Features of Object Oriented Programming Lec.4

Features of Object Oriented
• Computer programs can be very complex,
perhaps the most complicated artifact sever
created by humans. One way to manage and
control this complexity is with abstraction.
• An abstraction of something is a simplified
view of it—the abstraction “hides” the
unnecessary details and allows us to focus
only on the parts of interest to us.
 Millions of us use cars everyday without
understanding the details of how they work.
 A program can be designed as a set of interacting
abstractions. In Java, these abstractions are captured
in classes.
 The creator of a class obviously has to know all the
details of the class. But once the class is created,
other programmers can use the class without knowing
its internal details. They only have to know its
interface, just as the driver of a car can use the
vehicle without knowing how the engine works.
• An ADT consists of some hidden or protected data and a set of
methods to perform actions on the data. When we hide data in a
class, we say that the data have been encapsulated.
• Consider for a moment the class String. A variable
of type String can be instantiated, using the String
constructors, to reference a String object; this
object can invoke many predefined instance
methods such as length, concat, replace,
toUpperCase, and so on.
• The method of implementing the data type String
is hidden from the programmer.
• As a programmer, there is no way of inspecting
how these operations are carried out since the
class will be stored as Java bytecodes. Only the
implementers of the classes should have access
to the Java source code, to prevent other
programmers from changing well-engineered
■ The abstraction has created a data type, for example,
■ It is possible to declare variables of the type, for
example, String alphabet.
■ The type contains a set of instance methods for the
access and manipulation of data of the said type, for
example, length.
■ The implementation of the type, behind the scenes,
uses whatever data and methods are necessary.
■ Access to the type is through a restricted interface with
the implementation details being hidden from the
programmer who uses the type.
• Inheritance is the process by which one class
receives the characteristics of another class.
• The initial class is called the base or parent
class; in Java this is known as the superclass.
The receiving class is called the derived or
child class; in Java this is known as the
 Inheritance increases your ability to reuse classes.
Software can be extended by reusing previously
defined classes and adding new methods to the
 Inheritance increases the level of abstraction in a
 Inheritance improves the clarity in the design of
classes by allowing the implementation of methods to
be postponed in super classes and to appear in
public class Object
// constructor
public Object();
// public instance methods
Public boolean equals(Object obj);
public String toString();
// protected instance methods
protected void finalize() . . .
public class Employee
// constant
protected static float
holidayEntitlement = 20.0;
public Employee(String name,
String department,
// instance variables
employeeName = name;
protected String
employeeDept = department;
lengthOfService = yearsService;
protected String employeeDept; }
protected int lengthOfService;
// constructor
// instance methods
Return lengthOfService;
public String getName()
public float getHolidays()
Return employeeName;
Return holidayEntitlement;
public String
Return employeeDept;
Public int
• protected variables are safe from access from
outside a controlled set of classes, yet can still
be easily accessed from within the set, that is,
from classes in the same package.
• a package is a group of related classes.
• Another class, Technician, may be defined that
inherits all the characteristics of the class Employee.
• For example, the statement class Technician extends
Employee permits all the variables and methods of the
class Employee to be inherited by the class
public class Technician extends Employee
// instance variable
protected float holidays;
// constructor
public Technician(String name, String department,
super(name, department, yearsService);
• Polymorphism is a way of giving a method one
name that is shared up and down an object
hierarchy, with each object in the hierarchy
implementing the method in a way appropriate
to itself
To write polymorphic classes we require two
• The classes must be part of the same
inheritance hierarchy.
• The classes must support the same set of
required methods.
• In Java, static polymorphism is achieved through
method overloading. Method overloading means there
are several methods present in a class having the
same name but different types/order/number of
• At compile time, Java knows which method to invoke
by checking the method signatures. So, this is called
compile time polymorphism or static binding.
Dynamic Polymorphism:
Suppose a sub class overrides a particular method of the
super class. Let’s say, in the program we create an
object of the subclass and assign it to the super class
reference. Now, if we call the overridden method on
the super class reference then the sub class version
of the method will be called.
As the method to call is determined at runtime, this is
called dynamic binding or late binding.