Contractors Manual template - blank.doc

All contractors working on company premises are required to
read and sign this manual.
For further information please contact:
Contact name 1, phone number
Contact name 2, phone number
Document No.:
Prior to commencing work on company property, all Contractors are responsible for reviewing the contents of this
package and communicating it to their employees or Sub-contractors. This package will outline the
environmental, health and safety rules in place at company name which are to be followed at all times. The
contents of this package are:
Health and Safety Policy
Environmental Policy
General Safety Rules
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Evacuation Procedure
Safety Lockout
Health And Security
Chemicals And Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Hazardous Materials
Cleanliness And Waste Management
COMPANY NAME, a tier one automotive parts supplier, is committed to the health and safety of its employees,
customers, contractors, visitors and all others who may be affected by our products or activities. COMPANY NAME
will ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, take prompt action to correct unsafe conditions, and
continued safety education for all concerned. Utilizing managed and planned systems with the involvement of all
employees, COMPANY NAME will monitor progress against established goals and objectives to continually improving
our health and safety performance. Protection of employees from injury or occupational disease is a major continuing
objective. All employees are responsible for following safe work practices and must be dedicated to the continuing
objective of preventing harm to themselves or others and damage to assets.
As an ISO 14001 registered company, COMPANY NAME requires all contractors while on-site to conduct their
activities and operations with respect to the environment, so that any impact on the environment is minimized. It
is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure all of their employees read and understand COMPANY NAME’s
Environmental Policy.
COMPANY NAME, a tier one automotive parts supplier, is committed to fulfill its environmental obligation by ensuring
that all products and processes are in compliance with applicable environmental legislation and expectations. Utilizing
managed and planned systems with the involvement of all employees, COMPANY NAME will monitor progress against
established goals and objectives to prevent pollution and continually improve environmental performance.
Document No.:
1. All work must be performed in a safe manner as dictated by the Safety Regulations for Construction
Projects and the Occupational Health and Safety Act and any other applicable regulations. All materials
and processes will meet all applicable codes and regulations.
2. Sufficient precautions must be exercised to protect workers and property from any hazards that may be
associated with the work being performed (i.e. barricades, caution tape, verbal communication, etc.)
3. Contractors and their employees are required to report any incidents/accidents, damages or use of fire
extinguishers immediately to their supervisor and to the COMPANY NAME Contact Employee. An
accident report must be completed and a copy provided to COMPANY NAME’s JHSC within 24 hours
of the incident. Contractors, at their own expense, will be responsible to repair damage to equipment and
buildings caused by careless and/or unsafe acts by their employees.
4. No food or beverages are allowed in the production areas of the plant.
5. The property is off-limits when your work is over.
6. The speed limit on company property is 10 km/h.
7. Park your vehicle in the areas designated by COMPANY NAME.
8. Gasoline and diesel powered vehicles are prohibited inside the facility unless approval is obtained from
the Contact Person.
9. All contractors working at COMPANY NAME must have full WSIB coverage for their employees as
well as liability insurance coverage for at least Five million dollars. Proof of the above must be
submitted to COMPANY NAME annually or upon request.
1. Safety glasses are mandatory within all COMPANY NAME facilities. Anyone not wearing approved
safety prescription glasses shall wear standard safety glasses with attached side shields over their glasses.
2. All safety glasses must be certified to CSA standards, which include attached side shields.
3. Steel-toed safety shoes/boots must be worn in all designated areas of the facility.
4. Ear protection must be worn in all designated areas of the facility.
5. Kevlar sleeves are mandatory in all parts of the Brampton and Milton facilities and are available at
reception or from the Contact Employee.
1. All contractor employees must sign in and out at the beginning and end of each shift. The Visitor /
Contractor’s Sign-in Book is located in the reception area.
Document No.:
2. If the alarm siren sounds, contractors must shut down the equipment they are working on, where safe to
do so, and exit the building through the nearest exit as quickly as possible.
3. Once outside, contractors will proceed to the area noted below and await further instructions.
Plant 1 location – the circle in front of the building
Plant 2 location – the grassy area just beyond the parking lot
Plant 3 location – the area between the weigh scale and fence in the west part of the parking lot
4. The Contact Employee will ensure that all contractors they are responsible for are accounted for.
5. Only re-enter the facility when the ‘ALL CLEAR’ has been given.
6. All contractors and employees must familiarize themselves with these procedures, including the location
of exits and fire extinguishers.
1. The COMPANY NAME Lockout Policy will be observed at all times.
Lockout Policy (Zero Energy State)
Prior to any work being performed on a process or equipment, the process or equipment
must be isolated to a Zero Energy State. All possible sources of energy (electrical,
mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, fluids, gases and gravity or other forms of potential
energy) which needs to be isolated must be:
 Identified;
 Isolated by opening switches (main disconnects) closing valves, blanking lines,
releasing pressures, removing fuses and / or using blocking to make sure the process
will not start accidentally, and;
 Locked such that they cannot be removed.
After the process or equipment is isolated and locked out, the power sources must be
checked to ensure that the process or equipment is, in fact, in a zero energy state and that
the appropriate energy sources have been locked out.
2. Any person voiding the intent of the personal safety lock, or failing to follow proper lockout procedures
will be subject to disciplinary actions as per Company Rules and Regulations as laid out in the
Enforcement section in this document.
3. Every person (production, maintenance, staff, contractor, visitor, etc.) involved in the work or inspection
on a process or piece of equipment must lockout. Provision for multiple locks shall be made using a
multiple lockout clamp.
4. The standard method of isolating equipment in a zero energy state shall be a personal safety lock with a
tag. Contractor’s tag shall have the worker’s name and phone number, and the company name and
phone number.
Document No.:
Lockout Procedure
1. Before any work is performed, all possible sources of energy and / or motion must be reduced to a zero
energy state.
2. Safety locks shall be affixed as to prevent the physical movement of the isolating devices (switch, valve,
lever, etc.). Power sources must be tried to make sure they have been isolated.
3. Each person is required to work on, or inspect equipment, which may present a hazard must lockout.
4. No person shall work under the protection of any lock other than his / her own.
5. Safety locks are only to be removed when the equipment is safe, operational and all guards are in place.
6. No lock shall be removed other than by the person who affixed it.
1. All contractor employees may not enter areas other than where they are assigned without being
accompanied by an COMPANY NAME employee.
2. COMPANY NAME is not responsible for loss, damage, or theft of materials, equipment, tools or
personal belongings
3. The use, possession or sale of controlled substances, alcohol or weapons of any kind on COMPANY
NAME property is strictly prohibited.
4. Should a contractor employee have any special health conditions that we can assist with or should be
aware of, please contact the Human Resources Department for confidential assistance.
5. COMPANY NAME facilities are “Smoke-Free” Environments. Smoking is allowed only in designated
areas that are posted accordingly. Smoking is strictly prohibited within the building and within 10
meters of compressed gas/propane storage facilities.
1. The Contact Employee, EMS Coordinator or Health and Safety Coordinator reserves the right to refuse
any product that may endanger COMPANY NAME employees or the environment.
2. Permission to store materials on COMPANY NAME premises must be obtained from the Contact
Employee in advance. Any stored materials must be properly labeled and kept in a designated location.
3. The MSDS for chemicals used on the COMPANY NAME premises can be found in binders at the
location noted below.
Plant 1 location – Outside of the supervisor’s office and the front office
Plant 2 location – Outside of the quality lab
Plant 3 location – On the door of the Stamping and Welding offices or in the HR Department.
Document No.:
4. All materials brought onto COMPANY NAME property must be accompanied by the appropriate MSDS
and presented to COMPANY NAME for approval prior to bringing the material on-site.
5. No chemicals of any kind, regardless of quantity, will be left on COMPANY NAME property.
6. All chemical containers will be removed from COMPANY NAME property when work is completed.
7. A proper WHMIS label must be affixed on all chemical containers and workplace labels are also
required if decanting to another container.
8. All chemicals used by the contractor are to be stored following COMPANY NAME policies (see Contact
Person for details).
1. Materials containing designated substances as outlined in the OH&SA will be thoroughly evaluated
before written approval is given to use and store these materials on site.
2. All products containing ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are prohibited in the plant/ manufacturing
areas of COMPANY NAME at all times, unless approved of by the Contact Employee and/or the EMS
Coordinator. Activities, which require the use of aerosol cans must be discussed and approved by the
Contact Person and a control plan regarding storage and usage, implemented.
3. When using ozone depleting substances (ODS), the Contractor is responsible to send the Contact
Employee, prior to the start of work, a copy of their current license and verification from suppliers that
ODS are in compliance. The EMS Department will keep a copy of all ODS licenses on record for each
pertinent contractor.
4. All tanks brought on the COMPANY NAME premises containing fuel, oil or any other hazardous
products shall have secondary containment. These tanks must have proper labeling and certification.
1. All leftover material(s) will be removed from COMPANY NAME property when the work/visit is
completed and the area kept clean and free of debris.
2. All garbage or waste material is to be properly stored and disposed of at the end of each working shift
unless arrangements have been made otherwise.
3. All waste materials generated throughout the facility by the contractor should be discussed with the
COMPANY NAME Contact Person prior to the initiation of the project in order to make appropriate
arrangements for proper disposal or recycling.
4. Contractors are required to follow the COMPANY NAME recycling programs for the various waste
streams they produce. Information on available recycling programs and arrangements to utilize them
must be discussed with the Contact Person.
5. Waste must be placed in the garbage receptacles and in the case of demolition, all scrap materials are to
be cleaned up on an ongoing basis.
Document No.:
6. Contractors will be required to remove profuse amounts of garbage at their own expense unless
otherwise stated by the Contact Employee.
7. All waste sand, concrete, cement blocks, etc. are to be trucked offsite to an approved landfill site (at
contractors expense). A copy of the site approval certificate must be supplied the EMS Coordinator prior
to removal.
8. Contractors are required to report any accidental spills, both inside and outside of the facility,
immediately to the Contact Person. The Contact Person will be responsible for completing the IAPA
Investigation Report Form within 24 hours.
9. Contractors are responsible for the clean up and disposal of any spills at their own expense.
10. Emergency Spill kits are located in the following locations:
Plant 1 location – shipping department
Plant 2 location – shipping and receiving areas, on the compressor mezzanine
Plant 3 location – Shipping / Receiving area and beside the Stamping Supervisors office.
1. Any equipment brought onto COMPANY NAME property must be maintained and operated in
accordance with appropriate regulations
2. Anyone operating moving equipment on COMPANY NAME property must show written evidence of
appropriate training and/or certification.
3. COMPANY NAME’s tools, lift trucks, hoists, vehicles and cranes are to be used by competently trained
contractors in specific situations and only with the express permission of the Contact Employee.
1. Each contractor employee will be required to sign and date this document, stating that they have read and
understood its contents and will comply. Contractors are responsible for reviewing these regulations with
each new employee before he / she begins work at the job site. These employees will not be allowed to
work at COMPANY NAME until this document has been signed and dated.
2. The signed and dated portion of this manual will be kept on file at COMPANY NAME and reviewed
each time the contractor signs into the facility. If a signed and dated sheet for the Contractor Manual
cannot be found, the contractor must read, sign and date another copy.
3. Violation of the rules contained in this document may result in the following actions:
1st Offense:
Written warning with requirement that the contractor detail
safety/environmental action plan to prevent the offence form occurring again.
2nd Offence:
Written notice of suspension for an appropriate period of time (1 to 4 weeks) and
action plan prior to recommencement of work. Notice of the second offence will be
sent to other COMPANY NAME Company facilities.
3rd Offence:
Written notice of suspension for an indefinite period of time. Notices will be sent to
all COMPANY NAME Company facilities.
Document No.:
As a representative of ____________________________, I have read and understand this
Contractor Manual and acknowledge full support and cooperation with its contents. I will comply
with the rules and understand the consequences to my company for violation of these rules.
Name: _______________________________________________________
(Please print)
Signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________
Are you a sub-contractor?
Yes 
No 
Company Name: ______________________________________________
(Please print)
Contractor to the following divisions (Please check all that apply):
Plant 1 location 
Plant 2 location 
Plant 3 location 
We hope your stay at COMPANY NAME is a productive one. Your safety is the most
important part of your visit. If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let us know.
Document No.: