ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING Friday, May 8, 2015 Ka’a’ike 105

Academic Senate 2014-15
Friday, May 8, 2015
Ka’a’ike 105
1:30 PM – 3:00
Call to Order: 1:33 PM
In Attendance
Kate Acks, Debie Amby, Amir Amiraslani, Nani Azman, Celeste Baldwin, Tim Botkin, Samantha
Bowe, Erica Brown, Maggie Bruck, Bruce Butler, Sean Calder, Dennis Cohen, Ann
Coopersmith, Lisa Daneen, Kahele Dukelow, Ann Emmsley, Eric Engh, Teri Evangelista, Steve
Farmer, Peter Fisher, Linda Fujitani, Refugio Gonzalez, Donna Harbin, Kulamanu Ishihara,
Michele Katsutani, Melissa Kirkendall, Kristine Korey-Smith, Dan Kruse, Dean Louie, Sandy
Low, Tim Marmack, Anil Mehta, Diane Meyer, Rick Miller, Jan Moore, Flora Mora, Gwen
Morinaga-Kama, Kathleen Naga, Laura Nagle, Dale Naho'olewa, Eri Nomura, Nancy Ooki, Julie
Patao, Julie Powers, Buddhi Rai, Ki'ope Raymond, Cliff Rutherford, Mike Ryan, Derek Snyder,
Ron St. John, Lee Stein, Rosie Viera, Maggie Ward, Marti Wukelic, Joyce Yamada, Cindy
Yamamoto, Elaine Yamashita, Melissa Yoshida
Minutes from 4/10/15 (See attached pages)
a. Approved by unanimous voice vote
II. Standing & Ad Hoc Committee Reports- Consent Agenda
Distance learning ad hoc committee: Deanna Reece
Policies and Procedures committee: –Kealani C., Kristine K-S
Inspired Teaching Committee (ITC): Joyce Yamada, Juli P – see p.3.
Assessment: Eric Engh
Budget and long-range planning committee: Refugio Gonzales, Elaine –on agenda
Safety: Ryan Daniels –no report
Elections: Ryan Daniels – nomination and election of ASEC reps – on agenda
Curriculum: Tim Marmack & Kahele Dukelow - no report
UHCC Policy subcommittee – Elaine Yamashita – no report
III. Committee Reports
Budget – Refugio
o Accepted budget as presented; are able to fund six positions; funded salary
increase of 2%
 Curriculum – see p. 3.
IV. Discussion Items
Senate Agenda 04/10/15
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Academic Senate 2014-15
Smarter Balance Pilot Project: an alternative placement methods for English & Math
o testing into non-STEM MATH course across UHCCs
o National Standardized Common Core
o Been asked to vote / provide feedback to Chancellor
o English has similar requests in place.
o Elaine: propose a 3 year pilot project to collect the data on student performance.
o Kate: ensure “entry-level college course at your college”
o Eric: WASC is asking design education with targeted outcome
o Requires transcript evaluation support to be in place
o Motion to support 3-yr Pilot w/ contingent on support for transcript evaluation &
o Approved by unanimous voice vote
Standardization of Student Evaluations
o Juli: questions not written for student understanding
o Nani: ASEC committees from CCs recommending that it should not be
supported at this time.
o Elaine: separate evaluation for institution; exit surveys from graduating students.
o Ann: data may be aggregated and made available for public access.
Electronic Dossier Pilot Program: Nani
o Suggested UHMC to pilot.
o Approved by unanimous voice vote
Budge: Flora
o 19 June: Summer student stipends & utilities
o 5 June: last day to pay vendors
o 29 May: P-Card purchases. Resume after 15 June
V. Student Success
Status of Committees – Distance to standing, Planning & Budget – separate & standing,
delete Safety committee (Sustainable to ad hoc?)
VI. Announcements
Michele Katsutani: Academic Senate Chair
Bruce Butler: Retiring
Dan Kruse: Digital Media Program;
o presented to Deans & VCs in O’ahu;
o approved with contingencies, i.e. more details.
Next Meeting: 1:30-3:00 Kaaike 105
Adjourned 2:53 PM
Senate Agenda 04/10/15
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Academic Senate 2014-15
Curriculum Committee Memo to Academic Senate
Modification to ACC 124 thru 295 courses: Jan
o Approval by unanimous voice vote
Modification to Dental Hygiene: Rosie
o Approval by unanimous voice vote
Modification to Marine Mammal Biology: Frannie
o Approval by unanimous voice vote
o Flora: This course will be paying upper division rates.
Business Career II program modification: Rick
o Approved by unanimous voice vote
BUSN 159 & 292:
o Approved by unanimous voice vote
Modifications to CHEM 273 & 273L: Peter
o Approved by unanimous voice vote
o Course & Lab are concurrent.
Modifications to HSER: Charlie & Lee
o Pre-req ENG 19
o Approved by unanimous voice vote
Modifications to ELEC: Cliff
o Approved by unanimous voice vote
Modifications to MATH 85: Samantha
o Approved by unanimous voice vote
o Convert V course to regular course
Modifications to MATH 203, 103, 231: Donna
o Approved by unanimous voice vote
o Formatting for Curriculum Central
Senate Agenda 04/10/15
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