Syllabus-Instrumentation-PTAC-1332 Spr2016v3.doc

Course name: PTAC 1332 Process Instrumentation Class Location: STECH 208
Class Number: 87816
Course Time: Tuesdays (5:30-8:30PM).
Instructor Information
Morteza Sameei
Director, Division Chair, Faulty, Science and Engineering Technologies
Houston Community College Northeast
555 Community College Drive, Suite 100 STECH, Houston, Texas 77013
Telephone: (713)718-5251 (HCC Mail Code: 1449-337)
Course Description:
PTAC 1332 Process Instrumentation I
Prerequisites: PTAC 1308, PTAC 1302 and MATH 1314 or
Department Approval
Credit: 3 (2 lecture, 2 lab)
Study of the instruments and instrument systems
used in the process industry including terminology,
primary variables, symbology, control loops, and
basic troubleshooting.
Course Goals:
To instruct and teach in a manner that will help the Students to relate to using Instrumentation to control
processes. Learn the use of Symbols to identify Instrumentation on Process & Instrumentation Diagrams, Process Flow
Diagrams, and Instrument Loops. How Temperature, Pressure, Level, Flow and Analytical properties are controlled
using simple and advanced control schemes. Core curriculum competencies include reading, writing, listening,
speaking, critical thinking and computer literacy.
Process Technology Program Outcomes
Students will be able to
• Describe operation of process control equipment such as an analyzer, control loop, transducer, transmitter, detector,
flow indicator, pressure alarm, Pressure control valve, and recorders.
• Operate process systems and equipment.
• Describe safety, health, and environmental standards in the plant.
• Troubleshoot process abnormalities and equipment malfunctions.
• Explain operation of plant systems and equipment.
• Analyze plant reaction systems.
• Demonstrate maintenance procedures in process systems and equipment.
Textbook Information:
By: Center for the Advancement of Process Technology – CAPT
ISBN: 0-13-700413-3
Pearson Publishing Company
Students with Disabilities:
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"Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who
needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the
respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty are authorized to provide only the
accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office." For questions, contact Donna
Price at 713-718-5165 or the Disability Counselor at your college. To visit the ADA Web site, log on to, click Future Students, scroll down the page and click on the words Disability Services.
* District ADA Coordinator – Donna Price – (713) 718-5165
* Central Lead ADA Coordinator – (713) 718-6164
* Central ADA Counselor – (713) 718 – 6166
* Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services Supervisor – Andrea Guerrero – (713) 718-6333
* Northeast ADA Counselor – Kim Ingram – 713-718-8420
* Northwest ADA Counselor – Mahnaz Kolaini – 713-718-5422
* Southeast ADA Counselor – Jette Lott – 713-718-7218
* Southwest ADA Counselor – Dr. Becky Hauri – 713-718-7910
* Coleman ADA Counselor – Dr. Raj Gupta – 713-718-7631
Academic Honesty:
The Process Technology Department and specifically this Instructor, follows the HCCS policies on scholastic
dishonesty, which includes, but is not limited to, attempt to or cheating on a quiz or a test, plagiarism, and collusion.
See the HCCS student handbook for a more detailed explanation.
Attendance and Withdrawal Policies:
The HCCS attendance policy is stated in the Schedule of Classes: “Students are expected to attend classes
regularly. Students are responsible for materials covered during their absences, and it is the student's responsibility to
consult with instructors for make-up assignments. Class attendance is checked daily by instructors. Although it is the
responsibility of the student to drop a course for non-attendance, the instructor has full authority to drop a student for
excessive absences. A student may be dropped from a course for excessive absences after the student has accumulated
absences in excess of 12.5% of the hours of instruction (including lecture and laboratory time).”
Course Requirements and Grading Policy:
A = 90 - 100%
D = 60 - 69%
B = 80 - 89%
F = 0 – 59%
C = 70 - 79%
Makeup policy (Absent on test day or project due day Policy):
Avoid being absent on test day or project due days. Taking makeup test or turning in projects
late (after test day or project day) must be approved by instructor otherwise zero score will be
awarded for the missed work. Emergency cases must be communicated. Support documents
must be provided for emergency cases (accidents, hospitals/health, mandatory deployment,
and anything that is beyond student’s control; non-repeating; non-planned). Note: Students are
required to demonstrate ethics, genuine intention, and respect for studying in engineering
technology programs (this course). Students must (are required) to do their best to avoid
absenteeism and taking make-ups. See Guide Sheet for Emergency Support Document and
acknowledgement letter for late or missed assignment at the end of this document. Instructor
reserves the right to judge what is considered an emergency or simple disrespect for the
course, team, and professional ethics for Engineering Technology at HCC-Northeast.
Last Day for Administrative and Student Withdrawals
After the withdrawal date (see current semester academic calendar ) no W can be given, you must
receive a regular grade (A-F) in the course. I urge any student who is contemplating withdrawing from the class to see
me first! You may be doing better than you think. It is your responsibility to withdraw by that date if you have missed a
lot of class work. Remember you are to turn in all assignments on the due date.
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Students who repeat a course three or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas
public colleges and universities. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning passing grades,
confer with your instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, testtaking skills, attendance, course participation, and opportunities for tutoring or other assistance that might be available.
Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve
teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of researchbased questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your
professor and division chair for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston
Community College Student System online near the end of the term.
Course Requirements and Grading Policy
Test1, 2, 3, 4
Tests are 60% of final (class) grade.
Class projects/assignments are 40% of final (class) grade
Scantrons, #2 Pencils, and textbook are required for each test. See scantron information at the end of this syllabus.
ptac 1332 Project presentation (oral communication) grading criteria
Clarity Level
Speaks clearly to
audience (Introduce
Yourself & subject of
Speaker conveys points
intended to (avoids
unnecessary details that
may confuse audience)
Speaker makes
Conclusion of
presentation or answers
questions If applicable
Total points
Course Content – Reading Assignments:
Test (s) will be given out at the end of each class and is (are) due the following class. In order for the Students to better
participate in class the Students should read the chapter(s) before class. They should also watch the video(s) pertaining
to the chapter(s) as directed by the Instructor.
Course chapters schedule dates:
According to above, the following plan table is the estimation of the class weekly work, and it is subjected to be
Week #1 Chapter 1.Introduction to Instrumentation 1
Week #2 Chapter 12. Symbology: Process Diagrams and Instrument Sketching 186
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Week #3 Chapter 2.Process Variable – Pressure 20
Week #4 Chapter 3.Process Variable – Temperature 40
Week #5 Chapter 4.Process Variable – Level 61********TEST1 ch1, 2, 3 &12*****Project***
Week #6 Chapter 5.Process Variable – Flow 84
Week #7 Chapter 6.Process Variables – Analytical 101
Week #8 Chapter 7. Miscellaneous Measuring Devices 117 *******TEST2 ch4, 5, 6, 7*****Project****
Week #9 Chapter 8. Introduction to Control Loops: Simple Loop Theory 124
Week #10 Chapter 9.Control Loops: Primary Sensors, Transmitters and Transducers 139
Week #10 Chapter 10. Control Loops: Controllers and Final Control Element Overview 149
Week #11 Chapter 11. Control Loops: Control Valves and Regulators 168
Week #12 Chapter 13.Instrumentation Troubleshooting 208
Week #12 Chapter 14. Switches, Relays and Annunciators218
Week #12 Chapter 15. Signal Transmission and Conversion 231 ****** TEST3 ch8, 9, 10,11********Project*****
Week #113 Chapter 16. Controllers 243 Week #13 Chapter 17. Control Schemes 264
Week #13 Chapter 18. Advanced Control Schemes 272******project********
Week #14 Chapter 19. Introduction to Digital Control 286
Week #14 Chapter 20. Programmable Logic Controls 294
Week #14 Chapter 21. Distributed Control Systems (DCS) 300******project********
Week #15 Chapter 22. Instrumentation Power Supply 310
Week #15 Chapter 23. Emergency Shutdown (ESD),Interlocks and Protective Devices 319
Week #15 Chapter 24. Instrument Malfunctions 333 ******project********
Week #16 ************TEST4 ch13-24******project********
EGLS₃ -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that student feedback is necessity to improve teaching and
learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions
related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professor and division
chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College
Student System online near the end of the term.
Assignments (Project) and Assignment Rules:
Class will be divided in groups (teams) for the duration of the semester. Each student in class will be
part of a team for the duration of the semester. Each team will have identification (example, last name
of team leader). Students in each team will participate in selecting a Team Leader (TL) and an
assistant to the team leader in case of emergencies and absence of TL.
TL and ATL will receive up to 20 points due to time required for managing the teams depending on the
size of the team and quality of reports turned in.
All students in a team must communicate effectively amongst themselves and organize a system of
providing work/report needed for the team’s grade (refer to GRADING section on what % of your grade
comes from team participation, so please participate). Team’s grade will be recorded for each member
of the team and therefore it is strongly recommended that all team reports include a sample from each
member indicating his/her contribution (hand written or typed with team ID, project ID, student
LASTname,FIRSTname, and date). See TL Page and Guide at the end of this document. If a team
member does not provide proof of contribution (evidence of timely self-work and effective
communication with ethical considerations) that member will not get team’s grade and 0 will be
recorded for the member.
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All reports (team or each member self-work) will have a title page with the teams ID, each member’s
LASTname,FIRST name. See sample Title Page and Guide Sheet on last page of this document. TL
turns in the team’s project for grading. Each team is required to do presentations to the class. All
teamwork projects/papers must have Title Page listed on last page of this document. If team report
does not include member self-work that member will receive 0 for assignment. Late evidence of selfwork will not be accepted. Support documentation will be required only for emergency cases. Instructor
reserves the right to judge what is emergency or simple disrespect for the course, team, and
professional ethics for Engineering Technology at HCC-Northeast. So, do not miss turning in your
evidence of self-work to your TL. Instructor will occasionally check with team to evaluate cooperation of
members. If team reports lack of interest, late self-work, unethical behavior then the team member will
receive 0 for the assignment. See Guide Sheet for Emergency Support Document and
acknowledgement letter for late or missed assignment at the end of this document. Instructor reserves
the right to judge what is considered an emergency or simple disrespect for the course, team, and
professional ethics for Engineering Technology at HCC-Northeast.
Homework projects:
Each team will present homework problems from the back of each chapter to class. Team members
will decide how to share (divide load) the presentation materials with the help of the TL and ATL. This
is an on-going project through the semester. Each team member gets a team grade. If a team member
is not present the member will receive zero point for no contribution to the team work (presenting
members will receive team grade). Homework chapters will be assigned by instructor at the start of the
semester. Each team member will provide proof of self-work to the TL/ATL to be turned in at the end of
the presentation (hard copy and hand written will be accepted). Each member will receive a team grade
and individual presentation grade for this project.
For each chapter 2, 3, 4, 5 prepare 2-3 page team report. Team members will present summary of
report to class. Class will be divided in four teams for pressure, temperature, level, and flow groups by
instructor. Show how your topic is used in Process Technology. Provide definitions, describe purpose,
and identify common types of your topic/device used in Process Technology. Provide example of your
topic used in industry if applicable (price, manufacturers, models, technical specifications, installation
specification, maintenance, calibration, types of communication, name and or number of plants using
the device-actual device used or work experience class demonstration). Project is due on or before
mid- semester point (usually one week after chapter is covered in the class). Each team member will
provide proof of self-work to the TL/ATL for attachment to the back of the team report. Each member
will receive a team grade and individual presentation grade for this project.
Prepare a 2-3 page team report showing your assigned topic in project one using Symbology: Process
Diagram and Instrumentation Sketching. Each team will present to the class how to read, use, and
produce Block Flow Diagram, PFD, and P&ID for simple control system using process equipment
covered in the textbook chapter 17 and18 examples to instrument a Heat Exchanger, or a Vessel Level
Control, or a Tank, or a Boiler, and so on……. Include actual plant used at work if applicable. Provide
control loop diagram reading demonstration to class and or cover troubleshooting instruments. Project
is due on or before final exam week as related chapters are covered in the class. Instructor will assign
due dates for each team in the class as chapters are covered. Each team member will provide proof of
self-work to the TL/ATL for attachment to the back of the team report. Each member will receive a team
grade and individual presentation grade for this project.
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Title Page Sample
PTAC 1308: Safety, Health and Environment
Project #
Project Name
Chapter #
Team members
Garrett (ATL)
Holt (TL)
Jai Dione
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Partial Fulfillment for Successful Completion of
PTAC 1308
Summer 2015 Class Number 57459, TH, 5-7 PM
Instructor Mr. Morteza Sameei
Title Page Sample
Course PTRT 1301 – Overview Of The Petroleum
Project #
Project Name
Chapter #
Team members
Garrett (ATL)
Holt (TL)
Jai Dione
Partial Fulfillment for Successful Completion of
PTRT 1301 – OVERVIEW OF THE PRETROLEUM INDUSTRY, Spring 2015, Class Number 48314, TH 7-9 PM
Instructor Mr. Morteza Sameei
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Team Member Proof of Self-Work Guide Sheet-To be used for turning reports to TL and ATL
Name: (Last,First)--Team ID # TL/ATL last name
Class (rubric-number-name-meets on days-period) --Project Name (topic-chapter) --Date--Team Member Report Sample sheet is proof of self-work, typed or hand written, usually one page, turned in to Team
Leader for Team Reports/Projects as required by TL and instructor (time/date sensitive). Five Ws must be covered as
Title as shown above, and project/assignment must be completed before team member submits this form to TL to be
attached to any report. Team members should send evidence of self-work by email and also bring a hard copy to
class in person for backup. All self-work pages should be done
The Individual Report goes here.
Usually it is no more than one page.
Answer questions on project agreed-upon/assigned by the team and Team Leader.
It can be typed up or handwritten.
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Guide Sheet for Team Leaders and Assistant Team Leaders
Send instructor an email with your team Title Page (TP) at start of semester. This verifies email
communication between instructor/TL/ATL/Team which is a crucial link to have for effective
communication. See sample of Title Page on syllabus or on Learning Web.
Identify TL and ATL, your team ID (usually the last name of TL)
Include Team members LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME on your team roster
Put your team roster in alphabetical order (Lastnames, Firstname)
Use this TP page on all of the team reports
Update instructor of team roster changes (members not showing up)
Send you title page to instructor and your team members
Print hard copies (2-5) and carry with you in class at all time, after final approval by instructor and the
team, for attachment to any future projects for grading purposes (including presentations).
Stay in touch with your ATL and the team at all times during the semester for communications and
information flow from instructor to you and to your team.
Name your title page file as “Title Page PTAC 1308 team# name semester year”.
Use the title page for all hard copies to be turned in for grading. All projects must be turned in in hard
copies. So emails will not count. Instructor cannot be printing stuff.
Warn your team mates for on-time preparation and loss of point (from 100% to 50% depending on
instructor’s determination of when they turned the self-work to you).
If team members are late TL or ATL turns in the due assignment of what they have at hand at the time of
class due date.
Add new members to your team (only on the first two or three weeks from start of class) and warn
instructor when members are not showing up. If student name is not instructor’s live attendance roster
that student cannot be in class. They must see instructor and go to registrar office at HCC-NE.
Turn in a page for daily attendance of the members, initialed by them, at the end of each class period
before leaving class. Make certain the roster has what where when who how why information on it. That
will be used as proof that members attended the class. Original hard copy will be filed for class records
and will be used as evidence of interest in SciEngTech ethics. Identify members who do not appear in
person in class (acceptable/reasonable emergencies for self or work issues- Note: Instructor requires
evidentiary support for absence)
If any members miss a test they are required to provide hard copy evidence for their absence. After
instructor’s approval of evidence the members can contact (work study lab assistant Andy or Bobby) to
schedule retake of missed work. Their emails are provided to TL & ATL at the start of semester.
Turn in Team Reports and include the following Items:
Title Page
Actual report answering the topics requested
Reference page of information sources used on the report
Include a hard copy proof page for each member showing individual contribution to the team project. The
hard copy page should have team ID, team members Lastname, Firstname, and class/tpoic information.
See guide sheet for individual member’s work sample/format at the end of this syllabus.
Request each team member to do a Power Point Presentation of their parts. Do not do all the work
yourself. You just put it together with assistance of team outside of class.
Assign each person a task. Ask instructor for assistance if needed.
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Scantron Guide Sheet
Scantrons, #2 Pencils, and textbook are required for each test.
The Following Information must be provided on Scantrons:
Student lastename, Firstname,
Test information, chapters covered
Class information
Date and time
Scantron Notes:
Points will be subtracted (up to eleven points) from test if scantron guidelines are not
Scantron must be clean and clearly marked according to company notes on each
scantron sheet.
If you bubble wrong selection on Scantron, the erased marks must be clean completely
so that machine does not count answers wrong; Use new scantrons if your eraser
causes smudging. Have new ones handy on the test dates.
Answer questions that require (abcde or multiple) choice selections and leave the ones
that require written answers blank on scantron (skip and go to next question).
If each chapter has twenty questions. Chapter one has 20Q (mark your answer on
scantron 1-20). Ch two has 20q (mark your answers on scantron 21-40). Ch three has
20q (mark your answers on scantron 41-60, used the back side of scantron for q50-80).
Chapter four has 20q (mark your answers on scantron 61-80).
Time for tests will be limited to 80 minutes. So study materials ahead of time. You will
not be able to complete tests on time (correctly).
Be on time. Tests will be picked up when 80 minutes from start of test is up.
Scantrons will be evaluated and will be returned for your review. However, they must be
turned in for evidence and proof files for this class. Please turn in your graded scantron
after reviewing. A photo copy can be made by using your cell if you need to have a copy
for your records.
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Last name, first name example Sameei, Morteza (team 4 HOLT)
Subject example ptac 1308
Test Number example Test 1 chp1-4
Date 02/17/2015
Period example Th 5-7pm
Guide Sheet for
Emergency Support Document and acknowledgement letter for late or missed assignment
In order to receive full credit for scores for missed and or late assignments, student needs to provide a hard copy of
support evidence for emergency cases and a letter (hand written preferred, signed and dated) covering the following
statements from the syllabus (hand it to instructor in person next class):
1- You need to say that you know you will be awarded 0 point for any late work for non-emergency cases no later than
one class period after the date of emergency.
2- You need to say that you know that emergency cases are things beyond student's control like health, accidents, and
cases in life that occur unplanned once-in-a-while or non-frequent.
3- You need to say you will do everything in your power to show student ethical behavior for all courses in
SciEngTech at HCC-NE and turn in all required assignments on-time as specified in their respective syllabi.
How to Find Syllabus, Power Point Presentation and Review
Questions on LW or EagleOnline 2:
For Learning WebGo to, select For Information, click faculty, click Learning Web, search for SAMEEI,
Click on the name/picture, select PTAC 1308, select semester find appropriate semester syllabus and
RQ answers for each chapter.
For Eagle Online 2
Visit, (click on) for information, faculty or student, click on EgleOnline2, Log In with your
student ID and password, locate PTAC 1308 fall 2014 #27652, locate copy of syllabus, Power Point
Presentation, and the review questions.
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Email Procedures
I check my email frequently and strive for a less than 48-hour response time to your messages, but please be
patient. In order to manage the great many emails I receive from students, include the following information in
each email (what where when who how why):
1. Identify the course number and course title.
2. Identify yourself stating your full name as you registered for this course.
3. Identify the assignment and date due or the subject of your message/question.
4. It is highly recommended for all team members to stay in touch with their respective TL and ATL throughout
the semester by email and phone for all team-work projects.
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