Dr. Cynthia Clark Brown
Director of Choral Activities cbrown@raleighcharterhs.org
5 August 2015
Dear Students and Parents:
Welcome to Raleigh Charter High School and the 2015-2016 school year. I trust that your summer was wonderful and that you are excited about our work together this year.
In this handbook are procedures, guidelines, and a syllabus. Please look over this information carefully; then print and sign the acknowledgment form at the end of this handbook. Your signatures verify that you understand the requirements and the dates that are included. I encourage you to take the time now to place the dates on your calendars. Your student should return this acknowledgement form no later than Wednesday, August 19. You can refer to the syllabus throughout the year by accessing it on my website.
Helpful web sites for the year will be the RCHS site ( www.raleighcharterhs.org
) and my web site ( www.raleighcharterhs.org/faculty/cbrown ).
I would like to invite all parents of choral students to a meeting on Tuesday, August 18 th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in the Music Room (Room 212). This time will afford us an opportunity to look at the year ahead and to address needs and concerns.
I look forward to our work together this year.
Dr. Cynthia C. Brown
Raleigh Charter High School
Dr. Cynthia Clark Brown cbrown@raleighcharterhs.org
; www.raleighcharterhs.org
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared with what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Course Description
In this course, choral literature is studied in both classical and contemporary fields. The method of study is of a more global nature, integrating singing and vocal health with music theory, music history and appreciation, and the development of listening and sight reading skills. No prerequisites are required. Students will however be required to perform outside the regular class period.
Objectives of the Course
To develop a choral ensemble to its greatest potential.
To integrate singing and choral literature with music theory, music history and appreciation, socio-cultural background and the development of listening and sight reading skills.
To perform a variety of choral literature from all historical periods and from contemporary repertoire.
Requirements of the Course
Respectful attitude and cooperation
(paying attention and participating in rehearsals, having all necessary music and a pencil at each rehearsal, following directions, not talking during rehearsal)
Singing accuracy
(small group and individual testing)
Development of music knowledge and skills
(quizzes in music theory, sightreading, music history and appreciation, diction)
Attendance and Participation in Performances
Winter Concert: Monday, December 7
Spring Concert: Monday, May 16
Unexcused absences from Winter or Spring performances will result in lowering the respective semester grade by seven (7) points.
In addition, students are expected to be present for the entire concert which usually lasts from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm on the concert nights.
Please be aware that these dates could be changed. If this happens, every effort will be made to give timely information on any changes that take place.
Various informal performances and community service opportunities
Projects and papers
Concert Dress:
Ladies: Black skirt, white long-sleeved blouse, closed-toe black shoes
Men: Black pants, white long-sleeved shirt, dark tie, dark shoes
Grading will be determined according to the following scale:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59-0 F
Individual Testing (10%)
Singing Tests (20%)
Written Tests
Late work will be graded as follows:
1 day late -3 points
2 days late
3+ days late
-7 points
Final grade will be determined as follows:
Classroom attitude and cooperation* 20%
Singing accuracy 30%
*Attitude and Cooperation
Student comes to class prepared, arriving on time and ready to participate in class. Student is attentive and always responds when called on. Student volunteers often and any questions or comments the student makes are pertinent.
B Student is usually prepared. Student always responds when called on and volunteers on occasion. Student is attentive and asks only appropriate questions and makes pertinent comments.
C Student shows evidence of being unprepared on occasion. Student may also arrive late or leave early in some instances. Student responds when called upon.
D Student is unprepared and/or inattentive. Student rarely volunteers.
Student may ask unnecessary questions or make inappropriate comments.
F Student exhibits lack of concern for the class. His or her behavior may have a negative effect on the class.
Be in your seat with your music, pencil and notebook at the beginning of the period.
Prepare your music rehearsal order as indicated on the white board.
You may talk quietly until the director steps on the podium, at which time all talking stops.
No talking during rehearsal without the director’s permission.
No gum, food, or drink (except capped water) in the rehearsal room.
Only pencils are to be used during rehearsal, quizzes or tests/exams. Marks in music should be in pencil only and of a general nature.
See the syllabus
Other dates may be added. You will be informed of these dates in a timely manner.
Students should bring their music, notebook, and a pencil to class every day. An announcement will be made in class for bringing in theory books.
Students are to participate every day, even if they are sick. They are expected to follow along, listen, and remain in their seats. They will not be allowed to do other homework.
Students will be issued music and a folder. This music is school property and must not be lost or damaged beyond use. Any student losing music is responsible for replacing it or paying the cost of the materials.
Music should be marked in pencil only and all marks should be of a general nature.
Please note that not all of these dates apply to Chorus. Exclamation marks (!) refer to a required date for all choral groups, including Chorus.
August 18
August 18
! August 19
September 24
November 7-8
November 17
! December 7
! December 9
December 16-17
January 7
January 8-9
March 15
April (TBA)
April 19
April 26
April 29-30
! May 11
! May 16
May 31-June
Lunch NC Honors Chorus Initial Meeting
(Required for participation!)
6:00-7:00 Choral Parents Meeting, Room 212
Acknowledgement Form Due
NC Honors Choir East Auditions, Meredith College
NC Honors Chorus at NCMEA, Winston-Salem
3:00-4:30 Winter Concert Solo Auditions, Room 212
All auditions must be at performance quality and 5 minutes or less in duration.
6:30-9:30 Winter Choral Concert, Peace University
All Late Work Due
Mid-Year Exams
All-State Initial Meeting
(Required for participation!)
UNC-CH All Male Invitational Choral Clinic
6:00-7:00 Tri-M Inductions, Room 212
3:00-6:00 All-State Zone Rehearsal, Location TBA
3:00-4:30 Senior Graduation Music Auditions, Room 212
All auditions must be at performance quality and 5 minutes or less in duration.
3:00-4:30 Spring Concert Solo Auditions, Room 212
All auditions must be at performance quality and 5 minutes or less in duration.
NC All-State Choral Festival (Raleigh)
All Late Work Due
6:30-9:30 Spring Choral Concert, Peace University
Final Exams
! Required for All Choral Students
I have read this handbook and syllabus carefully, noted all dates (performances, state and regional events), and understand the requirements and expectations for this RCHS choral ensemble. (Please write legibly.)