APPENDIX A Short answer responses to Questions 27, 28, and 33

Short answer responses to Questions 27, 28, and 33
QUESTION 27: What do you like best about the SRT system?
Spring 05 – Class 1
Easy and fun to use, very helpful.
It helps to reteach the most important concepts of the lecture.
The fact that it was somewhat anonymous.
If there are questions that you want to ask they are going to probably be on the CPS system.
I liked it because I was able to understand some material better than without the CPS.
For people who are afraid to ask questions, it is an effective tool.
It encourages the students to ask questions.
It allows you to see what you understand & what you need to go back & look over. The questions asked
seem like the most common questions people have & have trouble w/. So it helps the professor better
address certain concepts.
That people don’t know what you answered.
It’s fun to use.
It checks if I actually learn anything and if I didn’t.
It was used to find out what we knew & didn’t know, just like a test.
It tests if I really know information as if a short quiz.
You don’t have to be embarrassed about trying to answer the questions. You won’t feel intimidated that
you would be made fun of for getting the wrong answer.
I liked the fact that the instructor would use the CPS system to review the chapter that was fun.
What I liked best about the CPS system was that it helped me review information and it kind of tested what
I knew.
Sometimes people don’t understand something and they’re afraid to speak out and ask. I feel that the CPS
system solves this problem because the professor can know that people don’t understand when they select
the wrong answers w/ the CPS system and go over the lesson in more detail.
The professor used it to refresh our memories of key concepts and ideas from previous lectures. With the
results he was able to elaborate on a topic more if we did not understand it, and he wouldn’t move on until
we all got most of the CPS questions correct and we still were able to cover all the course material.
It allows for review and also bringing up the important concepts in this course.
Let you know how you were doing in the class and compared to other students anonymously.
You’re able to see if anyone understands the unit or is completely lost.
Spring 05 – Class 2
Provide questions on concepts that will be tested, provides insight about my understanding.
It is different than just straight lecture, it’s a nice change and is hands on because of use of the clickers.
It makes it fun; Like a game.
It is fun to test your knowledge without actually getting graded. CPS kind of turns learning into a game. I
also like that it can be anonymous answers.
I can participate in answering question w/out the fear of being embarrassed if I were to get the answer
That is breaks up class lecture b/c allows professor to make quizzes that are fun to do b/c get to click in
your answer.
It was helpful to see the questions before the tests, but that was about it.
What I like the best about the CPS system is that it catches all of the students’ attention including me. It
feels like everybody is on the same page. It avoids to get lost.
I liked that no one except yourself knew if you had gotten the answer right or wrong.
The ability to check my understanding of different concepts w/o being penalized for wrong answers.
I was actively involved & helped to review for tests.
Adds another elements to class other than lecture and it is a good study tool.
This system allowed us to get quizzed on a day to day basis. As well all results (right/wrong) answers were
kept private.
The ability to see immediate results of all the students’ answers.
Prepares you for the test. Reviews what you don’t know.
It keeps us updated.
Helps you realize what you are still having trouble to understand & what you need to review.
The fact that it’s anonymous to the full class.
Solving problems and understand concepts.
You can answer questions and see if you got them right without everyone else seeing it.
Fun & no one knows if you answered correctly or not.
Ability to see if answered correctly.
Our answers are not disclosed to the entire class. I can put what I think is the right answer w/out thinking
about how my classmates will respond to it.
You can answer question anonymously, so if you get it wrong no one knows and you don’t feel so
I like t he fact that if you answer wrong you don’t feel stupid, because no one else knows what answer you
Trying to answer & thinking about it and immediate results.
That it lets you apply the things you learned in lecture.
The ability to go over large amounts of info quickly, in a fun way.
Spring 05 – Class 3
Breaks up lecture
It helped me realize where I stood in the class compared to other students.
Using it before tests helped prepare for the exams.
It made preparing for exams much easier. It showed me where my level of understanding as so I would
know what to focus on.
It is anonymous.
That the answers picked are anonymous.
I like that it is anonymous.
The attendance system.
It made question answer time more faster & it helps visual learners.
Getting to answer the multiple choice questions. It let me see where I stand. If I did not know the question
when the right question came up I didn’t forget which was good when it came to the exams.
You can answer questions freely.
It makes the class fun and it helps me remember and understand the concepts we went through.
Easy to use.
To review before an exam.
Multiple choice questions.
It’s confidentiality and the fact that we don’t need to raise our hands in front of everyone.
I like that it gives demographics of how many people answered a particular choice. I think it helped the
professor know if she covered the material thoroughly enough.
It’s anonymity.
It’s fun to click your answer in and see if you’re right. It’s different from dry lecture because you get to
It’s multiple choice and goes over important questions.
Opportunity to see/write down test like questions to study at a later time.
Quick guage of where you are in class.
It’s a quick way to take attendance and a good way for students to anonymously answer questions and later
find out why they were right or wrong.
It’s fun to use, creates a sort of fun competition between the class, and breaks up the lecture.
Reinforcement of material/”tangible” information all can see & hear.
Spring 05 – Class 4
Breaks up lecture. (2 responses)
It makes answering the questions more fun.
Allows me to check my understanding immediately.
Helps you to let the teacher know you are lost w/o having to say it, find out others feel the same way.
It’s easy to use and great for review.
The interaction w/ the teacher & the other students.
Makes lecture more interesting.
Fun way to use technology in classroom & gives us a way to gauge ourselves against the rest of the class.
It was a good way for both the students and teacher to see what we know and don’t know.
Helps me get ready for quizzes and exams.
It is a fun system that does not embarrass anyone.
Anonymous/Teacher goes over wrong answers if selected/Shows a good reflection on how much of the
class actually gets what is going on.
It really helped me get the material better.
It’s a fun and out of the ordinary way to learn the material. It allows you to break away from the “lecture”
and let’s you engage a bit more.
I liked that we are able to check our understanding of the concepts presented in class, good in-class study
I like how it’s anonymous & how it allows some time to review important concepts present in lecture. It
also helps me see what kind of questions the professor will ask in future exams.
Get to see the various answers other gave.
It asks important questions on the material covered in class.
It helped me to know what concepts the instructor felt were important.
That you would see if you understood what the instructor was teaching.
It helps prepare for quizzes & test. It gives you mock questions.
The fact that I was able to answer questions without letting the whole class know what I chose.
It allowed me to check my understanding of class material. I knew right after lecture which concepts I still
needed to study.
I liked that the questions were directly linked to the lecture. Helped me understand what main points to
It covered major concepts as well as specific facts pertinent to the chapter.
You can see the results of what the entire class felt was an appropriate response so you can compare your
I like that I immediately know if I got the answer right or not. That way, I know if I need to relearn a
It’s fun & easy to use.
Reinforcement of important concepts.
That I could see if my answer is correct without asking others.
The CPS system helps me study and learn for an exam.
It was different and engaging. It was also fun!
I was able to answer the questions without worrying about being wrong and others knowing I was wrong. I
was more willing to answer the questions by what I knew about the topic and not what others were learning
It is fun. It is useful to understanding concepts. I liked to see how everyone voted. If we did poorly, the
teacher better explained the concepts.
It helps to prepare you for tests and quizzes.
Test your knowledge.
I liked that it provided us with test-like questions. It helped to reinforce some concepts and gave a solid
indication of what types of questions will be asked on exams.
I could answer questions without feeling concerned about what my classmates would think.
That you can figure out how much you need to study for a specific section. (You can really find out how
much you know, or not know)
It tests how much you know about the topic you are learning about and if you get a wrong answer you get
immediate feedback of why it was wrong.
I liked being able to answer the questions, and not worrying if I was wrong. I also liked to see how the
class as a whole answered.
That we can answer questions that may be on the test and no one will know if you know the answer or not.
It gives everyone an opportunity to answer.
Fall 05 – Class 5
Breaks up lecture
It’s different from just a lecture class. Brings more variety in learning experience.
The bar graph showing what everyone scored on a question.
It is a lot easier for the professor.
It is very organized way to keep record and help teacher & student to focus in important things.
Seeing Results immediately to quizzes.
It’s an effective way of taking role. Quick and Easy.
It’s really easy to use.
Quizzes help clarify.
It saved paper & time.
It is a different teaching material.
It made me come to class.
Easy to use and convenient.
It’s a useful tool in addition to the lecture.
Fast answers.
It’s something different.
Fall 05 – Class 6
It’s very different from anything I’ve seen throughout my 5 years in college. It was fun.
It was a good way of getting all students involved without pressures of thinking what ones peers think.
It was something different from what I have experienced in other classrooms.
The breakup of lectures. It’s something new and different.
You right away know your answers and you know as an overall where the class is.
The quizzes, it gave back results quickly.
It allows a different form of test taking and you know right away if you got an answer right or wrong while
the teacher explains why the answer is right or wrong. You self-evaluate where you went wrong and make
the correction without seeing an “F” on any paper.
New method of learning/technology/kept alert
It monitors how well you are doing as the class, but it can point to where most students had difficulty.
Easy and fun to use.
The immediate feedback/anonymous answers/able to compare scores with the rest of the class.
The fact that it made me anonymous in class.
Fun to use, don’t have to use other materials.
Fun to use. Good to see where other students stand in comparison to my standing. Good for quizzes.
That it gave me a chance to brush u on important material.
It’s different and new.
A student can see over all class and personal results immediately.
It made everyone show up on time. The quizzes were helpful for self-monitoring and gauging test
questions/style. But these could be done without CPS.
The ease and it’s fun.
It’s a new idea in taking attendance and to check quiz scores instantly instead of waiting to get my score
It’s easy and gives feedback right away.
Fall 05 – Class 7
That we can click in our attendance even when we are late and it won’t show it.
If my answer was wrong no one knew it was me, & it encouraged me to answer each question.
Ensures review of important concepts.
That it allows students to answer questions without everyone knowing whether you are right or wrong.
The practice quizzes. I am sometimes very ADD & this helped me to really concentrate in class.
It’s an alternate way of asking common questions that most students are too afraid to ask out loud. It’s sort
of an icebreaker for each class period/meeting.
That it makes learning fun.
I like that we were able to review our material and get the correct answer from the instructor immediately.
It’s a fun way to answer questions.
When taking quizzes with it you are not singled out for putting the wrong answer. You are able to just
know yourself.
It helps you know what you need to study for or what you’re having problems with.
It was easy to use and very interactive. It helped to see how my answers compared to the other students in
the class.
Easy to understand & people don’t know what answer you picked.
It is a good learning tool, especially with younger students.
Helps me review what I learned during the lecture.
It was fun to use, it was a change from ordinary lectures.
I like that when you answer questions its anonymous, you can check your understanding without being
The anonymous answering system.
Fall 05 – Class 8
Class Interaction.
It’s fun.
It is a good way for students to contribute and include themselves without being singled out and
embarrassed if they give the wrong answer.
It’s fun and easy to use. It is anonymous.
New and confidential. It’s like a survey of students in class and test their understanding about the topic
I like the fact that the instructor used it for review.
The fact that we can click on something like a remote control 
How it pointed out certain points that are relevant & important to class material.
I like the fact that we can answer questions by simply pushing a button.
I liked that it helped me by quizzing my understanding of the chapters, and I liked that my answer remained
That no one else in the class can see what you answers were so it encouraged you to answer all questions!!
Broke up lecture.
That you don’t feel embarrassed to answer the questions because no one knows.
Is fast and easy to use.
Don’t like.
Helped review and did not single you out if you didn’t now the answer. Fun way to learn.
It is anonymous so the students wouldn’t know who answered what. It’s faster and fun to use. It also
involves the class as a whole not individually which is good.
It is anonymous so no one could know who was getting the wrong answers besides the teacher. So that was
great because I didn’t feel ashamed if I answered a question wrong.
It’s easy to use and we didn’t have to buy it.
We had fun as a class. Broke up the lectures and we knew where we were in terms of grade level.
It keeps you up in class and makes me pay attention.
Answer question without people knowing your answer if it wrong or right.
I like that we can answer questions and nobody knows who answered wrong.
I like how we can put in our answers and not be embarrassed because the answers get tallied up but the
answers are anonymous to who answered what exactly.
I liked seeing questions with multiple choice answers. I liked the fact that I did not have to be embarrassed
to answer a question in class and if I did get the answer wrong, no one else knew but me.
It breaks up the lecture and offers an alternative way to learn.
It helps review concepts for the test and aids in reinforcement.
Important questions are asked.
Everyone participates.
Spring 06 – Class 9
I don’t have feelings for it either way.
There were some fun facts.
It’s more of an interactive process to answering a question.
It’s fun & interactive.
The charts in the end… how we did on a question.
It is fun to use and I think it is a great way to review.
Fun, different, and a great learning tool.
The attendance taking and the use of it during quizzes.
It was different and new. It fostered class discussion which lead to greater understanding.
It was fun and I learned more about the subject!
I like that it is anonymous.
It provided an alternative method to review.
How easy and quickly we could complete attendance and pop quizzes.
It makes the lecture and quiz taking a lot more fun as it is something new from regular scantron and pencil
test taking.
It helped me prepare for tests. It helped me arrive to class on time.
Makes the interaction process more fun. Quick more efficient.
The opportunity to see how others are responding to quiz and review questions, so to compare with you
fellow classmates.
It’s fun to use when it works.
Spring 06 – Class 10
Easy to use, made learning easy.
SRT system helped me to prepare for my exams.
Computer system easy to view, use.
It allows students to answer questions w/out having to feel anxious about answering them incorrectly.
The questions helped me study for exams and to have a better understanding about the material that was
being questioned. I was very happy that the answers were provided so that I knew if my thinking was
correct or if I needed to correct it right then.
That it’s a good way to monitor my understanding.
It’s a great way to make sure you understand the concepts in class.
That you can use it for various reasons like attendance & questions.
It helps with exams.
Able to quiz myself at home for better understanding of material.
I liked that it really helped me feel prepared for the exams. It also helped the professor see areas that the
majority of the class was confused about. I would definitely suggest that it is used in the future.
It’s like a game and makes learning fun. If you get an answer wrong it’s not humiliating.
It’s a way to workout the problems on your own with out penalty if you get it wrong.
I liked the fact that we were able to test our knowledge without having anybody else but ourselves know
the answer that we clicked in.
The fact that you can answer questions w/o feeling stupid since you don’t know who answered what,
you’re less likely to get embarrassed.
Sums up lesson with a review.
The questions & concepts directly apply to our tests.
It helped me become aware of what I knew and what I needed to focus on. It also helped me prepare for
Multiple choice.
It’s different from a lecture and therefore was a good break from a lecture during the entire class.
The SRT helped me prepare for class tests and quizzes.
Helped me learn some concepts I didn’t understand.
The clickers!
It is a good way to assess student understanding of concepts, helps instructor know what concepts need
It is unique way of attendance & lecture.
The multiple choice questions.
Spring 06 – Class 11
It was good w/ reviewing for tests.
It’s a new way of teaching.
That I got to see my answers.
Shows results quickly.
Better than saying “here” and more fun than paper quiz.
It’s good because it is high technology to use in class. But it really does not make a difference.
It was new and fun for me! Good way to get attention.
It is easy to use.
It’s an alternative to filling bubble, which I dislike and it is instant feedback.
I like that it shows percentages on graphs of who got answers right. I like that you can for sure know that
you were marked in class cause your # gets highlighted.
Better than a paper quiz.
It’s easy to use for quizzes and allows for people to finish at own pace.
It is a useful tool for review and different way to keep you focused.
It is fun! (2 responses)
It seems very organized.
It helps to see if I understand and a concept. It also showed me that I need to make sure I am reading the
question correctly.
Helps to understand material.
The review of concepts, it helps reinforce what we’ve learned.
Spring 06 – Class 12
Breaks up lecture . Gives time to work as a class and individually.
It is a way to review information and increase my understanding of concepts I forgot or did not completely
understand + it’s fun  But without the teachers assistance w/ the SRT I would not have understood as
We were able to see exactly what we might have done wrong and (instructor’s name) will clearly explain
It’s similar to a game show, its fun! It reiterates the lecture and this helps me remember the material.
It helps me with my midterms and final.
As a class we were able to have competitions and it increased interactions with classmates.
The fact that it challenges you by making you think if in fact you have the right answer and if the others are
Like the survey said, It was a good break from the lecture which gets boring at times.
Playing jeopardy because learning has to be fun and exciting.
Breaks up the lecture and keeps students involved.
Good review and its easier than writing on paper, its better just to click.
It reinforced my understanding of the class content. It helped answer some questions I had in my mind.
It is fun to see how many people are understanding the concepts. When I don’t understand them it feels
better to know that others don’t too.
They were multiple choice and it brought up questions that were going to be on the test.
You get to know the right answer at the end & how many people got the right answer.
The interaction between students/teacher. Different approach to teaching. Provides better understanding.
It was fun and interactive way to learn the material in class.
Enjoyed it!
Interactive, creative, fun, it reinforced the concepts in lecture.
Anonymous answers.
Easy and fun to use.
It allows you to break away from the lecture and use what you have learned… It’s also like a game so it’s
fun to use.
Fun & it allows you to interact with others.
Spring 06 – Class 13
Clears questions, and it’s like part of the study guide too.
The questions it asked in between lectures, it cleaned misconceptions I had on a subject.
It gave me an opportunity to see if I knew the answers to questions w/o being embarrassed. The team
challenges were also fun.
It helps with understanding concepts.
It allows students to do something different other than sitting & listening to lecture.
It helps and encourages you to understand the material presented in class.
The fact that the instructor was able to explain why she thought students had chosen the wrong answers.
The games you can play with it. You can team up with a partner.
It allows us to have class challenges where we get into teams, which is fun.
That you can click and the whole class won’t know whether you clicked the right or wrong answer.
It breaks up the lecture & I can see if I’m learning.
It is fun. It is very effective for attendance.
I like to use it when we form groups to challenge what we know.
It help me to think and solve the problem very quick.
The team challenges.
It is easy to use and saves time.
It is fun to use.
It is a fun way to learn and put what you learned to work. It’s like a mini fun quiz.
Participation. Allows to see how well the class is understanding the material. Challenges/competition.
Because of the time limit its more like a test-like situation & allows us to apply our knowledge quickly.
It let you see that you aren’t the only student who got a certain question wrong. It’s also very similar to
tests so it helps you see what’s going to be on the test.
The best thing is that it is interesting to find out what you really know.
That you can anonymously answer questions. I like that it breaks up the excruciating minutia of lecturing.
Not a lot of time was spent on attendance.
Practice problems.
It’s fun learning.
QUESTION 28: What do you like least about the SRT system?
Spring 05 – Class 1
Nothing. (7 responses)
The controls? Mine didn’t work too well.
I don’t dislike anything about it.
I was overall happy with the system. I thought it was fun & helpful.
We didn’t use it enough.
I liked everything about it. (2 responses)
I didn’t find anything wrong or that I didn’t like about it.
Sometimes it didn’t work or it was hard for it to get your answer from your seat.
That not all courses have a CPS system classrooms.
Spring 05 – Class 2
Waiting for everyone to answer.
Sometimes it was hard for me to see (even w/ my glasses) because of glare from the lighting in the room.
I forget to put my clicker back.
I liked everything about it. (5 responses)
Nothing in particular.
Nothing. (5 responses)
It took a long time out of class periods. I think it would have been easier for the teacher to just orally ask
the questions.
I can’t think of anything that I don’t like about it.
Hard to read formula equations w/ subscripts.
The questions are occasionally unclear.
None. I did not have any problems w/ this system. It was a great learning tool.
Sometime I would just guess to get done.
Sometimes the remote would stick and not work!
The signal strength.
It’s hard to put in answers, click in, if you’re sitting @ an angle.
Sometimes it’s hard for the system to register the button presses which can get sort of annoying.
It is hard to read it sometimes.
I am satisfied with the whole program.
Spring 05 – Class 3
Not that much use
Sometimes it would take people a while to answer.
It sometimes took 2-3 pushes of the button for the sensor to detect that I was pushing it.
It is limited.
Nothing, it’s fun.
Questions that take too long to answer, such as questions with huge numbers.
More mult. choice & T/F questions daily.
It’s easy to use.
Nothing, everything is great.
To get the remote control and put it back.
I love it.
I didn’t dislike anything about it.
The buttons don’t always register.
It was hard for me to click in. For some reason mine always had trouble 
It was difficult to get it to work.
Being in the back was hard to use.
Aiming the laser is not easy.
It’s a fun way to survey how well the class is understanding concepts.
I still to this day cannot work the system, therefore, answering the questions was not anonymous for me.
I don’t have any problem with the CPS system.
Spring 05 – Class 4
Nothing. (9 responses)
Not that much use.
When we use it only for attendance.
That we do not use it more often.
Sometimes the font was too small and it was hard to read the questions.
I don’t like the fact that it is time consuming.
I would have liked to use it more.
I didn’t like discussing with classmates. Sometimes they’re wrong. I’d rather just listen to the instructor.
It gives you a review of newly learned material.
I don’t like when a few people in the class don’t respond. We sit there waiting for them to answer.
Sometimes it takes multiple clicks to register an answer.
I wish we used it more often.
No return of how well you did individually.
You have to have a clear path to the receiver or else it doesn’t work.
Don’t know.
There is not anything that I dislike.
Sometimes the signal wasn’t clear, and I had to click many times. No big deal!
Fall 05 – Class 5
Not that much use
Couldn’t always tell if your answer was read correctly.
Nothing (3 responses)
If you don’t know how to use it it can be a drill.
When it won’t work it steals class time.
Clicker quizzes on the screen don’t allow me anyway to think about the problem well. I prepare paper
Attendance, b/c it took up a lot of time when clickers didn’t work.
I had to stand up to use it, and it never worked for me. If I was late I missed the quiz too.
Time consuming.
Role was taken and if you walked in a minute later you were absent.
It doesn’t always work right away when you click.
When it malfunctions.
Fall 05 – Class 6
Everything was fine, no complaints.
It was a good system, but I wouldn’t say that it helped me learn. It just presented the lecture in a different
manner. Personally, it gave me the idea that we should be more into the lecture or activity at hand, that’s
what I really liked about it.
I like when I get the questions to the quizzes right.
Nothing that I like least about it. It was fun, but that’s about it. It did not affect my performance in the
class or interpretation of the material. It might be more useful in other situations though.
You would need to wait for everyone to place their answers first and sometimes the faster students may get
restless waiting.
Quizzes are timed and sometimes the time given is not enough.
How sometimes it wouldn’t read my answer, so I would have to get up from my seat to get a closer range.
Nothing bad to say about it. If the teacher wants to use it, I have no problem w/ it.
Sometimes clickers didn’t work/Need to find a better place for the “receptor” so everyone’s clicker is able
to reach it.
Way too much time consuming.
Doesn’t always work. Had to get up from chair to find “best” location to use CPS.
Takes time to pull out.
Sometimes I could not control being five minutes late depending on parking.
It didn’t always work.
The batteries need to be checked regularly in the remotes. Can become frustrating when remotes wont
It was cumbersome. The clickers didn’t always work and there was no good place to put the receiver and it
required too much space for other equipment (like laptop and projector).
Picking up the controls.
The range on it isn’t always great. I had to get out of my seat to use it so my response would appear on the
Fall 05 – Class 7
I like it. There is nothing I dislike about it.
The testing.
Nothing. (5 responses)
That it is not in every classroom on campus.
Sometimes my remote would not work.
Sometimes it wouldn’t register that I had clicked a button.
Too easy questions, redundant.
Fall 05 – Class 8
That it should be done more often.
Nothing. (6 responses)
I can’t think of anything at this time.
Too time consuming.
You forget to click in sometimes for attendance.
When it doesn’t seem that helpful at times.
It takes time to run & setup.
I had fun with it so I can’t really think of anything negative about it.
It helped me study.
We could have used it for quizzes or review more often.
Everything is cool!
It’s fun and gets you involved.
I liked it.
It made us come to class on time.
There isn’t anything I dislike about the CPS system.
From the back of the classroom it was kind of hard to see.
If your in the way back, sometimes it won’t answer.
When the batteries on the controller run out.
Spring 06 – Class 9
The SRT should have a permanent wall mount because the clickers hardly work. I would take another class
with this instructor with or without SRT. She is very straight forward and always willing to explain and
It didn’t give me the potential of learning the material effectively.
Nothing. (2 responses)
Clickers don’t always work.
That you do not know/can’t check which answer you answer (unless you double click on it…but you can’t
check your work again. Can’t go back to answer a question.
Sometimes the clickers don’t work.
That they didn’t work all the time; there not consistent. I think I would have enjoy it more if they work all
the time.
The receiver was not able to pick up on the signal of the clicker about 40% of the time.
Some people would have a problem with their clicker working, but mine worked fine. Bt I sat right next to
the ball. I would recommend the ball in a different place for everyone to have complete access.
Sometimes it is hard to click in because the receiver is too far or not in the right place.
Sometimes it doesn’t click when you point @ the ball.
That it was difficult to click in because the clicker would not register.
It’s hard to use when the SRT was facing sideways. It would be much more convenient to have a
permanent SRT in the classroom.
Sometimes it was hard to see.
Sometimes it doesn’t read the signal from the remote.
Receiver (ball) needs to be relocated so it’s more accessible to click without standing up.
Sometimes the clicker was difficult to use.
That it didn’t work sometimes.
Spring 06 – Class 10
Nothing really. Sometimes my clicker didn’t work but you jus had to change the aim.
That it cliques sometimes.
Nothing. (7 responses)
That it may malfunction.
I like everything!
Sometimes it does not work.
I didn’t like the pressure I felt to answer quickly. Lots of the students in the class answered quickly, and I
started to feel anxious about not answering as fast as everyone else. I had to gradually try to help myself not
feel this way and to not answer quickly with the incorrect answer.
There wasn’t anything that I did not like about the SRT system.
Nothing really, I generally liked it.
Sometimes doesn’t work.
Nothing, I like it a lot.
They were still like taking a quiz.
When it doesn’t work.
It does not prevent others from clicking for other students. There is no penalty or reason to guess signal.
Spring 06 – Class 11
Sometimes it was hard for my answer to click in.
It was hard to click on sometimes.
Didn’t work from many areas of classroom. Had to get up 3/5 times to click, as did the majority of the
When signal didn’t pick up my clicker.
Sometimes when I tried to put in the answer the clicker wouldn’t work.
That sometimes the clicker doesn’t work & you have to get up & move toward the SRT system to pick an
Needs new batteries.
It’s not very responsive at times.
The clicker ball sometimes doesn’t pick up the signal from the remote.
When the remote signal was not picked u by the receiver.
Sometimes it is hard to aim clicker in the right direction for it to work. It got frustrating having to walk
around the room finding a spot that will allow it to work.
Sometimes the clickers wouldn’t respond.
It took several times to compute my answer. Others could see what you answered.
Sometimes (actually most of the time for me) my clicker wouldn’t work.
Spring 06 – Class 12
Time limit on questions before click-in with answers. I need more time to contemplate my answers.
Nothing. (11 responses)
It’s fast pace sometimes gave me anxiety and frustration.
Remembering to put it back.
Completely satisfied.
I don’t do so well in it but I am sure it is an effective tool for others.
Taking attendance, because sometimes you forget to click in and it is a hassle to tell your instructor.
N/A. (2 responses)
Getting the wrong answer.
Having to go and get it every day.
Sometimes the questions are too broad. (2 responses)
Spring 06 – Class 13
I think there was no bad side to it.
Attendance taking.
Remembering to pick it up at the beginning of class.
Sometimes my clicker didn’t work and I had to push the buttons a bunch of times.
It could have been used more often in class.
They use this SRT system for attendance.
Liked all of it.
Some of the questions trick you.
When I am too slowly, I lost my points.
Nothing comes to mind right now.
The fact that if I am late to class the teacher knows.
There is nothing I don’t like.
Not enough time to use it every day.
Sometimes the questions were a bit vague.
That the teachers can use it to make you feel like you don’t understand a concept.
It was inaccurate because attendance was taken first 3 Minutes.
QUESTION 33: What suggestions do you have for increasing the effectiveness of
SRT (what types of questions do you like/dislike, logistical concerns, etc.)? Please
add any other comments related to the SRT system.
Spring 05 – Class 1
I liked all the questions that were asked because it seem that those questions were the ones I was stuck on
& I had a better understanding.
I think its just right.
I thought the CPS questions were fine and they don’t need to be changed.
The CPS system is a great idea and should be used in more classrooms.
Spring 05 – Class 2
I think it should be used in more classrooms.
No suggestions. (3 responses)
It takes too long to wait for everyone to answer. I think it’s pretty useless.
I think I would have liked to see more number problems in the CPS system, I think this might have helped
to develop our understanding and awareness of the problem.
The questions that were asked helped me to understand the key concepts and helped me to study for exams.
Have daily questions (1-2 a day) so students could check their understanding.
Not sure.
I liked the true/false and multiple choice questions.
Have more games.
Sometime the back of the class was difficult to work the remote.
I liked the variety of questions. I would like to use it more often in other classes.
Better explanation of what it is. At first you feel as though you are being tested so it might cause some
anxiety if not explained well.
New batteries.
Have more than 1 in the classrooms so that students will be able to click in @ same time, no distractions.
Make it easier to detect button presses + it will be perfect.
Multiple choice are the best.
The system was very effective. I felt very satisfied with its involvement in the course.
Spring 05 – Class 3
I was pleased with all the knowledge I acquired from the CPS system.
Everyone has a chance to answer the questions.
No suggestions. (2 responses)
Use it more often.
To have the CPS built by the table.
I would use more of the board to explain concepts instead of only the CPS. It easier to visualize that way.
I have no suggestions for increasing the effectiveness of CPS.
I like the logic questions.
Try pointing the receiver towards the class not down at the floor.
Make it easier for students to get this device to work.
I have no suggestions for increasing the CPS system.
Spring 05 – Class 4
Use more regularly/frequently.
Have students come up with questions that could be implemented on the CPS system.
I think the CPS system is a great way to break up the lecture. More questions should be asked before
material is covered, to spark the interest of the students.
More questions might be helpful – less trying to change someone’s mind.
I felt my comprehension of a topic improved when CPS questions required us to relate the current
information to prior topics.
I think it works well the way it is.
It might be useful to tie more questions into the lecture. Lecture a little & ask a couple questions then
move on, as opposed to the overall review of the lecture @ the end or in the middle.
Doing more questions.
Maybe add true/false questions.
I think the types of questions asked in our class was perfect.
I enjoyed using the CPS system. Not only was it a great form of assessment, but it involved each member
of the class.
Fall 05 – Class 5
I didn’t like that I couldn’t tell if my answer was read and it would have been nice to have a cumulative
I felt the teacher was more comfortable by using the board. The quizzes that were given helped me
somewhat but I believe lecture helped me more.
Teachers teach. Programs are tools. Whether it’s this program or another doesn’t make a teacher better or
worse. Keep it or lose it, makes little difference.
Fall 05 – Class 6
I like using the CPS for quizzes. I felt it helped the teacher realize where the class was having trouble.
None, it is a nice system.
I CPS system is not designed to help students there is no purpose for it.
Just the waiting period? Is it possible for the receiver to obtain all signals without requiring others to get up
from their seats?
I wish we used it more often in class.
Keep It in the classroom if you’re going to use it. Just takes too much time to pull out and organize.
Fall 05 – Class 7
No comment.
The CPS system is excellent it encouraged me to answer questions without anyone else knowing what I
answered. I think every school (University, elementary, Junior High & High School) should be encouraged
to use this program. It helped me stay focused also.
Please put them in more classrooms.
I can’t think to change anything.
I think we should have this for every class @ CSUN. It helps a lot!!! And makes learning a lot more fun.
I would like for it to be used more often.
Maybe extra credit if you did really well throughout the semester.
Fall 05 – Class 8
The CPS system is great.
I can’t think of any at this time, I’ve used the CPS in a previous class and I really liked it.
Recommended for future use in courses.
CPS would be more effective especially if it would be relevant to course material.
I really enjoyed the ?’s… It helped me to do better on the exams.
It is effective.
Spring 06 – Class 9
None. (2 responses)
Maybe use the SRT in combination with the methods of checking the student’s knowledge. Maybe if
everybody would have a computer and the ? can be answered in any order. Also if the student would be
able to double check his/her work. A SRT can improve a class if it is used as a supplemental tool.
Make the system work better. Have a permanent system that works.
The receiver should be hung in the center of the classroom on the ceiling so everyone’s clicker has a greater
chance of working.
Make the receiver more efficient.
Possibly checking the batteries of the remote and making sure the receiver is in a stable spot to use.
Possibly setting up a permanent receiver/ball in the classroom because sometimes it doesn’t read the signal
from the remote.
To put it in the wall hanging.
Spring 06 – Class 10
Using it more often would be nice & getting feedback on how well or not well we did.
I liked the questions. I think maybe if the initial use of SRT had been preceded by the professor telling the
class that it is not a race to get the answer first.
Should always or never be used. Not just sometimes for attendance & quizzes. People like consistency.
 it was great.
No suggestions, I like it.
It is hard for the students in the back to see.
Spring 06 – Class 11
Put in a classroom where is accessible to everyone.
Perhaps have another central reader thing so the students don’t have to walk in front of the class. The
receiver does not work well for students sitting farther away.
I liked that there was instant feedback. The receiver was not always easy to connect with.
More questions that help with understanding the material.
The sensor that all the remote controls need to be pointed to does not always work, because it is not always
in a place where everyone can reach it. I would suggest more than one sensor for each class to help students
who don’t sit near it.
Spring 06 – Class 12
Use the SRT for lecture and lab instruction.
The questions used were fine.
Do it more often 
Its fun to do the speed competitions for a review.
Spring 06 – Class 13
It’s helpful and must continue, it’s fun too.
Attendance w/ the clickers was a good idea but sometimes I would forget to click in.
Use it more often. (3 responses)
We could spend more times on SRT or more times.
It’s very effective and fun. I would take another class that used the SRT system.
I think it is a good way to take attendance yet the questions should be a lot more clear. It’s interesting.
Attendance should be taken all class period.
More practice problem
I would like to have more quizzes using SRT or maybe even the morning quiz could be done by SRT,