Healthcare provider pre- and post-education questionnaire (knowledge questions only)

Healthcare provider pre- and post-education questionnaire (knowledge questions only)
1. Which of the following will not transmit hepatitis B?
A. From mother to newborn
B. Sharing utensils with hepatitis B patient
C. Through unprotected sexual contact
D. Contact with hepatitis B patient’s blood or infected body fluid
E. Don’t know
2. What is the most effective way to prevent hepatitis B infection?
A. Avoid contact with blood and body fluid from hepatitis B patient
B. Avoid contact with hepatitis B patient
C. Avoid sharing utensils with hepatitis B patient
D. Receive hepatitis B vaccine
E. Receive hepatitis B immunoglobulin
F. Don’t know
3. Which of the following hepatitis B markers can be used to confirm the hepatitis B diagnosis
when it remains positive for more than 6 months?
A. Anti-HBs
B. Anti-HBc
C. Anti-HBe
D. HBeAg
E. HBsAg
F. Don’t know
4. Which of the following testing results indicate the need for hepatitis B vaccine to prevent new
A. HBsAg (+) and anti-HBs (-)
B. HBsAg (-) and anti-HBs (+)
C. HBsAg (-) and anti-HBs (-)
D. HBsAg (+) and anti-HBs (+)
E. HBsAg (-) and anti-HBc (-)
F. Don’t know
5. Which of the following is incorrect?
A. In China chronic hepatitis B infection mainly occurs at birth or in childhood
B. Most hepatitis B infections at birth or in childhood have no symptoms
C. A person can be asymptomatic for a long time after hepatitis B infection
D. Chronic hepatitis B infected individuals don’t need to see a doctor if they have no symptoms
E. Don’t know
6. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the treatment of hepatitis B?
A. All chronic hepatitis B infected persons will need treatment
B. Long-term treatment under a doctor’s instruction is needed for the treatment of chronic
hepatitis B
C. Appropriate treatment of chronic hepatitis B can prevent liver cancer
D. Currently there is no cure for chronic hepatitis B
E. Don’t know
7. Which of the following is the most effective treatment for chronic hepatitis B?
Anti-inflammatory drug
Anti-fibrosis drug
Anti-viral drug
Drug improving liver function
Chinese herbs
Don’t know
Post-campaign questionnaire (knowledge questions only) for healthcare providers, city residents and
chronically infected individuals
1. Which of the following will not transmit hepatitis B?
A. From mother to newborn
B. Contact hepatitis B patient’s blood
C. Through sexual contact
D. Sharing utensils with hepatitis B patient
2. Which of the following can be used to confirm hepatitis B infection?
A. Has hepatitis B symptoms
B. Blood test
C. Image test
D. Physical exam
3. What is the most effective way to prevent hepatitis B infection?
A. Avoid contact with hepatitis B patient
B. Avoid sharing utensils with hepatitis B patient
C. Avoid contact with blood and body fluid from hepatitis B patient
D. Receive hepatitis B vaccine
4. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the treatment of hepatitis B?
A. Currently there is no cure for chronic hepatitis B
B. Not every infected person will need treatment
C. Chronic hepatitis B infected person does not need treatment if there is no symptom
D. Appropriate treatment of chronic hepatitis B can prevent liver cancer