ___________________________ _______________________________ ___________________________ _______________________________ ___________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________ _______________________________ Planned Occupational Experience Program: Describe your project, its size and your future plans: Year I: Year II: Year III: Year IV: 821.5 6.) Planned FFA activities. Below list the FFA activities which you have participated in or plan to participate in: Year I: Year II: Year III: Year IV: 821.6