Maui Community College Course Outline 1. Alpha and Number





1. Alpha and Number

Course Title


Date of Outline

2. Course Description

3. Contact Hours/Type

Maui Community College

Course Outline


Environment and Ecology Lab


15 March 2004

Laboratory to accompany Biology 124

3 hours lab per week

4. Prerequisites


Biology 124 with a C or better, or concurrent enrollment and placement at

ENG 100

Recommended Preparation

Approved by __________________________________ Date________________



General Course Objectives

Biology 124L is designed to provide experiences with the concepts of ecology and environmental issues. This course encourages individual responsibility for environmental protection. Lab activities explore the scientific concepts in the areas of geography, geology, meteorology, and biology in the context of the natural ecosystems of Hawai‘i. Students will use the scientific method of problem solving and critical thinking skills to analyze current environmental issues and the impacts of humans on natural systems.

For detailed information on how Biology 124L focuses on the Maui Community

College general education standards, see the attached curricular grid.

Biology 124L fulfills one of the 10 credits for the Natural Science requirement for

A.A. and A.S. degrees at Maui Community College. This course fulfills the requirements for the University of Hawai’i at Manoa General Education,

Diversification, Natural Science, Laboratory (D/Y.)

6. Student Learning Outcomes

For assessment purposes, these are linked to #7. Recommended Course Content.

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to: a.

demonstrate the correct use of standard field and laboratory techniques and equipment; b.

design and carry out an experiment to test a hypothesis about an environmental question including outlining materials and procedures; collecting and analyzing data; and writing an abstract, introduction, summary, conclusion, and discussion of the results; c.

explain and/or demonstrate tests for various kinds of environmental pollution, including water, air, soil, noise, light, and radioactivity and identify the recommended safe ranges; d.

describe the abiotic factors, general characteristics, and limiting factors of selected native Hawaiian habitats (such as coastal strand, rocky intertidal, coral reef, stream, lava field, anchialine pond, coastal wetland, dry forest, mesic forest, rain forest, sub-alpine scrub, alpine-aeolian); e.

identify common species associated with selected native Hawaiian habitats; f.

explain and give examples of the problems associated with the introduction of alien species into Hawai‘i and identify serious invasive alien species; g.

design and carry out a population analysis; h.

identify and hypothesize scientific explanations for current environmental problems in Hawai‘i; i.

record and communicate observations of naturally occurring phenomena clearly and objectively;


7. Recommended Course Content and Approximate Time Spent on Each Topic

Linked to #6. Student Learning Outcomes.

1 session Ice breaker/get acquainted activity

Introduction to the course syllabus including a discussion of course materials, assignments, experiments, Service-Learning, field trip schedule and rules, safety, and transportation

1-2 weeks Standard tests for environmental pollutants (a, c)

2-4 weeks Environmental problems affecting island ecosystems (a, d, g, h)

1-4 weeks Local methods of dealing with environmental pollutants and problems (a, c)

1 week Design and set up experiment on local environmental problem

(a, b, c)

2-10 weeks Carry out experiment (a, b, c)

4-6 weeks Native Hawaiian habitats (such as coastal strand, rocky intertidal, coral reef, stream, lava field, anchialine pond, coastal wetland, dry forest, mesic forest, rain forest, sub-alpine scrub, alpineaeolian) (a, d, e, f, i)

2-4 weeks Population ecology (a, b, g, i)

1 week Presentations of experimental results (a, b, h)


Text and Materials, Reference Materials, Auxiliary Materials and Content

At the time the course is offered, the lab manual and other materials will be selected from the best and most up-to-date materials available at the time, such as

Lynn. 2002. Environmental Biology and Ecology Lab Manual.


General reference materials, field guides, and videos will be available in the Open

Reserve Room at the MCC Library and will include the materials such as those listed at


Recommended Course Requirements and Evaluation

Course requirements will vary with the instructor and should include the following

0-8% attendance

0-50% notes or answers to questions on text assignments, supplemental articles, discussions, guest speakers, videos, DVDs, CDs, network TV

0-8% programs, etc study log

10-90% tests and quizzes

0-60% homework and class activities


0-50% individual and/or group projects, or service-learning projects


Methods of Instruction

Methods of instruction will vary with the instructor and should include, but not be limited to, the following: a. quizzes and tests with feedback and discussion; b.

class discussions; c.

field trips; d.

experiments; e.

problem solving and critical thinking activities; f.

narrated 35-mm slide and/or PowerPoint presentations; g.

videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs with detailed viewing guide and discussion questions; h.

guest speakers and attendance at appropriate public lectures; i.

group activities; j.

oral reports and other student presentations; k.

games and simulations; l.

homework assignments such as

- reading, or watching, and writing summaries and reactions to environmental

issues in the media including broadcast television, newspapers, video, magazines, journals, lectures, web-based material, and other sources;

- reading text and reference materials and answering discussion questions;

- researching environmental issues and problems; m.

web-based assignments and activities; n.

reflective journals; o.

group and/ or individual research projects with reports or poster presentations; p.

study logs and study groups; q.

service-learning, community service, and/or civic engagement projects; and r.

other contemporary learning techniques (such as problem-based learning, investigative case-based learning, co-op, internships, self-paced programs, etc.)
