Classical Humanities

Assessment Report Standard Format
July 1, 2006- June 30, 2007
PROGRAM(S) ASSESSED ____Department of Classics__________
YEAR __3_____ of a ___5______YEAR CYCLE
Briefly describe the assessment measures employed during the year.
 What was done?
Exit Interviews and Questionnaires
There were 7 graduates this year (5 in Classics; 1 in
Latin, and 1 minor); each met with individual
faculty members and/or the chair to review and
assess their performance in the major. Two returned
departmental questionnaires.
Transcript Evaluation
The transcripts of all graduates were reviewed for
range of courses and levels of accomplishment.
Collection of Papers
Papers were collected to be part of the pool for the
bi-annual evaluation of student writing abilities.
Assessment Meeting
Held as part of the regular fall faculty meeting
 Who participated in the process?
The chair and selected faculty.
 What challenges (if any) were encountered?
Collecting systematic data in an organized way is still an issue.
Need better method to assure students return questionnaires. (See
New Developments below, 5)
List the objectives and outcomes assessed during the year, and briefly
describe the findings for each.
1. Graduates will be prepared to assume their roles as effective and
informed citizens of our pluralistic democracy.
Both respondents indicated the strongest satisfaction in this area, 5 our
of 5.
2. Graduates of the department will be broadly educated in the classical
liberal arts tradition in order to be effective employees in diverse
Assessed by transcript review for range of course taken outside the
major discipline.
Findings: Our graduates took a significant number of advanced
courses in Liberal Arts, outside the major, averaging over 7 courses,
with a high of 15.
3. Graduates will be prepared to pursue advanced study in Classics.
Assessed by transcript review and exit interviews concerning future
educational plans.
Findings: Two of our graduates plan to go to graduate school. Five
graduates have GPAs that exceed 3.3, the usual threshold for graduate
4. Graduates will be prepared to pursue graduate study in diverse fields
outside Classics such as law, medicine and counseling.
Assessed by transcript review and exit interviews.
Findings: None known, but both the strong GPAs (average: 3.45) and
the wide range of course would predict success in such endeavors.
1. Graduates of the program will be effective writers.
Findings: Not assessed this year.
2. Graduates will acquire knowledge of the history, literature, and
material culture of ancient Greece and Rome..
Assessed by transcript review, senior comprehensive exam, and exit
Findings: Graduates took an average of more than seven courses in
culture and over eight in ancient languages; two graduates achieved an
A on their senior exam; the rest Bs.. Both questionnaires returned
commented on the breadth of their education. Once commended the
improved offerings and teaching over the past ten year.
3. Graduates will acquire a reading knowledge of Greek and/or Latin.
Assessed by transcript review and exit interviews.
Findings: The graduates averaged over 8 quarters of language study
and all have a firm foundation in at least one language. Analyzing the
last term language courses shows that the average GPA was 3.57, with
five of the students achieving an A.
4. Graduates will have strong critical thinking skills
Assessed by transcript review, senior comprehensive exam, and exit
Findings: Students performed well in classes required critical thinking
skills. All graduates took a senior comprehensive exam, with an
average GPA of 3.33.
List planned or actual changes (if any) to curriculum, teaching methods,
facilities, or services that are in response to the assessment findings.
All faculty have been trained to use the DARS system and all advisees
have been assigned to individual faculty within Wings Express. This will
enable us to ensure good distributions of upper level courses, especially in
other Liberal Arts programs (see Objective 2 above).
Explain deviations from the plan (if any).
Describe developments (if any) regarding assessment measures,
communication, faculty or staff involvement, benchmarking, or other
assessment variables.
Assessment questionnaires will be incorporated into the Senior
Comprehensive Review.