17110 28-Jun-16 1 of 7 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Integrate knowledge, skills, and values learning in a Pacific Island social service setting level: 4 credit: 15 planned review date: June 2002 sub-field: Social Services purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to identify knowledge, skills, and values in two workplace situations in a Pacific Island social service setting, and integrate new learning into a knowledge, skills, and value base for Pacific Island social service practice. entry information: Open. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry. moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by Community Support Services ITO Limited (Careerforce). New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 17110 28-Jun-16 2 of 7 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Integrate knowledge, skills, and values learning in a Pacific Island social service setting special notes: 1 People awarded credit in this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of te tino rangatiratanga and kawanatanga of the Treaty of Waitangi, and are able to demonstrate knowledge of how to apply the articles of the Treaty of Waitangi to social services. They are able to apply this knowledge to the context of assessment for this unit standard (for further clarification, please refer to Unit 7927, Demonstrate knowledge of the application of the Treaty of Waitangi in the social services). 2 Pacific Island refers primarily to the main island groups represented in New Zealand, namely Samoan, Tongan, Cook Island, Niuean, Tokelauan, Fijian, Tuvaluan, Solomon Islands, Kiribati. 3 It is anticipated that people seeking award of credit in this unit standard will demonstrate competence and be assessed in a workplace in Pacific Island social services, whether through paid or unpaid employment, or in a fieldwork placement in a workplace negotiated by an education provider. 4 Pacific Island social service workers include but are not limited to: community workers, counsellors, social workers, youth workers, and others who deliver Pacific Island social services, whether paid or unpaid. Pacific Island social service worker is used to refer to the person seeking award of credit in this unit standard. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 17110 28-Jun-16 3 of 7 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Integrate knowledge, skills, and values learning in a Pacific Island social service setting 5 This unit standard is based upon generic knowledge, skills, and values for social service practice and specific knowledge, skills, and values for Pacific Island social service practice. The generic knowledge, skills, and values for social services are defined in: Community Support Services ITO Limited (Careerforce). 1997. Guidelines for Providers of Education and Training in the Social Services. Wellington: Community Support Services ITO Limited (Careerforce). (N.B. Pacific Island social service theory within New Zealand is in development). Specific knowledge, skills, and values for Pacific Island social service practice includes but is not limited to the competencies defined in unit standards from: FIELD: COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES Sub-field: Social Services domain: Pacific Island social services. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 17110 28-Jun-16 4 of 7 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Integrate knowledge, skills, and values learning in a Pacific Island social service setting Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Identify knowledge, skills, and values in two workplace situations in a Pacific Island social service setting. Range: the two workplace situations may occur in different Pacific Island social service settings. performance criteria 1.1 Description of two workplace situations in a Pacific Island social service setting identifies the specific knowledge, skills, and values for Pacific Island social service practice that were relevant to the situations. Range: 1.2 evidence is required of three statements for each situation identifying relevant specific knowledge, skills, and values for Pacific Island social service practice. Reflection on two workplace situations in a Pacific Island social service setting identifies the knowledge that was used to explain and/or guide the Pacific Island social service worker's actions. Range: evidence is required of three statements of knowledge for Pacific Island social service practice that were used to explain and/or guide the Pacific Island social service worker's actions in each situation. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 17110 28-Jun-16 5 of 7 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Integrate knowledge, skills, and values learning in a Pacific Island social service setting 1.3 Reflection on two workplace situations in a Pacific Island social service setting identifies the skills that were used in the situations by the Pacific Island social service worker. Range: 1.4 evidence is required of three skills for Pacific Island social service practice that were used in each situation by the Pacific Island social service worker. Reflection on two workplace situations in a Pacific Island social service setting identifies the values that were used to support and/or guide the Pacific Island social service worker's actions. Range: evidence is required of three values for Pacific Island social service practice that were used in each situation to support and/or guide the Pacific Island social service worker's actions. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 17110 28-Jun-16 6 of 7 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Integrate knowledge, skills, and values learning in a Pacific Island social service setting element 2 Integrate new learning into a knowledge, skills, and value base for Pacific Island social service practice. Range: evidence of the integration of new learning is required in relation to two workplace situations in a Pacific Island social service setting; the two workplace situations may occur in different Pacific Island social service settings. performance criteria 2.1 Reflection on two workplace situations in a Pacific Island social service setting identifies new learning for the Pacific Island social service worker in terms of her/his existing knowledge, skills, and values base for Pacific Island social service practice. Range: 2.2 new learning - knowledge, skills, values; evidence is required of one new learning in each of the workplace situations for each of the range. Reflection on new learning identifies links to Pacific Island theory and research. Range: Pacific Island theory and research - Pacific Island research, Pacific Island literature, Pacific Island oral traditions, Pacific Island genealogy, Pacific Island history and political development, Pacific Island community development in New Zealand; evidence is required of linkage of new learning to two of the range. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 17110 28-Jun-16 7 of 7 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Integrate knowledge, skills, and values learning in a Pacific Island social service setting 2.3 Integration of new learning is identified according to development of the Pacific Island social service worker's knowledge, skills, and value base for Pacific Island social service practice. Range: development - personal, cultural, professional. Comments to: Careerforce PO Box 2637 Wellington 6140 Please Note: Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can offer programmes of education and training assessed against unit standards. Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit standards. [Please refer to relevant Plan ref: 0222] New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016