UH – Maui Community College Dental Assisting Program Course Outline DENT 120 Dental Office Principles for Dental Assistants 1. Alpha and Numeric: DENT 120 Course Title: Dental Office Principles for Dental Assistants Credits: 3 Date of Outline: December 1, 2005 2. Course Description: Develops skills and knowledge to manage the business activities of the dental office. Introduces communication skills, record, and financial management, scheduling practices, and marketing and career objectives for the dental assistant. Includes telephone techniques, scheduling and confirming appointments, organization of files, charts and patient records, claims processing, accounting, patient needs and follow-up, marketing techniques, maintaining and ordering of dental supplies. 3. Contact Hours Per Week: 3 hours/lecture 4. Prerequisites: Admission to Dental Assisting program or consent English 22 with C or better or placement in ENG 100, or instructor consent. Corequisites: Recommended Preparation: Approved by____________________________________Date_____________ 1 5. Course Objectives: Goals: To develop individuals who are capable of performing clerical duties and responsibilities in the dental office. General: This course is designed to introduce the student to duties and responsibilities of the dental office. Course includes description and rationale for all procedures and tasks including methods and procedures for maintaining proper skills and techniques to manage the business activities of the dental office. 6. Specific course Objectives, Competencies and Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of Dent 120 the student will be able to: For assessment purposes, these are linked to #7. Recommended Course Content. Upon Successful completion of this course, students will be able to: A. The Dental Healthcare Team a. pronounce, define, and spell key terms; b. identify and name the dental healthcare team and discuss their roles; c. discuss the minimal educational requirements for each member of the team; d. describe supportive services provided by other members of the team; e. describe the various roles and responsibilities of a dental assistant; f. name and describe each of the recognized dental specialties. B. The Patient Record a. describe each form of the patient record; b. discuss the importance of the patient’s medical-dental health history and its relevance to dental treatment; c. prepare and organize a patient record chart; d. discuss the HIPPA form; e. discuss patient rights in the dental office; f. describe the areas of the dental environment in maintaining a professional office; g. discuss the different functions of the library and its relevance to obtain current information for research of dental products used in dentistry; h. discuss the importance to obtain information from various sources to support and verify information; i. describe and identify information used to document research material using apa work cited style; j. identify and discuss how dental products are marketed to the dental healthcare team and their patients. C. Communication in the Dental Office a. describe the type of relationship the patient and dental team should have; b. discuss oral communications; and identify the differences between verbal and nonverbal communications; c. describe and discuss good telephone courtesy; d. describe and compare the handling of different types of telephone calls; 2 e. f. g. h. describe external and internal marketing; discuss stress in the dental practice; discuss the team concept of the dental healthcare team for better communication; identify and categorize information to recognize and identify the existing dental offices and types of dentistry on maui. D. Business Operating Systems a. discuss the role of the office manager/business assistant in the dental office; b. identify types of practice records and files; c. identify how to use these filling systems: alphabetical, numerical, cross-reference, chronologic, and subject; d. describe the process of scheduling appointments for optimum productivity; e. identify three types of preventive recall systems, and describe the benefits of each; f. describe the function of computerized practice management systems and manual bookkeeping systems; g. discuss the management of inventory systems. E. The Dental Office a. describe the areas of the dental environment in a professional office; b. discuss the qualities of the reception area; c. describe the goals in designing the dental treatment area; d. list the clinical equipment commonly found in the dental treatment areas; e. discuss the basic function of the dental unit; f. discuss the important qualities of the reception area; g. discuss evening and morning routines for dental assistants. F. Marketing Your Skills a. identify and determine career goals to develop a personal philosophy; b. identify potential career opportunities in the dental healthcare field; c. describe and prepare a letter of application and professional resume; d. describe the preparation and demeanor needed for a job interview; e. describe a follow-up letter; f. describe and discuss a completed job application form; g. discuss the elements of an employment agreement; h. describe the steps for achieving career objectives; i. describe and discuss the steps for job termination. j. G. Financial Management in the Dental Office a. financial management in the dental office b. describe the function of computerized practice management systems and manual bookkeeping systems; c. discuss and demonstrate making financial arrangements with a patient; d. describe the importance and management of collections in the dental office; e. discuss the purpose of business summaries; 3 f. discuss common payroll withholding taxes and discuss the financial responsibility of the employer; g. discuss the purpose of dental insurance; h. identify insurance fraud; i. describe check writing; j. prepare check stubs and checks; k. describe the claim form processing; l. discuss and identify dental procedures and coding; m. identify parties involved with dental insurance; n. identify the types of prepaid dental programs; o. discuss managed care; p. discuss and define basic dental terminology; q. discuss dental insurance dual coverage; r. describe the procedure and purpose of claims forms follow-up; s. prepare and formulate the patient filling claim form; H. Safety Net Dental Clinic Manual – Section V Purchasing & Inventory Management a. describe purchasing dental supplies b. describe the types of systems used to maintain and order supplies c. describe the methods of tracking inventory. d. discuss where to purchase dental supply materials. 7. Recommended Course Content and approximate time spent on each topic: Linked to #6. Student learning Outcomes. Week 1 A. The Dental Health Care Team B. The Patient Record Week 2 B. The Patient Record continued Week 3 C. Communication in the Dental Office Week 4 D. Communication in the Dental Office continued Week 5 E. The Dental Office Week 6 Maui County Fair Week 7 E. The Dental Office continued Week 8 Midterm Week 9 F. Marketing Your Skills Week 10 G. Financial Management in the Dental Office Week 11 G Financial Management in the Dental Office continued Week 12 G Financial Management in the Dental Office continued Week 13 G Financial Management in the Dental Office Week 14 G Financial Management in the Dental Office Week 15 Final Exam 8. Text and Materials, Reference Materials, Auxillary Materials and Content: Bird, D. et al, Torres and Ehrich Modern Dental Assisting, current edition, W.B. Saunders Co; ISBN: 0721695299. 4 Torres, Hazel, Modern Dental Assisting: Saunders Co; Workbook, current edition, W.B. Safety Net Dental Clinic Manual http://www.dentalclinicmanual.com Your Career in Dental Business Administration (Video) Rolodex – 100 card with cover 9. Recommended Course Requirments and Evaluation Quizzes: 15% Midterm: 20% Assignments: 20% Individual Presentation: 10% Final exam: 25% Attendance, Punctuality, and Attitude, follow DA program and college guideline: 10% 10. Methods of Instruction: Lecture Discussion Resource Persons Group Presentation Field Site Visits Videos 5