MANAGE SOCIAL SERVICES social service provider

13081 version 3
1 of 8
Conduct a Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a
social service provider
planned review date:
June 2006
Social Services
People credited with this unit standard are able to: establish
the plan for a Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a social service
provider; conduct the Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a social
service provider; analyse the audit information; report on the
Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit; and reflect on the Te Tiriti o
Waitangi audit.
entry information:
accreditation option:
Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA, industry and
teaching professional in the same field from another
moderation option:
A centrally established and directed national moderation
system has been set up by Community Support Services ITO
Limited (Careerforce).
special notes:
People awarded credit in this unit standard are able to
implement Te Tiriti o Waitangi in the social services
according to the authority and resources available to
them, and are able to demonstrate application of this
competence to the context of assessment for this unit
standard (for further clarification, please refer to Unit
7928, Implement Te Tiriti o Waitangi in the social
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016
13081 version 3
2 of 8
Conduct a Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a
social service provider
Durie, Prof. M. H. 1994. The CHI Model - A Culturally
Appropriate Auditing Model - Guidelines for Public
Health Services. Wellington: Public Health Commission
- Rangapu Hauora Tumatanui.
Audit is a systematic and independent examination to
determine whether matters such as policies,
organisational structures, procedures, services, staffing,
and resources comply with the organisation's kaupapa
or mission, goals and objectives, and planned activities,
and whether these matters are implemented effectively
and are suitable to achieve objectives. In the context of
this unit standard, the focus is on audit against the
articles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Characteristics and needs may be physical, spiritual, or
mental. Characteristics and needs include: age and
stage of development, culture, disability, gender, health
status, language, sexual orientation, and needs for
physical comfort, safety, and privacy.
Critical reference group refers to the group of people
whom the social service provider is intended to benefit.
The critical reference group comprises the people to
whom the auditor and service provider must refer to
accurately identify the group's needs, evaluative
opinion, and solutions. The critical reference group
may therefore include people who are referred to as
clients or participants in other unit standards in the Sub
Field: Social Services.
Acknowledgements Wadsworth, Yoland. 1991. Everyday audit on the run.
Melbourne: Action Research Issues Association
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016
13081 version 3
3 of 8
Conduct a Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a
social service provider
In the context of this unit standard the critical reference
group comprises key people from the hapū or iwi whose
perspective informs the audit. Key people include but
are not limited to the people who are given the authority
or mana to speak on behalf of the hapū or iwi by virtue
of their position, expertise, or knowledge.
Organisation refers to a social service provider.
Stakeholders may include but are not limited to Te Tiriti
o Waitangi partners, funders, paid and unpaid staff, the
governing body of the organisation, contractors to the
organisation, and key people in the community.
This unit standard may be assessed on the basis of
evidence of demonstrated performance in the
workplace or in simulated work situations designed to
draw upon similar performance to that required in work.
Evidence is required that the audit process is based
upon the articles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Evidence is
required of competence in one audit of one social
service provider.
People awarded credit in this unit standard show that
their actions are guided and supported by valid theory
for social service practice. Evidence is required of
social service theory that is derived from authoritative
sources, which may include but are not limited to: body
of knowledge related to social service work; cultural
theory; practice research.
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016
13081 version 3
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Conduct a Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a
social service provider
Elements and Performance Criteria
element 1
Establish the plan for a Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a social service provider.
performance criteria
The terms of reference for the audit are defined according to negotiation with
the service provider.
The terms of reference for the audit are prepared to relevant criteria.
terms of reference - the terms are clearly stated, unambiguous,
and concise; the terms include goals and objectives for the audit,
identification of people to be involved in the audit, matters to be
audited, where it is to be audited, when it is to be audited, by
whom it is to be audited, the rationale for undertaking the audit, Te
Tiriti o Waitangi obligations and considerations, audit criteria;
audit criteria include but are not limited to - kāwanatanga, tino
rangatiratanga, and ōritetanga;
matters to be audited may include but are not limited to - the
organisation's legislative base or other founding documents; the
organisation's kaupapa, mission, goals, and/or objectives;
organisational structures; decision making processes and
procedures; practice effectiveness; policies; programmes;
projects; resources; staffing.
Evidence is required of two matters to be audited.
The rationale for the audit is stated in terms of factors to be included in the audit
factors to be included in the audit plan - the need for and purpose
of the audit, the views and interests of the critical reference group
and other stakeholders, the characteristics and needs of people
involved in the audit.
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13081 version 3
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Conduct a Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a
social service provider
The audit plan defines all factors relevant to the audit according to consultation
with the critical reference group and other stakeholders.
The method for the audit is selected according to relevant criteria.
all factors relevant to the audit - audit method; the work plan for
implementation of the audit; the human, financial, and physical
resources required to implement the audit; the nature and scope
of the information to be gathered and analysed; predicted
application and limitations of the audit; identification of sources of
relevant criteria - Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations and
considerations, the characteristics and needs of the critical
reference group and other stakeholders, the role of the critical
reference group in the audit, the nature of the social service
provider, matters to be audited, the available resources, time
The audit plan defines all aspects of the method.
all aspects - the purpose and role of the auditor(s); kawa,
protocols and methods for information gathering; recording of
information; analysis of information; presentation of report on audit
The audit method addresses requirements for validity and reliability.
Identification of and communications with proposed informants for the audit are
in accordance with service provider guidelines.
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13081 version 3
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Conduct a Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a
social service provider
element 2
Conduct the Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a social service provider.
performance criteria
Materials are prepared to conduct the audit according to the design of the audit
method in the plan.
Sources of information in the audit plan are accessed according to the terms of
the plan.
Information is gathered, organised, recorded, and stored according to the audit
methodology defined in the plan and service provider guidelines.
element 3
Analyse the audit information.
performance criteria
Audit information is analysed in consultation with the critical reference group
according to audit criteria in the plan.
Analysis focuses on determining the degree to which the social service
organisation is effective and responsive to Māori needs and interests in the
matters that are the subject of the audit.
Audit information is analysed in accordance with the methods identified in the
audit plan.
Conclusions drawn from the analysis are valid and relevant to the goals and
objectives and rationale for the audit.
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13081 version 3
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Conduct a Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a
social service provider
element 4
Report on the Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit.
performance criteria
The audit report is a full and accurate report of all matters relevant to the audit
all matters relevant to the audit plan - audit planning, the purpose
and role of the auditor(s), implementation of the audit plan, audit
method, information gathered, analysis of information,
conclusions, recommendations.
The audit report is presented in written form or presented orally according to the
terms of the plan and service provider guidelines.
Audit reports are provided to the critical reference group and other stakeholders
according to the audit plan and any requirements of funders of the audit.
Any amendments to the audit report are completed in accordance with any
provisions in the plan to negotiate the content of the final report with the critical
reference group.
element 5
Reflect on the Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit.
performance criteria
Reflection addresses all aspects of the audit process.
all aspects of the audit process - terms of reference for the audit,
audit planning, the purpose and role of the auditor(s),
implementation of the audit plan, analysis of information, reporting
of the audit.
Reflection on all aspects of the audit process addresses the validity of the audit
process in the context of the audited organisation.
Reflection on all aspects of the audit identifies the appropriateness of the audit
plan and criteria to the characteristics and needs of the critical reference group.
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13081 version 3
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Conduct a Te Tiriti o Waitangi audit of a
social service provider
Reflection incorporates consideration of feedback from the critical reference
group where this has been negotiated with the group.
Any amendments to audit processes are formulated in accordance with the
outcome of the reflection, agreement with the critical reference group where this
has been negotiated with the group, and service provider guidelines.
Comments to:
PO Box 2637
Wellington 6140
Please Note:
Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority
before they can offer programmes of education and training
assessed against unit standards.
Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must
engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit
standards. [Please refer to relevant Plan ref: 0222]
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016