24.3 b RT March 3, 2010

March 3, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by EdMac Consultant, Tom E. Henry.
Members Present: Sheryl Queen, Sean Brooke, Carmen N. Fairley, Sadiq B. Ikaharo, Joseph J.
Bielanski Jr., MaryBeth Benvenutti, Jim Bracy, Wise E. Allen, Nancy Pak, Jacob Ng, Dettie Del Rosario,
Debbie Budd, Jeff Heyman, Minh Lam, Judy Cohen and Chancellor Elihu Harris
Consultants Present: Tom E. Henry, EdMac; Susan Rinne, EdMac; Diane Hughes, Ciber; Corey Wathen,
Los Rios ; Jerry Kenney, Ciber, and Teena Atalig, Chancellor’s Office.
REPORTS: PCCD analysis of audit procedures performed and updated Variance Report provided by
Susan Rinne.
Introductions (New Members)
Dom Benavides, Finance dept, was introduced and it was noted that she will take the minutes for this
meeting and future team meetings. She can be emailed at dbenavides@peralta.edu
1. Status Reports/Progress To-Date
Diane Hughes presented her update on status reports. Student residency. A more formal procedure
needs to be implemented. Currently there is no verification procedure to determine if a student is an
actual California state resident or an out-of-state resident. If a student states they are an out-of-state
resident Joyce calls for proof.
ACTION/ RECOMMENDATION: Team effort from A&R and IT will be required. The actual residency
question has to be modified in PeopleSoft. A point person in A&R should be identified.
Variance Report Update
Susan Rinne reviewed the updated Variance Report.
 Items highlighted are estimates and the recovery team will begin testing next week. Actual figures
should be available to pull by next week.
 Items highlighted in blue are for budge revisions.
 January payroll has not been yet.
 Expenditures need to be changed. $4 m needs to be adjusted in benefit s and $3m in OPED
 Benefit budget has been increased by $1m
Tom Henry clarified that the team must first look at the structural deficit and then look at the
best/worst case scenarios. Priorities must be set. All will have an opportunity to say how the revenue
is spent and then the board (stake holders) will decide ultimately. The reality is that some things may
fall out but we must stay within the fiscal recovery plan. It is suggested that long term debt and
commitment is slowed, from both the general fund perspective and the site (campus) perspective,
business managers need to preserve cash.
For example, if you’re a district not collecting fees the state will still take their share regardless.
ACTION/ RECOMMENDATION: Susan will send out a blank EXCEL template to begin deliberation on
sites. It will be discussed at the meeting on the 26th.
Validation of Fixed Assists and Detailed Report by Fund
Jerry Kenney reported that we are $228 over what the auditor’s reported. The number of the audit
may not be correct. A combination of materiality, 2/10th of 1 percent is off. The details of $4.5 m
maybe under miscellaneous projects. Overall the work is coming together related to fixed assets. Jerry
is working with Amany in AP. He is looking for items that are less than $50K more than $500. When all
is completed and reconciled, it will be uploaded into PeopleSoft.
In terms of the detailed reports by fund, work is still in progress with MaryBeth Benvenutti.
ACTION/RECOMMENDATION: Jerry to call Brandon to get documents.
People Soft Programming vs. Functional Specialists (Accounting, Admissions and Records, Payroll)
Knowledge and Ownership of Each Element/Application
Tom Henry expressed that he believed that Peralta is lacking on the IT side in terms of specific areas
such as finance. It is important to assume responsibility and ownership.
Minh Lam reported that in terms of identifying an analyst for IT he is hoping the person is strong on
the technical side and less on the functional side since IT relies heavily on the functional side.
In terms of the a strong functional side, Corey Wathen expressed that persons with good working
knowledge in each department should be identified through an organizational chart and matched up
with a person in IT who would interface with that specific user. Users will be trained and take
ownership of their specific technical role. Many are adverse to change but it necessary when
implementing a new system.
ACTION/RECOMMENDATION: MaryBeth Benvenutti will create an org chart for assumed ownership
and assigned responsibility. Training will be provided if needed. Discussion has to happen first to
figure out what position or role is lacking.
Minh Lam raised the question of implementing future processes for Financial Aid and reconciling to
transactions in PeopleSoft. He noted the information isn’t the same from SAFE and Dept of Edu similar
to that of Legacy. Regarding payroll adjustments, every month reports are reproduced, backing out the
bad data and re-journalizing the good data is necessary. There is a concern in keeping the payroll data
intact. A timeline has to be determined to work out details with payroll.
It is determined that although an automated system is preferred payroll adjustments will have to be
adjust manually. Sheryl will identify and then send to Marybeth. This will take more than 2 weeks. Tom
H will work with MaryBeth on getting additional help to reconcile.
2. Focus Areas/Reports
 Reconciliation - Site Bank Accounts
MaryBeth Benvenutti reported on the status of reconciliation/wiring. MaryBeth sent out an email to all
the campuses requesting they send all bank account information. Merritt College is the only one who
hasn’t wired.
Tom Henry explained that whether on annual basis, the board is required to approve all accounts, and
the processes for reconciliation drafted into board policy.
Teena Atalig reported that Berkeley City College may have done reconciliation incorrectly. They had
missing components. She has visited the campuses and given everyone templates. She has also
taken notes on problems noted in PeopleSoft and user issues.
MaryBeth Benvenutti recommended someone be identified who can check in on the sites and make
sure everyone is following procedures is the bursars office.
Cory W. explained that it may mean changing the processes of the campus bursars. Each campus
should have separate cash accounts set up.
ACTION/RECOMMENDATION: Sites to have separate cash accounts. Cory W. will find resource to
make it happen.
Checks out of Sequence
Tom Henry explained out of sequence checks are a nonissue.
Student Registration Fees – Policy and Procedures (Wise A. & Jim B.)
Jim Bracy reported that item 4.12 regarding hard holds on student accounts will be revised in the
board policy. A committee will meet today at 3pm to discuss the technical mechanisms (modification
in PeopleSoft) that needs to be set in place before the policy has been modified. The procedure for
hard hold must first be accounted for. How to remove it? How far back you can go? How to avoid
BOGG students?
Chancellor Harris emphasizes the policy regarding hard holds should stand regardless of the status of
the student. The issue is in the implementation.
Procedures need to be implemented. Payment plans? Tom will email Jim.
MaryBeth Benvenutti will meet with business managers to reconcile salary budgets. She will identify
all vacant positions.
3. Bond Reconciliation/Measure E (Jim G., Mary Beth B. & Sadiq I.)
MaryBeth explained that she is having difficulty finding a list of projects that have been approved for
Measure A. There were many expenditures like the Business Intelligence project that were not
identified. Chancellor Harris explained that up until that point everything was project driven.
Sadiq Ikharo explained that a master list is available on the General Services website.
Tom H. explained that regardless, the auditors stated that “detailed listing had not been provided by
the district”.
4. ACCJC – Progress Report
All files must be organized for the auditors and for the Accreditation visit. Dominique B. will set up a
file system in MaryBeth’s office to the collection of all necessary documents. She will be the point
person to submit documents to.
Figures are needed for the next March PCCD board meeting.
Tom, Jim, Susan, Diane and MaryBeth to meet and come up with an estimated budget assumption
A seven page budget document will be provided to stake holders by next week.
Tom Henry explained the Accreditation team may visit late April or very early May. District must be
prepared for June hearing. Probation is hoped for. The worst could be show/cause. Committee should
start thinking about the marketing perceptive. A clean audit may not possible. PCCD has not submitted
the 311 report to the state yet. They will look at the 07/08 audit and the 30 findings.
Joseph Bielanski noted that the recommendation from ACCJC was that the financial system in PROMT
would be fully functional.
Tom Henry noted ACCJC will be looking for sustainability, SLO’s, and fiscal stability They will give the
opportunity to correct the deficiencies.
5. Status of Closure/Financials
 Tom will hold off on calling Heidi White/VTD until Jim and Susan are available. He will follow up
next week.
6. Next Meeting Date
 March 10, 2010 - 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Board Room)
1:54 pm meeting adjourned