Maui Community College Course Outline 1. Course Title

Maui Community College
Course Outline
1. Course Title
Technical Mathematics for the Information Age
Number of credits
Abbreviated Course Title
Tech Math for Info Age
Date of Outline
October 17,2002
Course Description
Technical mathematics, with emphasis on the
applications of mathematics to electronics,
computers, and networking. Numbering systems for
computers, Boolean algebra and logic gates for
digital circuits, linear systems in three variables,
exponential and logarithmic functions,
trigonometry, rectangular and polar forms of
complex numbers.
2. Credits/ Contact Hours
3 Credits/ 4hours lecture
3. Prerequisites
MATH 27/107
MATH 25 with a least a “C” OR placement in
Recommended Preparation
Approved by _(Provost’s Signature____________________Date__________________
End of page one. This is the title page and is to be in this format.
4. General Course Objectives
Graph and Solve linear equations. Graph and solve power equations. Translate power
equations to linear equations using logarithms. Graph and solve natural logarithm
equations. Translate Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates using trigonometry.
Convert between decimal, binary and hexadecimal number systems. Solve Boolean
algebraic equations.
6. Specific Course Competencies
Graph and Solve linear equations relating to Ohm’s Law
Graph and solve power equations using logarithms.
Translate power equations to linear equations using logarithms.
Graph and solve natural logarithm equations relating to AC time constants.
Translate Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates using trigonometry.
Graph complex numbers in polar form relating to Impedance.
Explain the graph of circular motion relating to generators.
Convert between decimal, binary and hexadecimal number systems.
Solve simple Boolean algebra problems relating to digital hardware and software
7. Recommended Course Content and Approximate Time Spent
1 week
Linear Algebra
1-2 weeks
Exponential Equations and Logarithms
1-2 weeks
Natural Logarithms
1-2 weeks
1-2 weeks
Complex Numbers
1-2 weeks
Sinusoidal Functions
1-2 weeks
Decimal and binary number sytems
1-2 weeks
Hexadecimal number systems
1-2 weeks
Boolean Algebra
1 week
Review and Final
8. Recommended Course Requirements
Specific course requirements are at the discretion of the instructor at the time the course
is being offered. Suggested requirements might include, but are not limited to:
Written or oral examinations
Practical examinations
Lab experiments and reports
In-class exercises
Homework assignments
Projects or research (written reports and/or oral class presentations)
Attendance and/or class participation
9. Text and Materials
An appropriate text(s) and materials will be chosen at the time the course is to be
offered from those currently available in the field. A representative example is:
Thomas L. Floyd, Electronics Fundamentals-Circuits, Devices, and
Applications, Prentice Hall
Text(s) may be supplemented with:
Accompanying practice exercises if available
Articles, handouts and/or exercises prepared by the instructor
Magazine or newspaper articles
On-line materials
Appropriate films, videos or internet sites
Television programs
Guest speakers
Scientific Calculator
10. Evaluation and Grading
Examinations (written and/or oral)
In-class exercises
Attendance and/or class participation
11. Methods of Instruction
Instructional methods vary considerably with instructors and specific instructional
methods will be at the discretion of the instructor teaching the course. Suggested
techniques might include, but are not limited to:
Lecture, problem solving, and class exercises or readings
Class discussions or guest lectures
Audio, visual or presentations involving the internet
Visual step-by-step instruction with students following along
Student class presentations
Group or individual projects