CLF518 - (CLF500) (CLF510) Core Area: AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - LEADERSHIP Unit Title: FFA LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ______________________________________________________________________________ (CLF518) Topic: UNIT TEST: FFA Leadership Development time: 1 hour ______________________________________________________________________________ Topic Objectives: Evaluation Special Materials & Equipment: 100 questions (optional). Scantron Form 882 or equivalent Evaluation:------------TOPIC PRESENTATION: FFA LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TEST Exam begins next page. 518.1 TEST: FFA LEADERSHIP NAME:_________________________ DATE:_________________________ I. MATCHING: _____ 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____ 11. _____ 12. _____ 13. _____ 14. _____ 15. _____ 16. _____ 17. _____ 18. _____ 19. _____ 20. _____ 21. _____ 22. _____ 23. Some of the answers may be used more than once. National Advisor a. Bronze b. Indianapoliss, IN community service c. Bust of Washington d. 49,000 Chapter Vice President e. Future Farmer Magazine f. Alexandria, Virginia Symbol of Reporter g. Program of Activities h. 1969 Wrote the FFA Creed i. Four national regions j. Mr. Charles Parker National Executive Secretary k. Rising Sun l. Sectional President m. 290 n. 1st line of FFA motto Regional Advisor o. 1917 p. Kansas City, Missouri Chapter President q. Virginia r. 1937 CA's membership . s. Flag t. Jacket Year FFA merged w/NFA u. California v. Emblem Year FFA was organized w. 1928 x. None Symbol of President z. The FFA Creed aa. Clasped Hands Chapter Secretary bb. Ear of Corn cc. American Degree State Advisor dd. Coleman Harris ee. National magazine ff. The plow gg. BOAC Girls were allowed in FFA . hh. ii. Mr. Larry Case Symbol of Vice President jj. Owl kk. Courses first established in Vo-Ag ll. Louisville Kentucky Regional President mm. E. M. Tiffany nn. Chapter Advisor oo. Last line of the FFA motto pp. 65,000 Living to Serve qq. rr. 1960 Chapter Sentinel ss. tt.Bob Heuvel 518.2 _____ 24. Symbol of Secretary _____ 25. Site of National Convention uu. vv. xx. The FFA New Horizons _____ 26. Highest degree of membership _____ 27. Greenhand pin _____ 28. Symbol of Advisor _____ 29. Eastern, Western, Central, and Southern _____ 30. Chapter constitution and bylaws found here. _____ 31. Symbol of Sentinel _____ 32. Should be kept clean and neat. _____ 33. First state chartered in FFA _____ 34. 'Learning to Do' _____ 35. Made up of five symbols. II. True or False. Circle the Correct Answer. T F 36. Leslie Applegate was the first National FFA President. T F 37. High school letters should not be worn on FFA jackets. T F 38. The first line of the FFA Motto is "Learning to Do". T F 39. The American Flag should be properly displayed at each meeting of FFA members. T F 40. FFA membership is required of any student enrolled in an agriculture class. T F 41. Members should not drink or smoke while wearing the FFA jacket. T F 42. California received the fourth state charter in the National Association. T F 43. The first National FFA Convention was held in Washington, D.C. T F 44. The first line of the FFA Creed is "I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds." T F 45. A boy must wear his official jacket to be in official dress uniform. T F 46. Agriculture courses were first taught publicly in 1917. 518.3 T F 47. The Assistant State FFA Advisor is Jerry T. Davis. T F 48. National FFA Week is held during the week of Lincoln's birthday. 48b. The sections located in your Region are: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ T F 49. The salute to the flag is an official part of the opening ceremony. T F 50. There is no secrecy in the ceremonies of the FFA. T F 51. The FFA is an intracurricular activity. T F 52. In order to be an FFA member you must have either a livestock or crop project. T F 53. The FFA is 100% American in its ideals and outlook and has no outside affiliation. T F 54. No national youth organization enjoys greater freedom of selfgovernment under adult council than the FFA. T F 55. There are only 4 FFA regions in California. T F 56. Your Chapter is part of the Central Region. T F 57. The owl is a symbol of a new era in agriculture. T F 58. The eagle is the symbol of the national scope of the FFA organization. T F 59. Only farm youth belong to the FFA. T F 60. All FFA members must carry an ownership project. T F 61. The National FFA is a profit making organization. T F 62. No more than 3 medals should be worn on the FFA jacket. T F 63. The rising sun is a token of a new era in agriculture. T F 64. The 'Code of Ethics' governs the behavior of all FFA members. T F 65. Being courteous and respecting the rights of others is not found in the 'Code of Ethics'. 518.4 T F 66. If an FFA jacket is sold to a nonmember, the official emblems should be removed. T F 67. The ________ Chapter of Future Farmers of America was established in 1917. T F 68. There were only a few girls in the FFA in 1930. T F 69. FFA activities should develop out of the instructional program. T F 70. FFA activities should relate to the aims and purposes of the organization. T F 71. The primary purpose of the FFA is to develop leadership. T F 72. The FFA was founded in 1917 with the Smith Hughes Act. T F 73. There was no clearly defined need for the FFA before it became a national organization. T F 74. The first degree of FFA membership is the Greenhand. T F 75. _______________ is the Sectional President of the FFA. III. SHORT ANSWER FILL-IN: ____________________________ 76-78. One 3 medals should be worn on the FFA jacket at any one time. Name them. ____________________________ 77. ____________________________ 78. ____________________________ 79-80. The Official Colors of the FFA are: ____________________________ 80. ____________________________ 81-85. Name 5 Chapters located in the Section. ____________________________ 82. ____________________________ 83. ____________________________ 84. ____________________________ 85. ____________________________ 86-91. List the 6 FFA Regions of California. ____________________________ 87. ____________________________ 88. 518.5 ____________________________ 89. ____________________________ 90. ____________________________ 91. ____________________________ 92. "I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds" is the opening paragraph of the FFA _____________. ____________________________ 93. What code governs the behavior of all FFA members? ____________________________ 94. Site of the California State FFA Convention. 95-98. List the 4 kinds of membership in the FFA: a. b. c. d. 99-101. List the 3 degrees of Honorary membership: a. b. c. 102-105. List the 4 types of degrees that you can earn in the FFA: a. b. c. d. 106. The California State FFA President is: __________________________ 107. # of taps to call meeting to order: _____________________________ 108. # of taps to signal members to stand: ___________________________ 109. # of taps to adjourn meeting: ___________________________________ 110. Name the National Executive Treasurer: __________________________ 518.6 111-114. Name the 4 National Regions of the FFA: a. b. c. d. 115. The State FFA Advisor is: _______________________________________ 116. The State FFA headquarters are located at: _____________________ 117. Current National FFA President is: ______________________________ 118. Current National FFA Secretary is: ______________________________ 119. The number of people on the State FFA Executive committee: _______ 120. Who is the best agriculture teacher: _____________________________ 518.7