Curriculum proposal number____________________ Curriculum Action Request (CAR) (Form 4-93) - Maui Community College 1. Author(s)__Mark Hoffman________________________________________________________ 2. Authors’ unit(s) ___Professional Technology______________________________________ 3. Date submitted to Curriculum Committee__Oct. 2003_________ 4. a. General type of action? b. Specific type of action Addition __regular __experimental __other (specify) ___________ __course __program Deletion __course __from program __program __other (specify) ___________ Modification __number/alpha __title _Xcredits __description __prerequisites __corequisites __program __other (specify) ___________ 5. Reason for this curriculum action , Less time is needed for introductory coursework. The Credits are used elsewhere in the new program map 6. Existing course __ETRO 101 Introduction to Electronics Technology alpha number 4 title credits 7. Proposed new/modified course ____ETRO 101 alpha number Introduction to Electronics Technology 3 title credits 8. New course description or page number in catalog of present course description, if unchanged. 98 9. Prerequisite(s) placement at MATH 27 or 107 or consent 10. Corequisite(s) 11. Recommended preparation 12. Is this course cross-listed? ___yes ___no If yes, list course 13. Student contact hours per week lecture___hours lab___hours lecture/lab__4hours other___hours, explain 14. Revise current MCC General Catalog page(s)____98___________________________ 15. Course grading __X_letter grade only ___credit/no credit 16. Proposed semester and year of first offering? 17. Maximum enrollment___16__ __yes _ _audit 2004_year Rationale, if applicable limited lab equipment 18. Special scheduling considerations? 19. Special fees required? _Fall semester _ _either _X_yes __no __no If yes, explain. If yes, explain. ETRO LAB Only 20. Will this request require special resources (personnel, supplies, etc.?) __yes __no If yes, explain. 21. Is this course restricted to particular room type? LAB only 22. _X_yes __no If yes, explain. ETRO __Course fulfills requirement for __ECET_core CC_______________ program/degree __Course is an elective for __________________________________ program/degree __Course is elective for AA degree 23. This course __increases __decreases _Xmakes no change in number of credit required for the program(s) affected by this action 24. Is this course taught at another UH campus? __yes X_no a. If yes, specify campus, course, alpha and number b. If no, explain why this course is offered at MCC :Requirement for ECET program AS degree 25. a. Course is articulated at __UHCC __UH Manoa __UH Hilo __UH WO __Other/PCC b. Course is appropriate for articulation at __UHCC __UH Manoa __UH Hilo __UH WO __Other/PCC c. Course is not appropriate for articulation at _XUHCC _XUH Manoa _XUH Hilo XH WO _XOther/PCC d. Course articulation information is attached? __yes _Xno ....................................................................... Proposed by Approved by ________________________________ Author or Program Coordinator/Date _________________________________ Academic Senate Chair/Date Requested by _________________________________ Division or Unit Chair/Date _________________________________ Chief Academic Officer/Date Recommended by _________________________________ Curriculum Chair/Date Revised Sept 2003/AC _________________________________ Chancellor/Date