December 7, 2012

Academic Senate
Friday, Decmber 7, 2012
Ka’a’ike 105
1:30-3:00 PM
I. Call to order 1:35: Tim Marmack
Attendance: Ron St. john, Molli Fleming, Bruce Butler, Maggie Ward, Daniel Kruse, Donna Harbin, Bert
Kikuchi, Kulamanu Ishihara, Melissa Yoshioka, Ryan Daniels, Linda Fujitani, Mikahala Helm, Joyce
Yamada, Michele Katsutani, Shane Payba, Kari Nunokawa, Lee Stein, Tim Marmack, Catherine
Thompson, Crystal Alberto, Meagan Jones, Francine Ching, Julie Powers, Melissa Kirkendall, Elaine
Yamashta, Joie Taylor, Maggie Bruck, Brenda Tester, Dean Louie, Refugio Gonzales, Kiope Raymond,
Kate Acks, Dale Naho’olewa, Emma White, Marti Wukelic, Diane Meyer, Tim Botkin, Rosie Vierra, Liping
Liu, Jennifer Owen, Marty-Jean Bender, Christine Pafford, Julie Patao, Cyrilla Pascual, Mark Hoffman
Consent Agenda: Passed with no comment
o Policies and Procedures committee: Kulamanu Ishihara, Tim Marmack. (working on +/and PLA)
o Inspired Teaching Committee (ITC): Joyce Yamada (no report)
o Assessment: Jan Moore, Eric Engh. No report
o Budget and long-range planning committee: Sally Irwin, Refugio Gonzalas. (no
report – request)
 encourage people to forward any questions or concerns about budget items to
their Unit Chairs or directly to Refugio or Sally. We would also welcome
suggestions for cost saving ideas!
o Safety: Ryan Daniels: No report
o Elections: Crystal Alberto: Nominations for Senate Chair in January
 WASC Accreditation: New WASC Accreditation Handbook see link below:
II. Minutes from 11/9/12 – Accepted
III. Discussion items:
 Acknowledge Service to Campus: Acknowledged retiree for many years of service and
over 30 years of teaching: Hiroko DeLeon. Also retiring after service to UHMC: Melody
 Student Services Concerns – Kari, Fran, Charlie, Lee: Shared issues of the student body
IV. Standing Committee Reports:
 Curriculum –Curriculum Approval. (Maggie and Kahele)(see attached: page 2)
All curriculum passed unanimously.
 Distance Learning – Resolution (see attached page 5) – Discussion of the draft
resolutions followed. Discussion items will return to the Distance committee to be
incorporated and will return to future Senate meetings for consideration.
Senate agenda 12/7/12
V. Announcements
 Ice Cream Social in the Atrium following the meeting
Meeting adjoirned.
VI. Next meeting –January 11, 2012
Curriculum items – need quorum and participation
Curriculum Committee, University of Hawaiʻi Maui College
2012.08 SSM 495 SSM Capstone I J. Taylor new course
3 credits Provides an opportunity to demonstrate the techniques and understanding developed throughout
the BAS Sustainable Science Management program in a final project. Includes energy auditing, computational
analysis, sustainable strategic planning and financial assessment, water and resource conservation, impacts
to human and ecosystem health, land use and transportation, policy and regulatory analysis, and social equity
and ethical considerations.
2012.09 SSM 496 SSM Capstone II J. Taylor new course
3 credits Provides an opportunity to demonstrate the techniques and understanding developed throughout
the BAS Sustainable Science Management program in a final project. Includes energy auditing, computational
analysis, sustainable strategic planning and financial assessment, water and resource conservation, impacts
to human and ecosystem health, land use and transportation, policy and regulatory analysis, and social equity
and ethical considerations.
2012.10 HSER 110 Introduction to Human Services L. Stein modification
3 credits Introduces the nature of human service programs from the person-in-environment and strengths
perspectives. Studies federal, state and local human service responsibilities. Includes talks by agency
representatives and field trips to agencies.
2012.11 HSER 345 Diversity in Aging L. Stein new course
3 credits Examines social and cultural diversity in the aging process. Identifies impacts of socioeconomic
status, race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and religion/spirituality. Explores health disparities,
cumulative advantage and disadvantage across the life course, and access to government services and
2012.12 HSER 350 Women and Addition: Why Gender Matters. L. Stein new course
3 credits Examines girls and women's substance misuse/abuse/dependence in a socio-cultural context
through the Person-In-Environment and Strengths perspectives. Evaluates common pathways to addiction,
compares and contrasts physiological and psychological gender differences, impacts and consequences in the
addiction process. Assesses the unique treatment needs of this population and gender-responsive strategies
to meet those needs. Includes gender specific and culturally competent treatment trends in Hawaiʻi.
2012.13 HSER 360 Trauma Informed Care L. Stein new course
3 credits Examines trauma experiences across the life span through the person-in-environment perspective
including individual reactions, resiliencies and community responses. Compares trauma informed care with
traditional helping paradigms via exploration of best practice models and local programs.
2012.14 HSER 365 Motivational Interviewing L. Stein new course
Senate agenda 12/7/12
3 credits Introduces the theoretical basis of Motivational Interviewing. Focuses on developing skills and
strategies for using the model in diverse contexts (community agency settings, mental health and health care
clinics) and across diverse behavioral issues (addictions and mental health, healthy lifestyle behaviors,
chronic disease).
2012.15 BIOL 282 Global Change A.Coopersmith new course
3 credits Introduces principal components of global change and explores the impacts on the environment.
Focuses on the interdisciplinary nature of global change and interrelationships to biological, physical,
anthropological, economic, and political concepts.
2012.16 DH 158 Anatomical Sciences R. Vierra new course
2 credits Examines dental anatomy focusing on the development, morphology and functions of the teeth,
head and neck including mastication.
2012.17 DH 256
Applied Pharmacology in Dentistry R. Vierra modification
2 credits Examines drugs by groups with special emphasis on those used in dentistry including their
physical and chemical properties, dosage and therapeutic effects. Describes implications for client dental
hygiene care using case studies.
2012.18 DH 269
Clinical Rad & Interp R. Vierra modification
1 credit Expands experience in obtaining and interpreting x-rays on clients. Includes advanced radiographic
identification and interpretation utilizing dental x-ray films, panoramic, cephalometric, and other extraoral
2012.19 HSER 140 Intro to Techniques of Counseling and Interviewing L. Stein modification
3 credits Offers basic introduction to counseling processes to those working or planning to work in the
helping professions. Introduces theories and practices of counseling and interviewing individuals and groups.
Provides opportunities to practice skills through role-playing.
2012.20 HSER 194 Work Practicum and Discussion in Community Service L. Stein new course
3 credits Provides individualized in-service training in community services and supervised work
experience. Includes weekly seminar giving students opportunity to discuss practicum experiences.
Permission of instructor to enroll in class.
2012.21 HSER 245 Group Counseling L. Stein modification
3 credits Provides theoretical and experiential training in facilitating self-exploration and growth groups.
Designed to provide understanding and experience in selecting group members, establishing group norms
and goals, setting group climates, developing group activities, promoting
group and individual growth, and
making appropriate group interventions.
2012.22 HSER 248 Case Management L. Stein modification
3 credits Provides knowledge and practical skills to become competent case managers in human services
agencies. Develops professional skills in order to teach those who need assistance to manage their own lives
within the scope of their resources and abilities. Presents culturally sensitive strategies and strength-based
model of case management. Views those seeking help through the person-in-environment perspective.
2012.23 HSER 256 Dynamics of Family Violence L. Stein modification
3 credits Provides an in-depth study of the problems, dynamics, and effects of family violence and examines
current societal responses. Includes the history of domestic violence, contributing cultural and sociological
factors. Reviews partner, child, and elder abuse within the family and multi-generational effects. Examines
legal and ethical issues, and best-practices for intervention nationally and in our community.
2012.24 HSER 268 Alcohol & Drug Education L. Stein modification
3 credits Examines drug use, misuse, abuse, and addiction including the impact of drug actions on the body,
Senate agenda 12/7/12
brain, mind and spirit. Emphasizes historical and psychosocial factors that may contribute to drug use and
policies and interventions to address the problem.
2012.25 HSER 270 Substance Abuse Counseling L. Stein modification
3 credits Provides theoretical and experiential training in the prevention, intervention, and treatment
applicable to a diverse substance abuse population. Identifies ethical and legal issues of working with this
2012.26 HSER 294 Work Practicum and Discussion in Community Service L. Stein new course
3 credits Provides advanced, individualized, in-service training in community-based human services
agencies. Includes weekly seminar giving students the opportunity to discuss practicum experiences.
Permission of instructor to enroll in class.
3 credits
ART 170 History of Western Art J. Owen deletion
Course was modified to ART 270 in Spring 2012
2012.28 ASNS Biological Science Concentration F. Coopersmith modification
Add new course offerings.
2012.29 ASNS Marine Science Concentration F. Coopersmith modification
Align with UH-Hilo Program
ASNS Physical Science Concentration F. Coopersmith modification
Add new course offerings.
2012.31 DH 268 Advanced Radiology & Interpretation R. Vierra deletion
1 credit
Course material covered in other classes.
2012.33 HSER 145 H.S. Work with Older Adults L. Stein new course
3 credits Develop lower division academic ladder for upper diving aging courses.
2012.34 HSER Program Map L. Stein modification
Noting complete changes as outlined in specific courses, certificates and degrees.
2012.35 HSER Youth Development CO L. Stein modification
Change courses required from IS 105 BCD to HSER 256 Dynamics of Family Violence.
2012.36 HSER Health Navigator CO L. Stein
9 credits To meet an emerging workforce need.
new certificate
2012.37 HSER Issues in Aging CO L. Stein new certificate
9 credits To meet an emerging workforce need.
2012.38 BUSN 151 Intm Busn Computing C. Pascual modification
3 credits To eliminate duplicate word processing material taught in other courses.
2012.39 Business Technology Medical Assistant I C. Pascual modification
To allow more choices-in addition to BUSN 161 students can select BUS 120 or MGT 118.
Business Technology AAS C. Pascual modification
Add BLAW 200 & BUSN 286 as electives since Legal Specialty deleted.
2012.41 Business Technology AAS Legal Specialty C. Pascual deletion
Due to low enrollment.
Senate agenda 12/7/12
2012.42 Business Technology Business Technology CC C. Pascual modification
To allow more choices-in addition to BUSN 161 students can select BUS 120 or MGT 118.
2012.43 Business Technology Medical Assistant II AAS C. Pascual modification
Add PHRM 103,104,105 at employers request to replace general elective.
2012.44 HSER SUBS 285 L. Stein
3 credits Course changed to HSER 350.
Submitted by Maggie Bruck & Kahele Dukelow.
The committee is proposing the following resolution:
"Due to the inherent challenges of effectively proctoring the
increasing number of Laulima-based student assessments for both
distance education and non-distance education classes, and in order to
align with the distance education student assessment requirements for
WASC senior accreditation, we propose to increase proctor and IT
staffing for testing centers as well as to increase necessary
resources for testing centers.
Examples of such security challenges include the following:
-lock-down secure browsers/programs for proctored exams
-a way to insure that students' Laulima accounts cannot be logged into
from different computers at the same time
-proctor training and student access to test files/passwords/etc.
-use of proctoring sites to administer exams if you are not a distance
ed teacher"
Senate agenda 12/7/12