Band Extra Credit Information Each student may go to one extra concert per semester to add 3 points to their final term average for each semester. In other words, students may go to one concert in the Fall Semester for a total of 3 points added to the 3rd Term grade and likewise, may go to one concert in the Spring Semester for a total of 3 points added to the 6th Term grade. You may not get extra credit for a concert in which you are a performer. One of the two concerts must be a concert band or wind ensemble concert. Concerts by Triangle Wind Ensemble, college ensemble concerts and other high school band concerts will count for this credit. The second concert can be of any musical genre – Broadway, Pop/Rock, keyboard, vocal, strings, Wind Ensemble/Band – all count for this credit. Should a student choose not to turn in an extra credit for the Fall Semester, they must attend a concert band or wind ensemble concert in the Spring Semester in order to get extra credit. Students should turn in a program from each concert with their name on the program. The last day to turn in programs will be the last day of Fall classes and the last day of Spring classes. If you are unclear as to whether a concert will count, see Dr. Brown.