Bernie Engel's Presentation

What is Expected of
New Faculty Members?
(How to succeed?)
Bernie Engel, Professor and Head
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Adapted from materials provided by
Klod Kokini
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
March 24, 2015
What do faculty do?
o Research (discovery)
o Teaching (learning)
o Service (engagement)
o Understand expectations in each of these
o Understand these expectations within your
culture (Department and College)
Research (Discovery)
o Quality and impact
o Refereed papers
• High quality journals
• Refereed conferences
o Mentoring graduate students (in particular
PhD students) and post docs
o Funding to support your research
o Presentation at conferences (networking)
Teaching (Learning)
o Good teaching at all levels (undergraduate
and graduate) is required
Measured by student evaluations
Other measurements options include peer
Take advantage of “teaching/learning
Advising/mentoring undergraduates
Service (Engagement)
o Department, college, university committees
o Usually these are reduced and/or strategic
at the beginning
o Professional organizations: very important
to connect through review panels,
committee work, session organization,
ultimately leading to becoming Associate
Editor, Conference Chair, etc.
o Extend information/findings to audiences
beyond university
o However…be selective and strategic!
Other Expectations
o Collegiality
o Entrepreneurial
o Problem solver
Strategic Plan
o Know strategic plan of University,
College/School, Department
o Identify metrics that relate to you and your
o Align your activities
Research on Quick Starter Faculty
(R. Boice, 2000)
o 95% of new faculty meet or exceed
expectations in 4-5 years
o 5% do it in 2 years…How?
• Writing papers and proposals regularly
• Spending right amount of time, but not over
prepare for teaching
• Network, socialize with colleagues, internally
and externally
• Set clear goals and plans – write them down
Annual Performance Review
o Obtain copy of annual performance review guidelines
o Common items
Teaching; evidence of teaching/learning effectiveness
Scholarly publications
Grant success
Graduate students and post docs mentored
Faculty Orientation Essentials
o Annual faculty expectations
o Guidelines for promotion and/or tenure
o Format for promotion and/or tenure
o Guidelines for evaluation of teaching
o Development plan moving toward
promotion and/or tenure
o Mentoring plan
Understanding P&T
o What are the criteria?
o How is annual review with head different
than promotion and/or tenure review?
• Frequency
• Evaluators
• Third year review
Faculty Career Progress
o Assistant Professor..contract review in the 3rd year
o Mentoring and feedback are critical starting day one
o Nomination to Associate Professor with tenure no later
than the beginning of the 6th academic year
o No time limit for nomination to Full Professor. .. typically
within 5-6 years from promotion to Associate Professor
o Named/Distinguished Professor
o Administrative or other paths
Some Helpful Resources/Policies
o Ask about any mentoring practices and policies
o Tenure clock extension policy
o Family leave policy
o Purdue Teaching Academy, Center for Instructional
Excellence (CIE) (or other teaching/learning resources)
o Child care (including infant care) availability
o ADVANCE Programs
o Butler Center for Leadership Excellence
Resources/Policies (cont’d)
Ask about any other helpful practices and policies
in your college (e.g. Flexible Workload Policy in
Ask about activities that may help you get
involved (e.g. Women’s Faculty Committees,
Diversity Action Committees), but be strategic
Take advantage of programs for new faculty;
• University: grant writing workshops, orientation
College: new faculty learning communities,
Department: business office, graduate office