implementation timeline

Quality Online Programming:
The Learning Unit and the College have made quality online learning a priority. Therefore, resources
and support from eLearning will be directed toward the development and delivery of quality online
courses/sections, with the first priority being the development of core courses for the fully online
programs. Deans and Division/Discipline Directors, with the support of eLearning, will monitor the
progress and implementation of the quality initiatives at the course and program levels. The following
have been approved by the Learning Unit/Learning Council.
Minimum Course Standards
Established criteria for the design and
implementation of online courses. Includes
 Engagement with content
 Engagement with faculty
 Engagement with peers
Learning Unit requirement of all online courses by
Fall 2013.
 All online courses in fully online programs
implemented in Fall 2013
 Still working with those educational programs
that did not meet the deadline.
Common Navigational Template
 Template developed by eLOT sub-committee
 Provides consistency in the online “classroom”
 Incorporates elements of the minimum course
By Fall 2014 all online courses in fully online
programs (including general education courses)
will use the template and align with minimum
By Fall 2015 all online courses will use template.
Core Course
When a course has multiple online sections, all
sections will have a core course agreed upon by all
full-time faculties teaching the course.
Core Courses will be used by:
 all faculties new to teaching the course online,
 all new faculties, and
 all part-time faculties teaching sections of this
 Full-time faculties with experience teaching
the course online will be provided the core
course and strongly encouraged to use it, but
not required to do so in Fall 2014.*
Core Courses include
 Common learning outcomes,
 Consistent standards/expectations of student
Fall 2014 – Online courses in fully online programs
Fall 2015 – All online courses with multiple
 January 7, 2014 – timeline and process
approved by Learning Council
 January 20, 2014 - Timeline and process
communicated to Deans, Division/Discipline
Directors and Program/Discipline Chairs with a
request to identify a lead faculty member work
on the course and serve as the liaison with
other faculty teaching the course.
 February-March 2014 - IDs meet and work
with faculty liaison identified the project.
 February-April 2014 - Schedule open labs and
 Alignment of content, assignments, and
assessments to the course outcomes and
“Chunks” – units, modules, weeks.
 Once developed by the full-time faculty, an
individual faculty member can add to it, but
they cannot delete any of the elements.
*All faculties teaching in the online format will
adhere to the Minimum Course Standards, use the
departmentally developed learning outcomes, and
use the Common Navigational Template.
work individually with faculty to apply the
standard template and develop core courses.
May 5-9, 2014 – Project complete.
Common Assessment
Recommend Core Courses provide a common
assignment/assessment that will provide evidence
of student achievement of the course learning
 Common assessments are based on agreed
upon standards of performance.
 Common assessments are designed as direct
evidence of student learning.
 Common assessments do not mean that all
sections have the same activity.
Move from recommend to require by Fall 2015.