Revised, SP 2016 SAMPLE QUESTIONS FOR EARLY STUDENT FEEDBACK Regardless of how you collect the information, the most useful information in early feedback is obtained when students are asked to describe: 1. What about the environment, activities, and structure of this course are helping your learning? 2. What specific suggestions do you have for changing the environment, activities, or structure of the course to better help your learning? The two questions above are usually sufficient to gather meaningful student feedback. However, you can add or tailor questions to fit your specific needs, for instance, if you want to collect additional quantitative data and/or mean values for specific items; or if you want to elicit explicit information about assessments, course activities, instructor’s strategies, lab settings, a particular software, a new textbook, etc. Below are some questions divided by common areas of interest. Note that the shorter you keep the early feedback questionnaire, the better. This document provides several survey items only to showcase a variety of questions, but it is best to limit the amount of items as much as possible and choose/adapt only those pertinent to your course. Sample early feedback survey items related to course organization/ content/ activities/ materials Thinking about this course, indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly disagree This course is taught at an appropriate pace; I am able to keep up with readings and assignments. The content is appropriate to the level of the course (not too advanced, not too basic). The worksheets used in this class are helpful in preparing for the exam. The lectures help me learn the material. Disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree Revised, SP 2016 The course assessments (exams, quizzes) help me learn the material. The visual aids used in this course help me learn the material. The amount of homework is manageable. I know what I am expected to do and learn in this course. Software "x" helps me to better grasp the course content. The group work helps me learn the material. I enjoy working in groups. The class discussions help me learn the material. I would recommend this course to another student. The readings/book compliment the lectures well. In-class activities contribute to my learning. This is one of the best courses I have ever taken. I know what I need to do in order to succeed in this class. I can think of (at least) three things I have learned in this course up to this point. Revised, SP 2016 Sample early feedback survey items related to a lab (can be adapted for a recitation section) Thinking about this lab, indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly disagree Disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree The worksheets/manuals used in this lab are helpful when completing the experiments/assignments. The instructions for lab exercises/experiments are clear and easy to follow. There is usually an adequate amount of time to complete the lab experiments/tasks. The tasks we do in lab have a clear connection to the lectures. Writing lab reports helps me to better grasp the course content. The objectives of each lab are clear to me. The experiments/tasks make sense to me; I understand their purpose. Sample early feedback survey items related to the instructor Thinking about your instructor, indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly disagree The instructor seems to be interested in this course. The instructor is well prepared for class/lab. Disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree Revised, SP 2016 The instructor is able to explain complex material. The instructor is approachable and able to answer students' questions during class/lab. The instructor is available during office hours. The instructor gives me useful feedback on assignments. The instructor returns graded material in an adequate amount of time. The instructor is professional and respectful of others. The instructor generally talks at an appropriate pace (not too fast , not too slow) The instructor generally talks with appropriate volume (not to loud, not to soft). The instructor usually starts class on time. The instructor usually finishes class on time. The instructor establishes objectives for each class period. My instructor motivates me to do my best. I would enjoy taking another class with this instructor.