
DATE: October 10, 2008
TO: Sharon Nelson, Associate Dean, CoLA
FROM: Beth Kinsel, CoLA Curriculum Chair Committee
RE: Area VI Assessment Revision
During the past year the Curriculum Committee discussed alternative methods of assessing
student competency in Area VI courses. The purpose of making a change was to bring the
measures more in line with the learning outcomes and performance criteria as outlined in the
General Education guidelines. A subcommittee that included Kirsten Halling, David Seitz and
Beth Kinsel created a set of essay questions that could potentially be used in all courses in lieu
of the current marker questions submitted by individual instructors. Both pre-test and posttest
questions were developed as a means of assessing student progress during the quarter.
The subcommittee decided that a “trial run” could be useful to elicit any problems in
implementing the questions. Both Carl Brun and Beth Kinsel used the questions in their SW 272
classes Spring Quarter, 2008. The results were mixed. Answers generally were brief and
somewhat superficial. However, student responses were more thorough and in-depth when
questions were included on an exam rather than when students were asked to respond as part
of a new assessment process. When the subcommittee met 9-29-08 to discuss next steps, the
decision was made to solicit input and feedback from the instructors related to moving toward
the use of essay questions only, and reviewing the list developed by the subcommittee. The
instructor responses are expected by 10-15-08.
It is anticipated that the Curriculum Committee will work toward finalizing an improved
assessment process after instructor responses are reviewed.