Undergraduate Curriculum Team Meeting Minutes 2:00 – 3:30 April 21, 2014 Holmes Hall 109 Meeting Facilitator: Anna Carlin Member 2013-2014 Academic Year 9/5 2013 9/30 2013 10/14 2013 11/14 2013 12/02 2013 12/16 2013 1/27 2014 2/11 2014 2/24 2014 3/10 2014 3/25 2014 4/7 2014 4/21 2014 Anna Carlin, Library Services, Chair X X X X X X X X X X X X Richard Coughlin, CAS A* A* A* A* A* A* X X X X X X X X X Russell Hogg, CHPSW X X X X X X A X A*** Anna Koufakou, WCE X A** X X A X A*** * X X X A*** * X X X A X X Kazuo Nakatani, LCOB X X X X X X X X X X X X X Mark Simpson, COE X A A X X X X X X X X Melanie Stanis, CAS X X X X X A*** A*** A*** * A*** X X A*** X X X Kristine DeWelde, General Education, Ex-Officio A X X X X X A A X Peggy Raynor, Curriculum & Instruction, Ex-Officio A X X X X X X A*** * X A X A*** * X X X A X Cathy Duff, Curriculum & Instruction, Ex-Officio X X X -- -- X A X A A X A A Sherrie Amundsen, Curriculum & Instruction Ex-Officio A X X A X X X X X X X X X Guests: Lisa Zidek, Mary Swanson, Rita Rubin/ College of Engineering; Mary Ann Zager, Jeff Kleeger, Kim Jackson, John Reilly/Arts and Sciences *Alternative CAS member, will be attending for the spring semester. **Provided comments prior to meeting via email. ***Alternative CAS member, attended fall meetings. ****Not able to attend due to work conflict. Committee scheduled 3 different days and times for meetings to accommodate all members as best as possible since 3 members had standing conflicts. A. B. C. D. Call to order: Chair called the meeting to order. Approval of agenda : Approved as written. Approval of 4/7/2014 minutes: Approved as written. New Business a. College of Engineering: i. B.S.C.E. Civil Engineering Major Revision Proposal: Lisa Zidek presented the program revision. Approved with addition of CES 4106 to catalog copy. ii. B.S. Env. E. Environmental Engineering Major Revision Proposal: Lisa Zidek presented the program revision. Approved with corrections to the course form for ENV 4612C: added the explanation and corrected the effective date per Lisa Zidek. iii. B.S. Software Engineering Major Revision Proposal: Lisa Zidek presented the program revision. Approved. iv. B.S. Bioengineering Course Changes (Major revision previously reviewed). Approved. b. Arts and Sciences i. B.S. Legal Studies Major Revision Proposal: Jeff Kleeger presented the program revision. Approved. ii. B.A. English Major Revision Proposal: Kim Jackson presented the program revision. Approved. iii. Earth and Space Science Minor Revision Proposal: John Reilly presented the minor revision. Approved. iv. Medieval and Early Modern Studies Minor Revision Proposal: Approved. v. Spanish Minor Revision Proposal: Kim Jackson presented the program revision. Approved. vi. Digital Media Design Minor Revision Proposal: Approved. vii. Critical Theory Minor Revision Proposal: Approved. viii. Gender Studies Minor Revision Proposal: Tabled until the last UCT meeting which is scheduled on 5/6/14 at 2:00 p.m. The committee discussed the courses in the program and whether they have a “gender” perspective. The committee suggested the minor be condensed focusing on gender studies. 1 College Program Course Add Course Changes/Deletions Prefix/No./Course Title Action College of Engineering B.S.C.E. Civil Engineering Major Revision Approved CES 4106 Advanced Structural Analysis Approved CGN 4802C Civil Engin Senior Design Approved Change CES 4605C Steel Design Approved Change Approved Change TTE 3002C Transportation Engineering TTE 4201C Traffic Engineering Approved Delete Add B.S. Env.E. Environmental Engineering Major Revision Approved EES 3010 Science & Tech of Solar Energy Approved EES 3204C Environ Chem for Engineers Approved Change Approved Change ENV 4330C Hazardous Waste Remediation Approved Change ENV 4612 Sustainability in Engineering ENV 4891C Envir Engr Senior Design Approved Change Approved Change EGN 3641C Engineering Entrepreneurship CWR 4504C Water Resources Design Approved Change Add B.S. Software Engineering Major Revision Approved 2 CDA 4150 Computer Architecture Approved Change Approved Change CEN 4935 Senior Software Engr Project Approved Change CEN 4065 Software Architecture & Design Approved Change CNT 4104 Software Proj Comp Networks CEN 3073 Software Specifications Approved Change Approved Delete COP 2550 Programming Systems B.S. Bioengineering Course Changes Approved BME 3100C Introduction to Biomaterials Approved Change BME 4332C Cellular & Tissue Engineering Approved Change BME 4504C Bioelectricity Approved Change BME 4884 Bioengineering Senior Design I Approved Change College of Arts and Sciences B.S. Legal Studies Major Revision Approved Approved Change PLA 3205 Courtroom Techniques Approved Change PLA 3240 Alternative Dispute Resolution Change PLA 3277 Torts Approved Change PLA 3428 Contracts Approved Approved Change PLA 3436 Business 3 Organizations PLA 3703 Professional Ethics Approved Change PLA 3764 Law Office Management Approved Change PLA 3806 Family Law Issues Approved Change Approved Change PLA 4116 (3116) Legal Research & Writing Change PLA 4530 Elder Law Approved Approved Change PLA 4570 Globalization & the Rule of Law PLA 4605 Wills, Trusts, and Estates Approved Change PLA 4616 Real Estate Transactions Approved Change Approved Change PLA 4850 Am. Jurisprudence Capstone Approved Change PLA 4913 Independent Research PLA 4933 Special Topics Legal Studies Approved Change Change PLA 4940 Internship Approved B.A. English Major Revision Approved AML 3154 Poetry of U.S. Lit & Culture Approved Add AML 3175 Drama of U.S. Lit & Culture Approved Add ENL 3154 Poetry of Brit Lit & Culture Approved Add ENL 3184 Drama of Brit Lit & Culture Approved Add LIT 4404 Interdisciplinary Literature Approved Delete Approved Delete LIT 4663 Magical 4 Realism Delete LIT 4931 The Exile in Literature Earth & Space Science Minor Revision Approved Approved Approved Add AST 3722C Observational Astronomy Approved Add GLY 3202C Mineralogy & Petrology Medieval and Early Modern Studies Minor Revision Approved Spanish Minor Revision Approved SPN 1121C Beginning Spanish 2 Approved Change Approved Change SPN 2220C Intermediate Spanish 1 Approved Change SPN 2221C Intermediate Spanish 2 SPN 3300 Spanish Advanced Writing Approved Change Digital Media Design Minor Revision Approved Critical Theory Minor Revision Approved Gender Studies Minor Revision – pending final approval Tabled Adjourned: Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Notes: Sherrie Amundsen 5