April 13, 2010 minutes


For Approval




Eileen Zeitz, Chair Executive Committee, called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.

Assembly members were reminded to sign the attendance sheet.

Correction to the Agenda. Numbers 4 and 5 For Action items will be handled by a paper ballot vote within one week from today’s meeting.


A motion for approval of the November 11, 2009, minutes was seconded and passed with revision noted.



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

2:00 p.m. Kirby Ballroom B


Below are highlights of each standing committee’s activity. For more detailed information, the committee reports are available in the Library.

Executive Committee: Eileen Zeitz, Chair

UMD is non compliant with the University of Minnesota policy in regard to College Constitutions.

A paper ballot vote will be forthcoming to amend the constitution/bylaws.

Budget Committee: Greg Fox, Chair

Auxiliary Services presented information to the Budget Committee on the financial status of UMD

Stores, Housing & Residence Life, and Food Services, respectively. Harry Zabrocki discussed loans and debt service of Auxiliary Services units. All units are self-operated, self-sufficient auxiliary operations and must pay for all expenses and loans out of income.

Governor Pawlenty did cut the University by $37m.

Campus Athletic Committee: Jim Knapp, Acting Chair

Al Mensinger, UMD faculty athletic representative, stated that UMD does not advertise how well their athletes stack up against other institutions. UMD’s graduation and GPA rates indicate success.

Physical Facilities Committee: Bob Krumwiede, Chair

Cheryl Love, Parking Services, attends the committee meetings to provide regular parking information. There are 28 new meters by Civil Engineering, pay lot fills completely every day, and maroon lots are occasionally tight. There are no plans to build additional lots.

Educational Policy Committee: Molly Minkkinen, Chair

EPC continues with their comprehensive academic policy review. http://www.d.umn.edu/vcaa/policies.html


The course guide has been beneficial for students in that they can better prepare for their classes and to create a more balanced academic load.

Proposals to Amend Constitution

Judith Karon, Director of Human Resources, discussed the two proposals to amend the

Constitution. The UMD campus constitution was not consistent with Regents’ policies and

University procedures. The executive committee researched and made the appropriate revisions to correct and bring us in to compliance. Language was taken out that requires us to manage in a certain way.

Chancellor’s Report

American Indian Learning Resource Center – Project was recommended by legislature, but not funded by the governor. Going forward the plan is to complete the drawings. It’s possible that depending on the next governor there could be a small bonding bill.

Dedication to the Bagley Classroom – Building dedication will be in June. It is a 98-100% sustainable classroom with a high Leeds certification.

Civil Engineering Dedication – Building dedication will be in June. This facility is gold Leeds certification and has a high sustainable level. Under our campus we have three Minnesota blue ribbon trout streams.

Development Staff – In a very difficult climate, the Development staff has raised over their target of $5m. The majority of these funds are utilized for financial aid.

Budget - Fiscal year 2011-12 will be very difficult as we have been bridging tuition to keep it at

4.4% instead of over 10% by using stimulus dollars. Unless congress approved additional stimulus dollars tuition will jump.

Admissions Office – For the fall 2010 semester our campus confirmations are up 11%; housing contracts up 17% and the transfer students are up slightly. We have strong retention numbers due to our advising. We need to focus on initiatives such as e-portfolio and grad planner. Maintain retention of 70% after the third year.

Chancellor Martin thanked the faculty for the job they do at UMD. We are fortunate to have faculty excellence, and research publication that has assisted in improving the quality of students at UMD. To maintain enrollment over 11,000 is going to be difficult, but if Admissions continue and retention is maintained, it’s possible.

Paul Deputy, Dean College of Human Services and Professions stated that the growth of the

Duluth campus is due to the staff, faculty and Chancellor Kathryn A. Martin.

Eileen Zeitz, Chair, Executive Committee thanked Chancellor Martin for her for her strong leadership of the Duluth campus and also the strong representation of the Duluth campus to the

Twin Cities.

No new business.

Meeting adjourned 2:35 p.m.

Wendy J. Larrivy, Clerk of Campus Assembly
