09-2015 NEW EMPLOYEE OFFICE/SPACE REQUEST FORM Instructions: Use this form to begin the authorization process for new (or newly full-time) employee office/space requests and to notify ITS about the new office or space technology needs. Please print clearly and provide the requested information to ensure that the new workspace is ready for use. The form will not be processed without proper signatures. Send completed original to: Sherrill.Holmes@cpcc.edu Employee Name: ____________________________________________ Employee ID: ___________________ Date: _____________________ (Circle one) Full-Time or Part-Time Job Title: ____________________________________________________ Requested Office Space: Room _________________________ Building _____________________________ Tell us about the new space: Are there electrical outlets? _________ Is there a network/phone outlet? ________ (STOP: If either answer above is ‘No’, a work order request to install the missing outlet(s) must be submitted and completed before the process can go any further. ITS cannot prepare the space as needed if they’re not already in place.) Is there an existing telephone in the new location? _______ Is there an existing workstation? _______ Please provide the computer name (i.e. CH100-01): _______________ (To find name: Click Start Button and look under My Computer) Other devices or special software to be installed: __________________________________________________________ Contact Info and Authorization Division Name: _________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________ (Please print clearly) Supervisor/Manager/Dept. Head: ________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ (Please print clearly) Contact Person: ________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ (Please print clearly) Campus Dean and/or Division VP/AVP Executive Director of Facilities Management Signature: ___________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________ Date: Date: ___________________________________ ___________________________________