A Tour of the RSP Portal for Research Support

A Tour of the RSP Portal
for Research Support
PreAward Contacts
 Jackie Frederick, Director of PreAward Services
 Deborah Lundin, Associate Director of PreAward
 Marianne Shreck, Assistant Director of PreAward
 Sheila Bensman, Assistant Director of PreAward
RSP Gateway
 Vendor: InfoEd Global
 Modules:
Proposal Development/Proposal Tracking
Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI)
Human Subjects Research (IRB)
Animal Subjects Research (LACUC)
Clinical Trials
Gateway Status
 As of July 1, 2012:
 PreAward staff are using Proposal Tracking to capture
data related to all proposals submitted as of July 1, and
all new/continuing awards set to begin as of July 1;
maintaining legacy database for data validation and a
seamless transition between old and new systems.
 PreAward staff are pilot testing Proposal Development
for proposals that are submitted through Grants.gov.
RSP Gateway Access
 The Gateway resides behind WSU’s firewall.
 Access on campus: go to the RSP home page and
click on RSP Gateway. Landing on the InfoEd page,
click “Login” at left side and enter your WSU “W”
ID and network password (SSO).
 Access off campus: follow the same directions for oncampus access AFTER connecting to the WSU
Virtual Private Network. A link to the VPN process
can be found on the RSP home page.
Steps for Proposal Creation
 When you first make the decision to pursue an
external funding opportunity, either as the lead
applicant or a subaward, contact your PreAward
 Provide answers to a series of questions in order for
the PreAward Specialist to create the proposal
package in the Gateway.
Setup Questions
 PI name
 Sponsor name (if NIH,
identify institute and PA or
PAR number)
 Proposal type (new,
continuation, renewal,
supplement, resubmission)
 Proposal Title
 Project performance dates
 Deadline (type)
 Prime sponsor?
 Federal sponsor?
 Will include a cover letter?
 Will there be subcontractors
 Human/Animal Subjects?
Protocol information?
 Program type?
 Cost Sharing?
Steps for Proposal Completion
 You will receive communication that a proposal has
been created in the Gateway.
 For S2S proposals, instead of building an individual
Grants.gov Adobe package, all forms and
attachments are completed/uploaded within the
Gateway proposal created.
 For non-S2S proposals, a minimum of a final budget,
budget justification, and abstract will be attached to
the Gateway proposal for routing purposes.
Budget Development
 Provide project budgetary needs information to your
PreAward Specialist, who will then translate it into
an Excel file for your review.
 Forward all budget changes to your PreAward
Specialist for updating.
 RSP will transfer all budget figures to the Gateway
 The Excel file will be attached to the Internal
Documents tab, allowing for its review during
Internal Routing
FIVE (5) business days prior to submission
deadline, RSP must have the FINAL budget
(requested, cost share, and subcontractor
detailed budgets), justifications, and abstract.
When the budget is final and you provided the other
required routing items, notify your PreAward Specialist
to begin routing.
Email Notification of a Proposal for Review/Approval
Reviewer Dashboard
Recording Approval
Proposal Submission
TWO (2) business days prior to the submission
deadline, RSP must have the FINAL proposal
ready for submission.
 For S2S proposals, when the application is complete in
the Gateway, notify your PreAward Specialist for the
submission process.
 For non-S2S proposals, work with your PreAward
Specialist to complete sponsor-prescribed submission
Consider Becoming a Pilot in the RSP Gateway!
When you become aware of an upcoming submission, and you have enough
advanced notice to work with your PreAward Specialist one-on-one to create
and submit via the Gateway, call or email us!
Jackie Frederick (2664 or jackie.frederick@wright.edu)
Deborah Lundin (2423 or deborah.lundin@wright.edu)
Marianne Shreck (4459 or marianne.shreck@wright.edu)
Sheila Bensman (2297 or sheila.bensman@wright.edu)