April 8, 2016 Student Success & Retention Small Grants UMD Strategic Enrollment Management The Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) subcommittee announces a call for grant proposals supporting action items aligned with improved undergraduate student success and retention. Faculty, staff, departments, and programs are eligible to submit proposals for consideration. This initial round of funding will focus on new initiatives supporting student success in the freshman and sophomore years. UMD has established the goal of increasing first-to-second year retention to 80% by fall 2018 – a four percent increase from our most recent rate. We are employing the 4-Pros framework, with its emphasis on Profile, Progress, Process, and Promise, to guide our campus conversation and to identify action items. Successful grant applications must show alignment with this framework. Proposals should address specifically how the project addresses one or more of the 4-Pros (see #7 below). Forty-nine action items are already underway and are highlighted within the UMD SEM Action Plan for Student Retention. Additional information is available at www.d.umn.edu/vcaa/sem. An initial round of grant proposals will be considered the week of May 2, 2016 (submission deadline 9:00 a.m. on Monday, May 2) with the expectation of fall 2016 implementation. Additional grant proposals may be submitted over the summer months and will be reviewed prior to the start of fall semester. Pending availability of funding, a second round of proposal reviews will take place during fall semester. Forward grant proposals to Mary Keenan, 420 Darland or mkeenan@d.umn.edu. Proposal Information 1. Your Name: 2. Department/College/Program: 3. Additional Project Collaborators (names and departments): 4. Project Title: 5. Supports Retention Framework Goal: Profile Progress Process Promise 6. Project Timeline: 7. Project Description (to include project methodology, impact/outcomes, how the project will help achieve campus goal of improved student success, and how the project meets one or more of the 4Pros of UMD’s retention framework): 8. Description of how the project outcomes will be assessed: 9. Dollar Amount Requested (minimum: $1,500, maximum: $6,000): 10. Amount and source of other funding contributing to this initiative (if available): 11. Itemized budget for the initiative: April 8, 2016 Proposal Approval/Signature Process Departmental/unit comment: Department/unit head signature: Dean or Vice Chancellor comment/recommendation: Dean or Vice Chancellor signature: