Strategic Planning IT Summary

Summarization of the Strategic Planning Framing Questions for the IT Department:
The first question had the greatest suggestions, “How can we better utilize the technology infrastructure
we already have?” To narrow it down, the top three are as follows:
1) Implement an online library of “How-To” videos
2) Coordinate advanced training vs. basic training
3) Maintain and update classroom computers and instructor stations on a continuous basis
Question 2 pertained to what technological advances will impact higher education and how we can
prepare for technology change. Here are the top three:
1) Faculty and staff training on new technology and trends
2) Recognizing experts within our own organization, committees and departments
3) Online vs. face2face pedagogy
Question 3 asked “How can we improve technology and business process training and then use that
training to enhance our job performance?” The top three are as follows:
1) Utilize Zendesk (or some other Helpdesk tool) in other departments
2) Simplify the travel process
3) Involve student internships to create core training modules
Lastly, question 4 asked “How and to what extent can we use technology to get UHMC involved in
applied research projects?” Here are the suggestions:
1) Identify the problem and needs
a. Project based learning
2) Evidence based teaching
3) Subscriptions to journals
4) Preparing a foundation for students transferring to a research institution
Please see below for all of the responses and suggestions that were recorded.
Question 1:
How can we better utilize the technology infrastructure (network, computers, media) that we
already have?
● HITS needs to be compatible with MAC
● Continual upkeep/maintenance with classroom computers
● Log in information and media equipment handbook should be obvious/available
● Instructors should have access to download free software
● PI system connect to remote campus UCSD and community industry
● SMART boards do not work
● Information on Technology available
● Blackboard more utilized
● Stereo systems in classrooms
● More project online research activities in class
Increase accessibility to students
Committee creation for website
Website support – priorities and accessibility
Student use of website
Room reservations – create categories, more user-friendly, seat size, student access, show what
rooms are open
Pre-tape cable classes so they can be recycled and not always live
Laulima not user-friendly
Disability services included in discussion outreach
Better utilize online resources to teach/add classes
Clarification is needed on the role of the Media Center (what faculty needs, where can they get
Centralized budget for items like software instead of departments purchasing them
Orientation to learn what is available
Training (what can the Media Center do, what resources are available on campus)
Template for copyright material usage
Centralized database
Keep computers maintained to run better
Create a way to access applications in Laulima thru mobile
Training for faculty, utilize resources, Laulima, distance learning, what are the expectations,
standards to maintain standards
Have mentors
Laulima – expand to hold larger files
Embed google docs
Maintain classroom/instructor stations
Wi-5 access, laptop for students (reduce textbook cost)
More study spaces
Question 2:
What technological advances will impact higher education in the future? How can we prepare for
technology change?
● Implement virtual classrooms (Second Life)
● Preparing students for technology – ipads, tablets
● Technology training for faculty/staff
● Keeping up with technology to retain student enrollment
● Adapt to diverse learning skill
● Students who Google lose the critical thinking process
● Faculty/Staff need training on new technology
Windows 8
Office 2013
○ Polycom (hardly used because not trained)
● Ensure new technology that is implemented is better and beneficial
● Provide different levels of training (basic, intermediate, advanced)
How to track students if their reading online materials or not (Laulima)
Continued use of social media
Instructional design training should be mandatory
Hire more IDS staff
Recognize experts/contacts in organization, committees and departments
Online vs Face 2 Face pedagogy
How to prepare students for technology
Anticipation of students expectations
Recognize that students learn differently
Maintenance intensive
Teacher and student training
Communication between other institutions and campus
Identify classroom needs for technology
Assess student technology skills in compass testing
Question 3:
How can we improve technology and business process training? How can users utilize training to
improve job performance?
● Collective place online where Faculty can see “How to”
● Have each instructor be able to schedule their own room
● Training day for more intense/complex processes that have more steps
● Index online FAQS linked to tutorials
● Searchable formats
● Webinars and videos
● Step by step list of instructions
● More IT staff needed
● Prioritize software training, tech training
● Forum to share tech ideas
● Travel
● Payroll
● Capstone, student service classes and utilize them
● Less papers, Personnel specifically, travel and PO’s
● More clerical support
● FAQs of business procedures
● Videos on procedures
● Implement electronic signatures
● Adopt Zendesk (IT)
● Curriculum central needs to improve process
● Kuali needs to improve service
● Central travel person, specialty areas
Paperwork is overwhelming, train people, webinar training – UHMC specific
Involve students, internship
More computers for students, need the space simulators on computers
Computers for CTE
Question 4:
How and to what extent can we use technology to get UHMC involved in applied research projects?
● Redefine applied research in scholarships
● Recognizing the technology that is available
● Emails from Cheryl (Contracts and Grants) is informative in regards to grant information
● Subscriptions to journals
● Library needs to support subscriptions for applied research; advanced resources
● Preparing a foundation for students who are transferring to a research institution
● WASC accreditation and involve the community
● Clarify definition
● Stable platforms
● Identify problem and needs, Project based learning
● Collaborating with other Maui resources
● Service learning template and applying it to research
● Evidence based research
● Ability to have accessible technology (ipads)