URBAN STUDIES PROGRAM STUDENT FIELDWORK PLACEMENT EVALUATION Semester: Name: Placement: Address: Phone: Supervisor: Your answers to these questions will be very important to our understanding of your placement experience. Your answers will also provide information to future fieldwork students. Information on the last page of this document will be made available for their review. 1. Compare your initial expectations regarding Fieldwork to your feelings now. Did your original placement responsibilities reflect your actual responsibilities for the entire semester? Please explain. 2. Discuss skills learned/information acquired in your work. 3. Were you satisfied with your performance on project assignments? If you were to make any changes in your performance on the job, what would they be? 4. Did your supervisor provide sufficient and useful supervision? Were his/her comments helpful to you in your work? How? 5. Assess the role of placement in your education and/or career objective. Was it helpful, worthless, etc.? 6. Please discuss US300. Be specific about the classes -- the organization of the course, the discussions, the assignments, etc. Do you have any suggestions for improving it? We welcome your constructive criticism. 7. Comments. Please feel free to make any suggestions, comments, criticisms you like concerning the placement process, the internship itself, supervisor, or any other aspect of the program. Questions on this page are included for the benefit of next year's fieldwork group. Please answer the questions carefully, giving information that you would like to have had in considering your placement. 1. Field Placement: 2. Supervisor: 3. Outline general responsibilities and project assignments: 4. What skills are needed for this placement? 5. Was supervision adequate? For the next two questions, use a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being low and 5 being high: 6. What is your general rating of placement? Supervisor? 7. Would you recommend this organization as a placement site to a member of next year's fieldwork class? With same supervisor? 8. Comments: