History Lingo:

History Lingo:
If you’ve had your “WATERLOO” – You’ve given your dream one last comeback shot –
as in “I know I accidentally fell off the stage last year, but this year is my senior year and
the talent show will be my Waterloo!”
origin: battle fought by Napoleon after escaping exile on the island of Elba, returning to
France and rallying his army to fight once again.
If you're as "RICH AS POTOSI" - you've got tons of money - as in - "That kid who flies
to school in his private jet is as rich as Potosi"
origin: the rich silver mine of colonial Bolivia located in the high Andean city of Potosi
If you've "CROSSED THE RUBICON" - you've declared war and there's no turning back
- as in - "You have stolen my tater tots one too many time my friend. This time you have
crossed the Rubicon"
origin: When Julius Caesar left his legal domain in Gaul and marched on his enemy
Pompey in Rome. When Caesar crossed the Rubicon River marking the border of
provincial Gaul, there was no turning back.
If you're "IN TIMBUKTU" - you're in the middle of nowhere - as in - "The mall was so
crowded I had to park so far away out in Timbuktu"
origin: the city that lays at the southern edge of the Sahara Desert is seemingly in a very
remote part of the world, though it was actually on important Trans-Saharan trade routes
and was an important center of Islamic scholarship.
If you're a "LUDDITE" - you fear new technology - as in - "Mr. Palmieri told me IPods
are stupid. He's such a luddite"
origin: groups of Englishmen in the early 1800's went around the Midlands smashing new
machinery that they feared would put them out of work. They were named for their leader,
Ned Ludd.