Quality of Life in the Workplace - Tiger Team White Paper Report Competitive Compensation Professional Development Cultural Awareness and Collegiality Fit Purdue “Quality is the result of a very carefully constructed Enjoy Purduecultural environment. It has toFriendly be the fabric of the organization, not just part of the fabric.” Family Purdue “Reinvigorating the Purdue Spirit” - P. Crosby Competitive Compensation Professional Development Cultural Awareness and Collegiality Enjoy Purdue Fit Purdue Family Friendly Purdue To attract and retain the best of this generation, assure excellence and global diversity in Purdue’s workforce, a package of compensation should be offered that is is not just comparable, but is highly competitive with our peer institutions, is equitable for all levels of employees and can flex to support the diversity of our workforce and the changes in responsibility that occur over time for Purdue faculty and staff. SALARIES: Work toward faculty/staff/graduate salaries that are competitive with peer institutions; for faculty aim for the top quartile of Big Ten peers. Assure that staff compensation is equitable across campus units and aim to substantially raise the overall salaries of the lowest paid 10% of staff Do a comprehensive review of staff job classifications and link new classifications to a program of professional advancement Competitive Compensation Professional Development Cultural Awareness and Collegiality Enjoy Purdue Fit Purdue Family Friendly Purdue To attract and retain the best of this generation, assure excellence and global diversity in Purdue’s workforce, a package of compensation should be offered that is is not just comparable, but is highly competitive with our peer institutions, is equitable for all levels of employees and can flex to support the diversity of our workforce and the changes in responsibility that occur over time for Purdue faculty and staff. BENEFITS: Provide flexible, cafeteria-style benefits comparable to peer institutions, including parental and elder care leave, a leave donation program and a comprehensive dental plan. Work to improve retirees’ medical insurance position by creative incentives for early savings to a medical retirement plan for faculty and a limited matching program for non-exempt staff Competitive Compensation Professional Development Cultural Awareness and Collegiality Enjoy Purdue Fit Purdue Family Friendly Purdue As a leading national academic institution, Purdue should have an environment that provides respect, recognition and an overall spirit of collegiality among faculty, staff and students. All members of the Purdue family should feel they have an equal voice on campus and are heard by a sympathetic administration. Such an environment should nurture an awareness and appreciation of the diversity and the expansion of our cultural horizons that accompanies becoming a global university. Design and centrally administer a university-wide Diversity Education Initiative Produce a comprehensive program for supervisor training at all levels of the University, require periodic renewal and couple with 360-degree evaluations Keep communication lines open between the administration and Purdue employees and explore a campus-wide ombudsperson program Encourage efforts to increase both internal and external professional awards for faculty and staff to recognize the excellence of Purdue’s best Competitive Compensation Professional Development Cultural Awareness and Collegiality Enjoy Purdue Fit Purdue Family Friendly Purdue To continue to build on its current excellence in this globally competitive era, Purdue will not only have to recruit the best students and faculty, but will also have to attract, train and retain a dedicated, productive and contented Administrative, Professional, Clerical and Service staff. University staff at all levels are eager for opportunities that Purdue can provide to further their education, hone their leadership skills, advance in their career and strive for a better life. Create an Office of Professional Development where employees can receive professional guidance and career counseling with a website coordinating the current excellent offerings of on and off-campus groups Increase the opportunity for professional development by increasing the availability of evening classes or allowing flex time for day classes; developing on-line professional training or degrees Provide 75% tuition reduction for employees and encourage community industry participation in training programs Competitive Compensation Professional Development Cultural Awareness and Collegiality Enjoy Purdue Fit Purdue Family Friendly Purdue In order to enhance the quality of life and create a fit and healthy Purdue community, the university should provide incentives and access to facilities for faculty/staff/retirees and their families to maintain a healthy body weight and to effectively manage stress. Purdue should strive to build these fitness communities that enhance the campus social fabric and can reduce health costs to the university. In parallel with Healthy Purdue, provide a program of incentives to encourage employees to address stress and build community with a regular fitness program Remove barriers to taking up a fitness program by increasing recreational offerings specifically designed for faculty/staff/retirees and their families Provide increased access to current facilities and distributed recreational facilities in order to encourage employee fitness Create a faculty oversight team that includes representatives of departments with research interests in fitness and health Competitive Compensation Fit Purdue Professional Development Cultural Awareness and Collegiality Enjoy Purdue Family Friendly Purdue Purdue has enjoyed the benefits of faculty and staff who are enthusiastic about their work and are willing to put in time and effort to produce the excellence of which we are justifiably proud. In turn, Purdue should provide a family friendly environment for its employees, so that they can excel at their jobs while living a fulfilling personal and family life. Make plans to expand current programs to provide child care, sick care, after school care in convenient campus locations; explore new ways to provide or support elder care; coordinate with community resources Assure that flexible work hours are universally available to Purdue employees Provide resources to address dual career issues for faculty and staff both on hiring and during career development Conduct periodic comprehensive reviews of employee needs relative to work-life balance Competitive Compensation Professional Development Cultural Awareness and Collegiality Enjoy Purdue “Reinvigorating the Purdue Spirit” Fit Purdue Family Friendly Purdue In order for Purdue to become a truly global university, it must also provide a culturally rich and diverse environment which reflects its global population and enriches the life of its faculty and staff. As a leading national university and a cultural center within our community, it is also important that Purdue promote an environment where its employees are able to benefit from the artistic, entertainment and athletic events offered at this campus at affordable rates. Create a central information website for cultural and athletic events on campus; explore central ticketing and track participation by faculty and staff Provide discounts for Purdue employees to encourage participation; as a benefit fund an “events card” that could be used for any campus cultural or athletic event Increase interactions with the community by offering a discounted “family day/night” to popular Purdue programs Build new or rehabilitate current spaces for the visual and performing arts at Purdue “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”