Program Review Survey Questions Spring 2016 1. Location: BCC COA Laney Merritt District Office 2. Employee Classification: Faculty Classified Staff Administration Program Review Survey Questions Spring 2016 1. Location: BCC COA Laney Merritt District Office 2. Employee Classification: Faculty Classified Staff Administration 3. Did you participate in completion of your department or unit program review during 2015-2016? Yes No ***** If the answer is no, then stop the survey and show the thank-you screen. If the answer is yes, then continue to question 4. 4. Was the timeline for completion of the program review clearly communicated? Yes No 5. Did the timeline for completing program review include a step for revision and feedback? Yes No 6. 3. Was the necessary data available in a timely manner? Yes No Did you participate in completion of your department or unit program review during 2015-2016? Yes No ***** If the answer is no, then stop the survey and show the thank-you screen. If the answer is yes, then continue to question 4. 4. Was the timeline for completion of the program review clearly communicated? Yes No 5. Did the timeline for completing program review include a step for revision and feedback? Yes No 6. Was the necessary data available in a timely manner? Yes No 7. Was the data easy to summarize or analyze? Yes No 8. Did your data analysis include a review of survey results that indicated student satisfaction or the efficacy of your department or unit? Yes No Not applicable 9. Did you participate in any training sessions regarding program review? Yes No No training was available 10. Was the training helpful? Yes No Not applicable 11. Which question or section was the most challenging? _________________________________ 12. On which question or section would you like to have additional training or clarification?