_____________________________________ Acknowledgement of Responsibility for Access to Business Warehouse

(Name of Organization)
Acknowledgement of Responsibility for Access to
Business Warehouse
Administrative data and information are University resources. They are owned by the University and are
shared as appropriate to meet the needs of the University and its various constituencies. University
employees are granted access to those data and information resources required to carry out the
responsibilities of their position. It is the employee's obligation and his/her responsibility to ensure that
access to data is only to complete assigned functions. Access to core data is limited to a need to-know
basis for use in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of each position. (Executive Memorandum C34)
Expectation for All Users:
1. To have read the below policy statements and accept the responsibility for the protection of and
correct use of any access granted to the Window to Administrative Information.
 http://www.purdue.edu/policies/pages/information_technology/c_34.html
 http://www.purdue.edu/policies/pages/information_technology/v_5_1.html
2. That data accessed will be limited to your operational area(s) for which you have business
3. That data accessed will be used only for, and in the conduct of, Purdue University business related to
your position and function.
4. That complete confidentiality will be maintained and no information outside of departmental bounds
will be divulged without prior approval from the Director of the department you are responsible for
or the Vice President for University Relations.
5. That your personal logon and password codes will not be shared with others.
6. That all of the above will apply to all current and any additional data which becomes accessible by
the WAI systems.
That violation of the above expectation(s) constitutes grounds for disciplinary action, which may include
suspension, termination, and prosecution under state and federal laws.
I have read and understand the above exceptions and directives and agree to comply.
Printed Name
__________________ ________________________
WAI Support/Staff/WAI/Access/WAI Mgmt Plans/WAI Mgmt Plan rev 122906.doc
Revised: 2/8/07
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