1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Wright State University Student Government Referred to: Reflection Room Proposal Sponsors: Marc Tshimanyika, Matthew Burks, Brandy Zapata, Matt Harmon Signatories: Jonathon Maze, Abby Benston, Lindsey Hofmeyer Cognizant of, The abundance of cultural and religious diversity on Wright State University’s campus and the steady increase of International students who practice various religions enrolling at our shared university, Recalling, 13 14 15 16 17 The WSU Diversity Statement, which affirms “Respect, tolerance, and goodwill are the keystones to enjoying the diversity of our world…It is our duty to encourage and promote that contribution…We will achieve an environment in which every student may think, and learn, and grow without prejudice, without intimidation, and without discrimination.”, 18 Emphasizing, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 That there is not a designated area on campus for students to pray, meditate, or enjoy a moment of solitude to express their beliefs, Highlighting, The pro-active initiatives taken by Ohio State University and the University of Dayton in creating designated rooms with the purpose of meditation and prayer, Understanding, That a reflection room will help to promote inclusiveness in the student body and facilitate a greater understanding of alternative faiths and cultures to create a sense of social solidarity among our students, The Wright State University Student Government (SG), 1. Supports the provision that an area be designated on campus to be designated for a Reflection Room that will be open for all students of WSU to promote cultural understanding and innovative thinking; 2. Suggests the University Administration strongly consider incorporating the “Reflection Room” in the University 3 year Master Plan; 3. Notes that this room is essential for upholding the Diversity Statement of WSU and creating culturally-sensitive, global citizens that will allow for the University to become a model for our region in this aspect.