Qualification details

Qualification details
New Zealand Certificate in Textile Manufacturing (Level 4) with an optional
strand in Technical Leadership
Qualification type
60 (or 120 if including the optional strand)
030105 Engineering and Related Technologies > Manufacturing,
Engineering and Technology > Textile Making
Qualification developer
Next review
December 2020
Approval date
October 2015
Strategic purpose statement
This qualification is intended for people entering into or already
working in industrial textile manufacturing who wish to gain a
formal qualification.
The purpose of this qualification is to provide the textile
manufacturing sector with people who have the skills and
knowledge to setup, troubleshoot and coordinate textile
manufacturing processes.
Graduates will operate at a leadership level with limited
The optional strand in technical leadership recognises specialist
knowledge and increased scope, skill and knowledge in textile
manufacturing processes.
Graduate profile
Graduates will be able to:
Identify, diagnose and rectify operational issues in a
textile manufacturing environment.
Use effective communication, conflict resolution,
guidance, leadership and self-management skills to
foster teamwork and coordinate a safe, environmentally
responsible, textile manufacturing process operation.
Operate and maintain textile manufacturing equipment
and machinery to meet textile production, safety and
quality requirements.
Outcome Statement
Graduates of the optional Technical Leadership strand will also
be able to:
Education pathway
Qualification Reference 2978
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
Apply knowledge of textile manufacturing machinery,
electronic user control, drive and mechanical systems
to diagnose, rectify and/or report machinery faults.
Provide technical leadership to a textile manufacturing
production process to meet specifications.
This qualification builds on the New Zealand Certificate in
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Manufacturing (Level 3) with optional strand in Productivity
Improvement [Ref: 2730].
This qualification may lead to the New Zealand Certificate in
Textile Machine Setting (Level 5) [Ref: 2980].
Further skills and knowledge in operational management can be
gained through completing the New Zealand Certificate in
Manufacturing (Level 5) [Ref: 2732].
Employment pathway
Graduates will be qualified for employment as a leading hand in
a textile production process operation such as the operational
responsibility of a machine in the production line for yarn
manufacturing, carpet tufting or weft knitting.
Graduates of the optional strand will have additional technical
leadership skills that may qualify them for employment as
supervisor of a specific textile manufacturing process such as
yarn making, yarn finishing, tufting, or carpet finishing.
Qualification specifications
Qualification award
This qualification may be awarded by any organisation with an
approved programme of study or industry training programme.
Evidence requirements for
assuring consistency
Evidence will include the following:
Minimum standard of
achievement and standards for
grade endorsements
Employer surveys to determine if graduates of the
qualification meet graduate profile outcomes
Evidence of effective processes to ensure programmes
continue to meet current industry needs
A range of workplace evidence demonstrating that
graduates meet the graduate profile outcomes
Any other relevant evidence as appropriate
Other requirements for the
qualification (including regulatory
body or legislative requirements)
General conditions for the programme leading to the qualification
General conditions for
This qualification will typically be achieved in a workplace
Conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification outcomes
Programme must include overarching process related
aspects including:
Identify, diagnose and rectify
operational issues in a textile
manufacturing environment
Qualification Reference 2978
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
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20 credits
Manufacturing process analysis
Streamlining and improving process
Problem solving process issues
Continuous improvement
Use effective communication,
conflict resolution, guidance,
leadership and self-management
skills to foster teamwork and
coordinate a safe, environmentally
responsible, textile manufacturing
process operation.
20 credits
Operate textile manufacturing
equipment and machinery to meet
textile production, safety and quality
20 credits
Technical leadership optional strand
Apply knowledge of textile
manufacturing machinery electronic
user control, drive and mechanical
systems to diagnose, rectify and/or
report machinery faults.
Programme must include:
 Variable Speed drives
 Diagnostic interpretation of electronic user
25 credits
Provide technical leadership to a
textile manufacturing production
process to meet specifications.
Programme must include:
 Machine adjustment
 Output specification monitoring
35 credits
 Communication of technical details
Transition information
Replacement information
This qualification replaced the National Certificate in Textiles Manufacture
(Advanced Operations) (Level 3) with strands in Textile Processing, and
Textile Testing [Ref: 1122]; National Certificate in Textiles Manufacture
(Fibre Blending) (Level 4) with strands in Woollen Processing, and SemiWorsted and Worsted Processing [Ref: 0151]; National Certificate in
Carpet Manufacture (Advanced Carpet Tufting) (Level 4) [Ref: 0278];
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Advanced Operations) (Level
3) [Ref: 1278]; National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Carpet
Weaving) (Level 3) with strands in Wilton Weaving, Spool Axminster
Weaving, and Gripper Axminster Weaving [Ref: 0282]; National
Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Tufted Carpet Finishing) (Level 4) [Ref:
0283], National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Tufted Carpet
Inspection and Grading) (Level 4) [Ref: 0284]; National Certificate in
Carpet Manufacture (Woven Carpet Finishing and Inspection) (Level 3)
[Ref: 0285]; National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Woven Carpet
Loom Tuning) (Level 4) [Ref: 0286]; National Certificate in Industrial
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Machine Knitting (Knitted Goods Production) (Level 3) [Ref: 0839];
National Certificate in Industrial Machine Knitting (Service and Repair)
(Level 3) [Ref: 0840]
The last date for entry into the replaced qualifications is 31 December 2016. The last date for
assessment against the replaced qualifications is 31 December 2019.
It is anticipated that no existing candidates will be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements.
However, anyone who feels that they have been disadvantaged may appeal to Competenz at the
address below. Appeals will be considered on a case by case basis.
Competenz, PO Box 9005, Newmarket, Auckland 1149.
Qualification Reference 2978
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
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