FORMAT FOR ANNUAL REPORTS ON ASSESSMENT ANNUAL REPORT ON THE ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING FOR ACADEMIC YEAR (Place academic year here) Academic Program: Place academic program here, e.g., Bachelor of Science Business. LG # X Department: Place department doing report here. Submitted by/Date: Place name of person completing report and date submitted. (Please submit this report to the Assistant Dean for Administration by the third week following the end of the quarter where the assessment has taken place.) PART I. LEARNING GOALS, OBJECTIVES, STANDARDS, MEASUREMENTS: LEARNING GOAL: Place learning goal(s) being assessed here. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Place learning objective(s) for each learning goal being assessed here. STANDARDS: As a minimum, the average score of the assessment instrument for each learning goal should be 60%. LIST MEASUREMENTS: TOOLS: Describe the measurement tools used (embedded questions, metrics, case studies, etc.) for each Learning Goal and Learning Objective by course used and academic quarter administered. Attach copies of these tools in the appendix to this report. 1 FACULTY CONDUCTING ASSESSMENT: List the names of the faculty members who did the assessment. PART II. DATA COLLECTION: Present the data resulting from the assessment activities using the following format for each Learning Goal and Learning Objective (if assessment was done in more than one course aggregate the results.) (An illustration of the table is attached). Please do not include any faculty or student identification in results to protect confidentiality. Results for Learning Goal # X, Learning Objective # X # of students: (Place number of Q#1 Q#2 (Continue for each students assessed here) question) # Correct Answers # # Avg. % Correct by Question % % Prior Year % of Correct Answers by % % Question (Place year here) Avg. # Correct # Avg. % Correct % % Please complete this table for each Learning Objective. The weighted average of scores on the assessment instruments used for this Learning Goal is (divide total number of correct answers for each Learning Objective by total number of questions for each Learning Objective) % which meets/does not meet (choose one) our standard of 60% correct answers. PART III. ANALYSIS: Please list observations/conclusions for each Learning Goal and each learning objective based on data, e.g., where did the student perform well, poorly, etc. For each observation/conclusion, list your supporting reasons using the following format for each Learning Goal and Learning Objective: For Learning Goal # X, Objective # X: 2 PART IV. CHANGES TO BE IMPLEMENTED BASED ON ANALSIS OF CURRENT ASSESSMENT: Please list changes you plan to make to improve student learning for each Learning Goal and each Learning Objective, e.g. changes in syllabus, curriculum, instruction, individual course content, etc., using the following format for each Learning Goal and Learning Objective: As a result of the analysis based on the assessment completed, the following changes will be implemented to assure continuous improvement of student learning: For Learning Goal # X, Objective # X: PART V. COMMITTEE(S) AND FACULTY MEMBERS COMPLETING ANALYISIS AND MAKING RECOMMENDATONS: Please list the name of each committee and all faculty members who took part in analyzing the assessment results and making recommendations for continuous improvement. PART VI. CHANGES THAT WERE IMPLEMENTED FOR THIS ASSESSMENT REPORT BASED ON THE RECOMMENDED CHANGES THAT WERE TO BE IMPLEMENTED FROM THE PRIOR ASSESSMENT REPORT: Please list changes that were implemented for this assessment report based on the recommendations from the prior assessment report to improve student learning for each Learning Goal and each Learning Objective, e.g. changes in syllabus, curriculum, instruction, individual course content, etc, for each Learning Goal and Learning Objective: For Learning Goal # X, Objective # X: 3 PART VII. DOCUMENTATION: The process used to assess, analyze, and implement change must be documented. Attach to this report a copy of the assessment document(s), the pertinent part of minutes of department or curriculum committee meetings detailing the activities in this process, a revised syllabus which contains necessary information based on the changes to be implemented, documents showing the changes that are to be implemented that are not included in the syllabus (e.g. handouts, spreadsheets, problems, etc), and the steps taken for continuous improvement for each Learning Goal and for each Learning Objective. Please highlight in these documents the items which show the changes that were implemented. These changes must agree with Part IV. For example, if a syllabus change is being recommended, the new syllabus must be attached with the changes highlighted. 4 TABLE ILLUSTRATIONS (Assume Learning Goal 1 has 2 Learning Objectives) # students = 50 # Correct Answers % Correct Answers Prior Year % (AY 2007-2008) # students = 40 # Correct Answers % Correct Answers Prior Year % (AY 2007-2008) Learning Goal 1, Learning Objective #1 Q #1 Q#2 Q#3 Q#4 Q#5 Avg. # Correct 30 25 35 30 40 160/250 60% 50% 70% 60% 80% 50% 50% 60% 60% 70% Learning Goal 1, Learning Objective #2 Q #1 Q#2 Q#3 Q#4 Q#5 Avg. # Correct 20 34 30 26 30 140/200 50% 85% 75% 65% 75% 40% 50% 65% 65% 50% Avg. % Correct 64% 58% Avg. % Correct 70% 48.9% The weighted average of scores on the assessment instruments used for this Learning Goal for Academic Year 2008-2009 is 300/450 or 66.6% which meets our standards. The weighted average of scores on the assessment instruments used for this Learning Goal for Academic Year 2007-2008 was 220/450 or 48.9% which did not meet our standard. 5 SAMPLE SUMMARY OF ASSURANCE OF LEARNING RESULT BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Learning Goal #1: Students receiving a B.S. in Business will be able to demonstrate that they are able to communicate though coherent and persuasive written reports and oral presentations. Written Communications: Department of English Faculty 40 Papers: 70% were unsatisfactory 30% were satisfactory Academic Year 2008-2009 MGT 493 Collected required papers written during the course and selected 40% Department of English Faculty 39 Papers: 15% were unsatisfactory 64% were satisfactory WAC requirements added to syllabus and followed in class. Drafts of papers collected, corrected and 6 Committee(s)/ Faculty Members Making Recommendations for Change Assessed By Whom Collected required papers written during the course and selected 40% which were assessed using a rubric Changes to be Implemented Based on Analysis of Current Assessment Assessment Method MGT 493 Changes That Were Implemented Based on Prior Assessment Report Where Academic Year 2007-2008 Results When Learning Objective 1: Students will be able to communicate through coherent and persuasive written reports. Emphasize the requirements of Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) in class. Require drafts to be collected and returned Reevaluate rubric with focus on business writing style Added rubric to course syllabus Place additional emphasis on WAC requirements, review those requirements with students, and Petrick, Slonaker, & Kelly –Garrison Petrick, Slonaker Kelly –Garrison which were assessed using a rubric Academic Year 2009-2010 MGT 493 Collected required papers written during the course and selected 40% which were assessed using a rubric Department of English Faculty returned to students 21% were very good Rubric changed to focus on business rather than generic writing Rubric added to course syllabi 42 Papers: WAC requirements were 2.4% were added to syllabus unsatisfactory WAC requirements were 71.4% were reviewed during the first satisfactory class 26.2% were Students were provided very good with samples of effective written expression ensure students understand the importance of effective written expression in a business career Standardize format of writing requirements for all course sections to ensure uniform evaluation of writing samples Create a writing template for use with draft writing samples to identify unsatisfactory performance early and provide specific, constructive feedback for final revision Provide specific examples of writing that demonstrate depth of understanding, concrete examples and reasoned analysis Petrick Early Leonard --Learning Goal #3: Students receiving a B.S. in Business will be able to demonstrate that they understand the domestic and international environment in which business organizations operate. Learning Objective 1: Graduates with a bachelor’s degree in business should be able to identify the effects of national and international events on gross domestic product, inflation, and unemployment in the U.S. 7 EC 205 Embedded questions Academic Year 2009-2010 EC 205 Embedded questions Todorova Kloft Dung Olson Jenkins Committee(s)/ Faculty Members Making Recommendations for Change Assessed By Whom Academic Year 2008-2009 Todorova Kloft Premus Olson Blair Todorova Kloft Dung Premus Olson Carus Changes to be Implemented Based on Analysis of Current Assessment Assessment Method Embedded questions Revise Q3 to clarify ambiguities Emphasize net exports All Economics Department Faculty Q3 was clarified to Explain learning eliminate ambiguities objectives to students Coverage of net exports Emphasize monetary was increased during the policy third class lecture with the addition of increased discussion and power points were added Students obtained Learning Objectives were Cover the effect of an average score covered during first labor productivity on of 63.6% correct lecture the aggregate supply answers curve in review Coverage of monetary sessions to be policy was increased conducted by graduate during class with a assistants outside class discussion of an assigned time article All Economics Department Faculty Changes That Were Implemented Based on Prior Assessment Report Where EC 205 Results When Academic Year 2007-2008 Students obtained an average score of 46.9% correct answers Students obtained an average score of 60% correct answers AACSB – AoL – REVISED FORMAT FOR ANNUAL REPORTS ON ASSESSMENT AND SAMPLE SUMMARY OF ASSURANCE OF LEARNING RESULTS REVISED 4/8/11 8 All Economics Department Faculty