9.1 GB Board of Trustees Meeting July 20, 2010

JULY 20, 2010
Trustees González Yuen Pr_ Ab_ Gulassa Pr Ab _ Handy Pr_ Ab_ Hodge Pr_ Ab_ Riley Pr
Ab_ Withrow Pr_ Ab and Guillén Pr_ Ab_, Student Trustees Davis Pr_ Ab_ and Storm Pr_
Ab_. 7:00 P.M. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees will commence at 7:00 P.M. in
the Boardroom, District Administrative Center, 333 East Eighth Street, Oakland, at which
time the Board Roll Call will be taken. Immediately following the Board Roll Call at 5:00
P.M., the Board will enter Closed Session. The Regular Meeting in Open Session will
convene at 7:00 P.M. The first item of business upon convening in open session after the
Pledge of Allegiance will be to report on Closed Session actions, if any, or to announce that
Closed Session is in recess. Listed agenda times are estimates.
At tonight’s closed session, the Board voted to approve the following public employee contracts:
1. Director, Alameda County Small Business Development Center, District Office, Rick (Frederick)
Ohlrich, $92,000/year, July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. This is a grant funded position. AYES:
7 NOES: 0
ABSENT: 0 2. Chief Financial Officer, District
Office, Ronald Gerhard, $165,000/year, July 19, 2010 through June 30, 2013.
0 3. Vice Chancellor of
Educational Services, District Office, Deborah Budd, $165,000/year, July 1, 2010 through June 30,
2012. AYES: 7
0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 0 4. Interim Dean,
Community Partnerships, Grants Initiatives and Workforce Development, , Laney College, Lilia
Celhay, $118,000/year, July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, or until the permanent position is filled.
This is not a grant funded position. AYES: 7 NOES:
0 5. Interim Dean of Math, Science, and Vocational Programs, Merritt College,
Thomas Branca, $119,000/year, July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, or until the permanent position
is filled. AYES:
0 Those individuals
present were welcomed into their positions. 6. The Board also voted to delegate to the Chancellor
the reorganization of the Inspector General’s position, for reporting purposes.
AYES: 5 NOES: 1 (Hodge) ABSTAIN: 1( Gulassa) ABSENT: 0
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 7:03 P.M. (Please state the agenda item number and
identify the issue.)
MOTION:Motion by Trustee Riley, second by Trustee Withrow to approve the agenda, as amended.
Trustee Gulassa, Trustee Gonzalez Yuen, Trustee Guillen, Trustee Hodge,
Trustee Handy, Trustee Withrow, and Trustee Riley.
District Negotiators are Wise Allen and Trudy Largent
Manager position should read “Vice Chancellor of Educational Services”
Item 13 contract amount total should read $69,000.
Item 8 on furlough days is through June 30, 2011.
Item 14, Strategic Communications Plan, is removed from the agenda.
Consider Minutes of the Board Meeting of June 22, 2010. Copies of the minutes of the Board of
Trustees’ Meetings are posted on Granicus. Please submit all minute corrections to the Board Clerk.
As a matter of policy (Board Policy 1.10), no action shall be taken on any item not identified as an
"action item."
Minutes: 6-22-10
MOTION:Motion by Trustee Riley, second by Trustee Withrow to approve.
At this time in the meeting, representatives of the associated student governments will be
afforded an opportunity to address the Board. (Please provide your name and position, and
line-up to speak.)
speak when your name is called.) This portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for
members of the public to address the Board on matters not included on this agenda. A
maximum of 15 minutes (3 minutes per individual maximum) will be provided for speakers
under this agenda item. Requests to speak which cannot be honored within the time limit
will be scheduled for subsequent meetings in the order received. Under the Brown Act,
Trustees and District staff are not allowed to discuss and/or take formal action at today’s
meeting on items brought before them under this item. Trustees and District staff are only
allowed to respond briefly. Persons submitting cards to address an item included on the
agenda will be called upon at the time the agenda item is considered by the Board, and
comments on tangential issues not directly related to the item may be ruled out of order.
Cards must be received prior to the Board’s consideration of the item and are honored in the
order the cards are received by the recording secretary. Written statements can be submitted
to the Board Clerk for inclusion in the Board minutes.
CALENDAR FOR DEBATE 7:25 P.M. (Please state the agenda item number and identify
the issue.)
PULLED FOR DISCUSSION 7:28 P.M. (Please state the agenda item number and identify
the issue.)
6, 32.
Presentation on Gilbane Building Company Internship Program Presenters: Vice Chancellor Ikharo,
Laney President Webb and Gilbane Building Company (5 minutes) Gilbane Company will present its
internship and scholarship programs to Laney students Darrell Hall and Paul Lum.
CHANCELLOR (1 minute per speaker)
Chancellor’s Report
EasyPass, Student Health Fee, and Health Services Initiative Update Presenter: Chancellor Allen Vice
Chancellors’ Reports Budget Report Presenter: Vice Chancellor Lenahan
Investment Report
Presenter: Vice Chancellor Lenahan The Alameda County Treasurer’s Investment Report for the
month of May 2010 is provided, for informational purposes only. After thorough review of the
details, the Trustees are assured that there are no unusual or extenuating events reportable for this
time period. Design and Construction Status Report Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo
Financial Aid update
Design and Construction Update
Investment Report
Health Fee Initiative Update
College Reports
Merritt College Presenter: President Adams
Laney College Presenter: President Webb
College of Alameda Presenter: President Jackson
Berkeley City College Presenter: President Inclan
COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES (1 minute per speaker) (Please
announce any upcoming Board committee meetings.)
DAS PRESIDENT REPORT (2 minutes) Presenter: DAS President van Putten
DAS Report
CONSENT CALENDAR (FOR ACTON) 8:00 P.M. All action items are to be considered to
be a part of a consent calendar. Trustees are given the opportunity to pull specific items off
of the consent calendar for discussion and action. All items that have not been pulled by a
Trustee will be considered in a block for comments by the public and action by the Board.
All Board recommended contracts are subject to negotiation and execution by the
Chancellor. Items pulled for Debate by the Trustees will be addressed later in the meeting,
at approximately 8:00 p.m. Meeting times are estimates.
MOTION:Motion by Trustee Withrow, second by Trustee Riley to approve the consent calendar, including
agenda items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 as amended, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 as amended, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 30. 31, 32, and 33.
Trustee Hodge, Trustee Riley, Trustee Withrow, Trustee Guillen, Trustee Handy,
and Trustee Gulassa.
and Trustee Gonzalez Yuen.
Consider Approval of Resolution on Board and CEO Roles and Responsibilities Presenter: Trustee
Withrow Consider approval of Resolution on Board and CEO roles and responsibilities from the
California Community College League of California (CCLC). These roles and responsibilities can be
further discussed at a future Board retreat on the topic. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval of the Institution’s Performance Evaluation 2009-2010 Presenter: Trustee
Background Material
Consider Ratification of the AP, Travel, and Consulting Contract Registers Presenter: Assistant
Epstein Recent AP, Travel and Consulting Contract registers are presented to the Board for
Ratification purposes only. The Chancellor recommends Ratification.
Background Material
Consider Approval of Short-term Hourly Employees Pursuant to AB500, the below contains the
names, classifications, and date of hire, assignment end date, hourly rate, classification, position title,
location, background and experience department, and fund source of candidates recommended for
short-term assignments in non-academic classified positions. Each candidate’s assignment will not
exceed the category in which hired.
Consider September Board Meeting Calendar Options Presenter: Trustee Handy Consider September
Board meeting calendar options. The current September Board meeting dates are September 14th and
28th. Some Board members may have another conflict with the September 14th meeting date, so it is
requested that other possible meeting dates be discussed.
Background Material
Consider Approval of Twelve (12) Furlough Days for District Administration for Fiscal Year 2010-11
Presenter: Vice Chancellor Largent On June 22, 2010, the Peralta Board of Trustees adopted a
resolution 09/10-56 for Financial Recovery and Sound Financial Management Practices. As a result,
District administrators will make a contribution to help address the financial deficit by taking twelve
(12) furlough days during the 2010-2011 budget year, beginning July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, at
one furlough day each month. These furlough days will assist the District in addressing its fiscal crisis.
Any contract approval is subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor
recommends approval.
Furlough Savings
Consider Approval of Six (6) Furlough Days for Unrepresented Confidential Classified Employees for
Fiscal Year 2010-11 Presenter: Vice Chancellor Largent On June 22, 2010, the Peralta Board of
Trustees adopted a resolution 09/10-56 for Financial Recovery and Sound Financial Management
Practices. As a result, unrepresented Confidential Classified employees will make a contribution to
help address the financial deficit by taking six (6) furlough days during the 2010-2011 budget year,
beginning July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010, consistent with the tentative agreements with
represented Classified employees. Beginning July, August and November 2010, with notification to
the supervising manager, Confidential employees will arrange furlough dates to be taken. For
December 2010, the last business day prior to Christmas Eve holiday shall be designated; January
2011, the business day after the New Year’s Day holiday will be designated; and April 2011, either
Friday April 15 or Monday, April 25 (first day after Spring Break) will be selected as a furlough day.
These furlough days will assist the District in addressing its fiscal crisis. Any contract approval is
subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Consider Approval of Contract Extension with the International Union of Operating Engineers
(IUOE, Local 39) which Includes Six (6) Furlough Days During Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Presenter:
Vice Chancellor Largent On June 25, 2010, the District reached a tentative agreement with the
International Union of Operating Engineers, IUOE Local 39, to renew and extend their contract for
one year through June 30, 2011. Local 39 members voted for ratification of their contract on July 1,
2010. Given the current state budget uncertainty, the District’s existing budget deficit, the rising cost
of health benefits, and as a result of the State’s reduction in funding, the District believes it is prudent
at this time to renew and extend the current contract with amendments to include six (6) furlough days
beginning July 2010, and one day each month hereinafter listed: August, November, and December
2010; and January and April 2011. Additional changes in the contract include: a) contract reopeners
to begin October 11, 2010 to address Local 39’s absorption of anticipated additional decreases in
revenues; b) Expedited Arbitration provision Article 8.9 of the Agreement shall continue through June
30, 2011; c) Salary Schedule shall be increased by a percentage reflecting the effective District COLA
as identified and funded by the State for FY 2010-2011 and a reopener on new general fund, growth
money and non-designated money coming into the District for 2010-2011; d) Article 12.10, At Home
Contact, shall be amended to read: When it becomes necessary for on-duty member or manager to
contact an off-duty employee relative to or in conjunction with the continuation of a program or
service, an employee or manager may contact an off-duty member for the purpose of requesting
information or direction and such off-duty member will be compensated for one (1) hour of
compensatory time or overtime. An off-duty member who is contacted between the following hours,
or while on vacation, based on regular shift assignments, will be compensated for two (2) hours of
compensatory time or overtime. Shift
Contract between Day
10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Swing
1:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Grave Yard
a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The contacted member will fill out a Classified Time Sheet requesting payment as
overtime or compensatory time. e) Further, Article 9.12 Voluntary Sick (Catastrophic) Leave
Contribution Program, Paragraph (B) Contributions, shall be amended to include Berkeley City
College Custodian as one of the locations to post notifications; and f) The District’s proposal to
exchange the Holiday observance of Admissions Day to a Holiday Observance of Cesar Chavez Day
which will be observed on the last day of the Spring Break pending the Governing Board’s approval
for the current Academic Year Friday, April 22, 2011. Any contract recommendation is subject to
negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval of Contract Extension with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU
Local 1021) Regular Employees which Includes Six (6) Furlough Days During Fiscal Year 2010-2011
Presenter: Vice Chancellor Largent On June 23, 2010, the District reached a tentative agreement with
the Service Employees International Union (SEIU Local 1021), to extend and renew its contract for
one year through June 30, 2011. Local 1021 employees voted for ratification of their contract on July
14, 2010. Given the current state budget uncertainty, the District’s existing budget deficit, the rising
cost of health benefits, and as a result of the State’s reduction in funding, the District believes it is
prudent at this time to renew and extend the current contract with amendments to include a) six (6)
furlough days (only) beginning July 2010, and one day each month hereinafter listed: August,
November, and December 2010; and January and April 2011 to offset the rise in health benefits for
SEIU members; b) Exempt from the six (6) furlough days are 1021 members staffing the Children’s
Centers: Coordinator/Children’s Center (all); Child Care Specialist (all); Child Care Assistant II (all);
Cook (all); and Clerical Assistant II (1 position); c) Additionally, the District requests SEIU Local 1021
to cover any increase in cost of health benefits coverage for its members in the 2010-2011 budget year
over the costs incurred during the 2009-2010 budget year; d) The District and SEIU Local 1021 agree
to reopen negotiations no later than October 11, 2010 to address SEIU’s share in absorbing the
anticipated additional decreases in revenue; e) District and SEIU Local 1021 shall reconcile the actual
increases in benefits with reconciliation in October 2010. Following the October re conciliation, Local
1021 and the District will adjust the SEIU contribution as required. If it is determined that the SEIU
contribution for health benefits is greater than the increase in benefit costs, the contribution will be
reduced. Any savings or increases as a result of the Dependent Verification Audit of SEIU members
will adjust the SEIU contributions; f) Any disputes concerning District calculations shall be negotiated
between SEIU Local 1021 and the District and if not resolved, SEIU may follow the established
grievance procedure; g) The District agrees that the Expedited Arbitration provision (Article 22.10) of
the Agreement shall continue through June 30, 2011; h) Contract duration for SEIU Regular Unit shall
be July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011; i) If any represented/unrepresented employee group and/or
bargaining unit receive a wage increase, the District agrees to increase the salary schedule for SEIU
Permanent, and, j) The District’s proposal to exchange the Holiday observance of Admissions Day to
a Holiday Observance of Cesar Chavez Day which will be observed on the last day of the Spring Break
pending the Governing Board’s approval for the current Academic Year Friday, April 22, 2011. Any
contract recommendation is subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor
recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval to Enter a Contracted Services Agreement with the ELS Group, LLC Presenter:
Vice Chancellor Largent District administration requests Board authorization to enter a Contracted
Services Agreement with the ELS Group, LLC to utilize the professional and technical services of
Alice Marez as a consultant beginning August 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. The contracted services
will be at a rate of $11,500 per month or $126,500 for fiscal year 2010-11. Contracted services
includes business operations; fiscal solvency and budget development; development of periodic budget
reports; and financial projections; assist planning for the operational needs of Merritt College as well as
applicable statutes, regulations and internal accounting, purchasing, payroll, fiscal, and facilities
reporting policies and procedures; and review and make recommendations regarding the work of the
department related to facilities maintenance and operations and leased facilities to assure optimum
utility. Any contract recommendation is subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The
Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval of Revised District Holiday Calendar 2010-2011 Presenter: Vice Chancellor
Largent Consider approval of Revised District Holiday Calendar 2010-2011. This revised calendar
reflects the District’s proposal to exchange the Holiday observance of Admissions Day to a Holiday
Observance of Cesar Chavez Day which will be observed on the last day of the Spring Break for the
current Academic Year Friday, April 22, 2011. All Board recommended contracts are subject to
negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval to Enter a Contracted Services Agreement with the ELS Group LLC Presenter:
President Webb District administration requests Board authorization to enter a Contracted Services
Agreement with the ELS Group LLC to utilize the professional and technical services of George
Kozitza as a consultant beginning July 1, 2010 through December 30, 2011, or until the position is
filled (whichever occurs first). The contracted services will be at a rate of $11,500 per month or
$66,600 for Fiscal Year 2010-11. Contracted services includes business operations; fiscal solvency and
budget development; development of periodic budget reports; and financial projections; assist
planning for the operational needs of Laney College as well as applicable statutes, regulations and
internal accounting, purchasing, payroll, fiscal, and facilities reporting policies and procedures; and
review and make recommendations regarding the work of the department related to facilities
maintenance and operations and leased facilities to assure optimum utility. Any contract
recommendation is subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor
recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval of the Strategic Communications Plan Presenter: Director Jeffrey Heyman
Consider approval of the Strategic Communications Plan. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval to Re-Appoints and Appoint the Following Individuals to serve on the Measure A
Oversight Committee Presenter Vice Chancellor Ikharo Consider approval to re-appoint and appoint
the individuals listed below to serve on the Measure A Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee. The
Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee By-Laws, Section 5 - Membership, 5-1 Number, states that the
committee shall consist of a minimum of seven (7) members appointed by the Board of Trustee from
a list of candidates submitting written applications and based on criteria established by Prop 39 to wit:
One (1) member active in a business organization representing the business community located in the
District. One (1) member active in a senior citizen’s organization. One (1) member active in a bonafide taxpayer’s organization. One (1) member shall be a student who is both currently enrolled in the
District and active in a community college group, such as student government. One (1) member shall
be active in the support and organization of the community college or the community colleges of the
district, such as a member of an advisory council or foundation. Two (2) members of the community
at-large, appointed by the Board. RE-APPOINTMENTS Name Membership Representation Term
Term Expired Re-Appt. Term Expires Bill Patterson Member of an Advisory Council or Foundation
2 years 6/30/10 6/30/12 Helene Lecar Community at-Large 1 year 6/30/10 6/30/11 Jim
Stonehouse Taxpayer’s Organization 2 years 6/30/11 6/30/12 Katie Quick Community at-Large 2
years 6/30/11 6/30/12 Polly Amrein Senior Citizen’s Organization 2 years 6/30/11 6/30/12 NEW
APPOINTMENTS Name Membership Representation Term Expires Darnice Davis, Student Trustee
Student College Group (alternative) 2 years N/A 6/30/12 Jurena Storm, Student Trustee Student
College Group 2 years N/A 6/30/12 Other members of the committee include Odell Johnson,
representing a Senior Citizen’s Organization and Karen Friedman, representing a foundation. Both
are serving a two-year term, which expires June 30, 2011. Representation from a business organization
is vacant at this time. Recruitment efforts to fill this vacancy are ongoing. The Chancellor
recommends approval.
Consider Approval to Submit 2012-16 Five-Year Construction Plan to State Chancellor’s Office
Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo In accordance with the provisions of Section 81820 of the
California Education Code, each year community college districts are required to submit a Five-Year
Construction Plan to the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges. The five-year plan
communicates to the State Chancellor’s Office and other State agencies the anticipated capital outlay
needs of a district for the next five years. The five-year plan includes information on current
enrollment, projected enrollment, and instructional staff. This information, together with actual
college space utilization, is analyzed to develop load-capacity ratios, which are measures of a college’s
needs in certain facility areas. The load-capacity ratio is one factor that is considered in State funding
of a capital project. The 2012-16 Five-Year Construction Plan for the District is due to the California
Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office by September 1, 2010. A component of the five-year plan is
the project priority list for the five-year period. This list is presented to the Board of Trustees for
review and approval each year. The priority list includes all facilities needs of the District based on the
Educational Master Plans and Facilities Master Plan, regardless of whether State funding will be
requested. The proposed Project Priority List is included with Board members’ materials. All Board
recommended contracts are subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. State funding for
projects has been discussed at various meetings of the Board Facilities and Land Use Planning
Committee over the last fiscal year. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval of Resolution 10/11-16, Authorization to Submit Final Project Proposals
Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo The Administration plans to "roll over" Final Project Proposals
(FPPs) for two projects to the California Community Colleges State Chancellor’s Office on September
1, 2010. The FPPs are the final step in the process to request State funding for the 2012-13 year. The
District’s objective is to leverage local bond funds with State funding. Below are the projects and cost
estimates, which will be finalized before the submittal date: PROJECT STATE SHARE DISTRICT
SHARE TOTAL BUDGET Merritt College Building D Renovation $15,962,793 $15,962,794 $
31,925,587 Laney College Modernize Theater $ 6,139,418 $ 7,784,890 $ 13,924,308 TOTALS: $
22,102,211 $23,747,684 $ 45,849,895 The State Chancellor’s Office requires a resolution substantiating
approval of the FPPs and promising to fulfill the standard Project Terms and Conditions. Funding
Source: Local bond funds for the District share. All Board recommended contracts are subject to
negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval of Resolution 10/11-17, Accept Bid and Award Contract, Tennis Court Bleachers
at the College of Alameda (Bid No. 09-10/37), JUV Inc. Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo Approval
is requested to accept the bid and award a contract to JUV Inc., in the amount of $476,951, for the
Tennis Court Bleachers at the College of Alameda (Bid No. 09-10/37). This project provides for the
installation of two sets of bleachers, a storage building, a scoreboard and parking lights at the College
of Alameda’s tennis courts. A formal bid was conducted for this project (Bid No. 09-10/37), and a
bid opening was held on June 24, 2010. Four bids were received, as follows: CONTRACTOR
LOCATION TOTAL BID JUV Inc. Oakland, CA $476,951 Rodan Builders, Inc. Burlingame, CA
$544,400 BHM Construction, Inc. Vallejo, CA $628,246 John Plane Construction, Inc. Brisbane, CA
$695,514 The lowest responsible and responsive bid was submitted by JUV Inc. is the amount of
$476,951. Although JUV Inc. is a qualified SLBE company, it was not necessary to utilize the
allowable SLBE discount percentage in the determination of JUV Inc. as the lowest responsible
bidder. This resolution formally accepts the bid and authorizes the contract award to JUV Inc. for the
Tennis Court Bleachers at the College of Alameda (Bid No. 09-10/37), in the amount of $476,951.
The Board Facilities and Land Use Committee and the Board of Trustees have previously approved
this project as part of the allocation of Measure A funding for the College of Alameda Phase II
Modernization and Short-Term Projects, which was approved at the Board meeting of October 9,
2007. The tennis courts at the College of Alameda were previously resurfaced and renovated under
the same Phase II Modernization and Short-Term Project budget allocation. As well as benefiting the
athletic program, the upgraded courts have provided a source of revenue to the college by leasing the
courts to interested parties. This additional work will provide a greater revenue stream. It will also
increase campus safety by installing parking lights in an area of the campus that is currently without
adequate lighting. Funding Source: Measure A, as approved by the voters in Peralta’s constituency
and authorized under Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit A-1, College of Alameda, "Remodeling and
equipping classroom and campus facilities" and "Campus security and safety." Budget code: 1-63391-6206-1-710000-2345-00. All Board recommended contracts are subject to negotiation and
execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval of Change Order No. 2 to the Design-Build Agreement with Gilbane Building
Company for the Laney Athletic Complex Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo Approval is requested
for Change Order No. 2 to the design-build agreement with Gilbane Building Company for the Laney
College Athletic Complex project. The change order formally accepts a lump sum project cost of
$17,540,000, which is a reduction of $110,000 from the previous Board approved amount. At the
meeting of May 25, 2010, the Board of Trustees approved Change Order No. 1 for a not-to-exceed
design-build budget of $17,650,000 for the Laney Athletic Complex project. Change Order No 1
served to bring the design-build contract in line with the increased project budget and additional
scopes of work. Since the approval of Change Order No. 1, Gilbane has completed the bidding for all
three increments of the project, including the photovoltaic array. Based upon the competitive bids for
increments 1, 2 and 3, a Lump Sum cost of $17,540,000 for the complete project has been negotiated.
This actual amount is $110,000 less than the estimated not-to-exceed amount of $17,650,000 approved
in Change Order No. 1. The Board of Trustees originally approved negotiation of a design-build
contract with Gilbane Building Company at the Board meeting of November 18, 2008, following a
competitive Request for Proposal process. The amount of the original agreement was $12,000,000.
On May 25, 2010 the Board approved Change Order No. 1, which amended the project budget to a
not-to-exceed amount of $17,650,000. Change Order No. 2 serves to formalize the design-build
project contract cost at a Lump Sum amount of $17,540,000. The Athletic Field Complex project has
been discussed by the Board Facilities and Land Use Committee and the Board of Trustees. The
Board approved a total project budget of $16,500,000 as part of the Bond Measure (A and E)
Spending Plan at the meeting of June 23, 2009. The $1,900,000 for the photovoltaic collection system
is part of the $16,000,000 District-wide Solar/Sustainability allocation of Measure A funds also
approved as part of the Bond Measure Spending Plan. Funding Source: Measure A, as approved by
the voters in Peralta’s constituency and authorized under Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit A-1, Laney
College, "Athletic Fields, Gym and Facilities," and District-Wide Projects, "Solar energy system
installation and the retrofitting of existing energy systems." Budget code: 1-63-391-6120-1-7100002338-00. All Board recommended contracts are subject to negotiation and execution by the
Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Ratification of Change Order No. 4, Welding Lab Modernization at Laney College, Bay
Construction Co. Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo Ratification is requested for Change Order No.
4 to the contract with Bay Construction Co. for the Welding Lab Modernization at Laney College, in
the amount of $5,552.00. Including the previously Board approved change orders, the cumulative
total is $53,477.80, which is 9.9% of the original contract amount ($542,000.00). Change Order No. 4
includes rebalancing of the HVAC system, electrical work and a noncompensable time extension. The
change order work was the result of unforeseen conditions and owner requested changes. It is the
final change order for the project. The work was required to ensure safe operation of the Welding Lab
and to better meet operational needs. It was necessary for the contractor to perform this work
immediately because the changes were on the critical path of construction progress for the contractor.
In accordance with Board Policy 6.83, approval was requested from the Chancellor for the change
order work, and the items are now brought before the Board for ratification. It has been determined
that it is in the best interests of the District and financially prudent to authorize these change orders.
This project is one of the previously approved Laney College Modernization and Short-Term Projects,
funded by Measure A. The modernization and short term project allocations were discussed by the
Board Facilities and Land Use Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees at the meetings of
March 13, 2007 and October 9, 2007. Funding Source: Measure A, as approved by the voters in
Peralta’s constituency and authorized under Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit A-1, Laney College,
"Equipment, technology upgrades, and facility and classroom improvements for the college’s
following programs: Biology, Business, Chemistry, CIS, Culinary Arts, Dance, Environmental Control
Technology, Foreign Languages, Geography, Math, Theater Arts, and Welding." Budget Code: 1-63391-6206-1-710000-2314-00. All Board recommended contracts are subject to negotiation and
execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval to Enter into an Agreement with Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. for a OneYear Term for District Security Services Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo Approval is requested to
enter into an agreement with Securitas Security Services USA, Inc., for a one-year term from July 1,
2010 through June 30, 2011, in the not-to-exceed total amount of $415,920. The contract will include
the following services: * Security services at Berkeley City College * On-Site Security at the Berkeley
City College Annex Facility * Weekend Security Services at College of Alameda, Laney College, Merritt
College, and the District Administrative Center The original contract for security services for Berkeley
City College was for a three-year period, from August 1, 2007 to July 31, 2010. Based on an hourly
rate and 8,864 hours for the year, the estimated total for the current year of the contract ending July
31, 2010 is $177,892.08. An amendment to the contract for on-site security at the Berkeley City
College Annex Facility was ratified the Board of Trustees at the meeting of September 15, 2009. The
services were to be provided in the estimated amount of $37,838 for a one-year period, ending
September 14, 2010. At the Board meeting of November 10, 2009, an amendment to the contract was
approved for weekend security services at College of Alameda, Laney College, Merritt College and the
District Administrative Center, for an eight-month period ending June 30, 2010, at an estimated total
cost of $71,680. Securitas was originally selected through a formal process through a Request for
Proposals (RFP 06-07/61). They received the highest ranking from the six firms that responded to
the RFP. Under Education Code Section 17596, a district may continue contracts for services for a
maximum of five years, under the same pricing. Securitas has agreed to provide services District-Wide
under the same Officer/Supervisor hourly rate as currently charged for Berkeley City College.
Funding Source: District General Funds (70%) and District Parking Fund (30%) Budget codes: 1-04161-5105-1-677100-0000-00 and 1-04-161-5105-1-695200-0000-00. All Board recommended
contracts are subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends
Background Material
Consider Approval to Enter into an Agreement with Olive Construction Management, Inc. for
Project/Construction Management Services for the District-Wide Smart Classroom Project
Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo Approval is requested to enter into an agreement with Olive
Construction Management, Inc. (OCM, Inc.) to provide project/construction management services
for the District-Wide Smart Classroom Project, in the amount of $255,138, for a period from August
1, 2010 to February 18, 2010. The work includes oversight of three construction contracts at all four
campuses for the District-Wide Smart Classroom project. All work will be performed during evening
hours, to work around classes and lecture periods. At the meeting of June 22, 2010, the Board of
Trustees approved entering into an independent contract with OCM, Inc., at a not-to-exceed total of
$62,480. The independent contract provided services for the months of June and July, until the entire
scope of the project and manpower requirements could be identified. Approval is now requested to
enter into the complete agreement for project/construction management services. The District-Wide
Smart Classroom Project was discussed at the Board Facilities and Land Use Planning Committee
meeting of May 20, 2010. Allocation of Measure A funding for the project, in the amount of
$4,006,901, was approved at the Board meeting of May 25, 2010. OCM, Inc. was originally selected
from the Board approved short list of project management firms. Funding Source: Measure A, as
approved by the voters in Peralta’s constituency and authorized under Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit
A-1, District-Wide Projects, "Technology infrastructure for distance learning." Budget code: 1-61391-6206-1-710000-2368-00. All Board recommended contracts are subject to negotiation and
execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval to Enter into an Agreement with Seville Group, Inc. dba SGI Construction
Management for Construction Management Services for the Library/Learning Center Project at
Merritt College Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo Approval is requested to enter into an agreement
with Seville Group Inc. dba SGI Construction Management (SGI) to provide construction
management services for the Library/Learning Center Project at Merritt College, at a not-to-exceed
fee of $205,000. An informal Request for Proposals (09-10/23-INF) was conducted for this project.
Proposals were solicited from three firms selected from the previously Board approved (in December
2007) short list of construction management firms. Qualifications were reviewed by the screening
committee and scored based on evaluation criteria. One of the firms withdrew their bid. SGI ranked
highest from the remaining two firms, and staff recommends entering into an agreement with SGI.
The Library/Learning Center project at Merritt College has been discussed by the Board Facilities and
Land Use Planning Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees as part of the Bond Measure
Spending Plan at the meeting of June 23, 2009. Funding Source: Measure A, as approved by the
voters in Peralta’s constituency and authorized under Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit A-1, Merritt
College, "Additional space for the college Learning Center," "HVAC in Library," "Repair and
refurbish Library bathrooms," "Language listening lab in Library," "Group Study rooms in Library,"
"Program/Event space in Library," "Remodel ancillary staff rooms in Library," and "Equipment,
technology upgrades, and facility and classroom improvements for the college’s following programs:
Science, Child Development, Communications, English as a Second Language at the Fruitvale
Education Center, Art, Ceramics, Landscape Horticulture/Design, Learning Center, Liberal Arts,
Music, Physical Education/Athletics, and Radiologic Science."
Budget code: 1-61-391-6206-1710000-2324-00. All Board recommended contracts are subject to negotiation and execution by the
Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval to Enter into an Agreement with Seville Group, Inc. dba SGI Construction
Management for Construction Management Services for the Building Q Modernization and the
Waterproofing Project at Buildings D, P and Q at Merritt College Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo
Approval is requested to enter into an agreement with Seville Group Inc. dba SGI Construction
Management (SGI) to provide construction management services for the Building Q Modernization
and the Waterproofing Project at Buildings D, P and Q at Merritt College, in the not-to-exceed
amount of $90,000. An informal Request for Proposals (09-10/29-INF) was conducted for this
project. Proposals were solicited from three firms selected from the previously Board approved (in
December 2007) short list of construction management firms. Qualifications were reviewed by the
screening committee and scored based on evaluation criteria. Of the two firms who tied with the
highest score, SGI was selected after subsequent interviews with the firms. Staff recommends entering
into an agreement with SGI. The Building Q Modernization and Waterproofing Project are previously
Board approved modernization and short-term projects for Merritt College. The modernization and
short-term project allocations were discussed by the Board Facilities and Land Use Planning
Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees at the meetings of March 13, 2007 and October 9,
2007. Funding Source: Measure A, as approved by the voters in Peralta’s constituency and authorized
under Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit A-1, Merritt College, "Plumbing, electrical, mechanical system
upgrades and improvements," and "Classroom and facilities repairs and grounds improvements."
Budget code: 1-61-391-6206-1-710000-2303-00. All Board recommended contracts are subject to
negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval of Amendment No. 2 to Independent Contract with Silverman & Light for
Electrical Engineering Services for the District-Wide Smart Classroom Project Presenter: Vice
Chancellor Ikharo Approval is requested for Amendment No. 2, in the amount of $25,180, to the
independent contract with Silverman & Light for electrical engineering services for the District-Wide
Smart Classroom Project. On June 1, 2010 the District entered into an independent contract with
Silverman & Light in the amount of $34,200 for scoping services for electrical work related to the
District-Wide Smart Classroom Project. Once the scoping was complete, Silverman & Light
submitted a proposal in the amount of $69,480 to provide bid documents and construction
administration for the electrical portion of the project scope at all four campuses, taking the total
Silverman & Light contract amount to $103,680. Subsequently, the original independent contract was
increased by amendment to $78,500. Because the full contract amount exceeds the allowable
independent contract amount of $78,500, Board approval is required for the additional $25,180 to
bring the total contract amount to $103,680. Silverman & Light was originally selected through an
informal request for proposal process. District staff solicited quotes from two qualified firms for the
work. Upon evaluation of the quotes, it was determined that Silverman & Light was fully qualified and
proposed the lowest fee. The District-Wide Smart Classroom Project was discussed at the Board
Facilities and Land Use Planning Committee meeting of May 20, 2010. Allocation of Measure A
funding for the project, in the amount of $4,006,901, was approved at the Board meeting of May 25,
2010. Funding Source: Measure A, as approved by the voters in Peralta’s constituency and authorized
under Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit A-1, District-Wide Projects, "Technology infrastructure for
distance learning." Budget code: 1-61-391-6206-1-710000-2368-00. All Board recommended
contracts are subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends
Background Material
Consider Approval of Amendment No. 4 to Independent Contract with BKF Engineers for
Engineering Services for the Laney College Barrier Removal Implementation Project (ADA
Accessibility Compliance) Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo Approval is requested for Amendment
No. 4, in the amount of $38,900, to the independent contract with BKF Engineers for engineering
services for the Laney College Barrier Removal Implementation Project (ADA Accessibility
Compliance). The requested services are related to the accessible routes for the 7th Street crossing
and Fallon Street driveway, and the underground drainage facility inverts in the parking area between
Buildings F & G. In addition, BKF Engineers will prepare a separate package for the City of Oakland
in order to obtain the encroachment and construction permits, and they will interact with city
inspectors on behalf of the District during the project construction duration. The work is scheduled
to begin on July 23, 1010 and be completed by February 22, 2011. On March 30, 2009, BKF
Engineers was selected to commence work under Independent Consultant Contract #15818, at a fee
of $8,300, to provide civil engineering services to the architect preparing the drawings for the ADA
Accessibility Compliance project at Laney College. Three subsequent amendments added additional
engineering services required for the project. The total independent contract amount through June 30,
2010, was $43,400. Including this Amendment No. 4, at a fee of $38,900, the total contract amount
will be $82,300, which requires Board approval. Funding Source: Measure A, as approved by the
voters in Peralta’s constituency and authorized under Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit A-1, Measure A, as
approved by the voters in Peralta’s constituency and authorized under Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit
A-1, Laney College, "Handicap accessibility." Budget code: 1-61-391-6206-1-710000-2341-00. All
Board recommended contracts are subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The
Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval of Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Construction Management Services with
MSE Group for the Building D Modernization at Merritt College Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo
Approval is requested for Amendment No. 2 to the agreement for construction management services
with MSE Group for the Building D Modernization at Merritt College, in the not-to-exceed amount of
$14,022. The amendment is requested because the project scope of work and budget increased, and
the period of performance was extended. Under this amendment, MSE Group will provide additional
construction management services for the following scopes of construction work: Demolition of
existing plumbing and utility piping Replacement of plumbing and utility piping Asbestos abatement
Cleaning of the existing HVAC system Installation of a new ultraviolet decontamination system
Modification to existing casework systems Installation of new finishes Repairs to existing concrete
structure and waterproofing The original agreement, in the amount of $83,270 was approved at the
meeting of November 18, 2008. Amendment No. 1, in the amount of $102,047, was approved at the
Board meeting of December 15, 2009. Including this Amendment No. 2, the total agreement amount
will be $199,339. MSE Group was originally selected from the previously Board approved short list of
project management firms. The Building D Modernization project is one of the previously Board
approved modernization and short-term projects for Merritt College. The modernization and shortterm project allocations were discussed by the Board Facilities and Land Use Planning Committee and
approved by the Board of Trustees at the meetings of March 13, 2007 and October 9, 2007. Funding
Source: Measure A, as approved by the voters in Peralta’s constituency and authorized under
Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit A-1, Merritt College, "Plumbing, electrical, mechanical system upgrades
and improvements," "Classroom and facilities repairs and grounds improvements," and "Security and
safety improvements." Budget Code: 1-61-391-6206-1-710000-2345-00. All Board recommended
contracts are subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends
Background Material
Consider Approval to Award Bid No. 09-10/27, Multifunction Copiers Lease for Laney College, to
Sharp Business Systems Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo Consider Approval to Award Bid No.
09-10/27, Multifunction Copiers Lease for Laney College, to Sharp Business Systems, in the Net
Amount of $126,470.72. A formal bid was conducted for the trade-in and lease of nine (9) new
multifunction copiers for Laney College. The nine copiers put out to bid were to replace current
copiers which have been in use for five years and are no longer functioning at the capacity level
required by Laney staff. The current copiers were under a municipal lease which expired on June 30,
2010. Under the lease terms, at the end of the lease period the District automatically takes possession
of the copiers for $1 each, and will be trading them in to offset the cost of leasing the new nine
multifunction copiers. The District, in cooperation with Laney staff, established minimum standards
for the new copiers to be leased. The District conducted a formal bid for this project. The bid was
advertised and seventeen (17) firms were directly solicited. Bids were due on June 17, 2010, and
eleven (11) companies submitted bids, as follows: Vendor and Location Base Bid Trade-in Value Total
Cost Sharp Business Systems, Pleasanton, CA $137,870.72 $11,400.00 $126,470.72 KBA Docusys,
Union City, CA $136,264.32 $2,250.00 $134,014.32 Ricoh Americas Corporation, San Ramon, CA
$139,560.08 $0.00 $139,560.08 Toshiba Business Systems, Hayward, CA $147,008.08 $550.00
$146,458.40 Rabbit Office Automation, Sunnyvale, CA $150,042.48 $0.00 $150,042.48 Canon
Business Solutions, Dublin, CA $160,098.16 $1,500.00 $158,598.16 Schoon Corporation, San Leandro,
CA $165,716.00 $9.00 $165,707.00 Pacific Office Automation, Alameda, CA $169,932.00 $1,800.00
$168,132.00 Konica Minolta, Alameda, CA $188,169.44 $0.00 $188,169.44 Oce North America, San
Francisco, CA $232,487.04 $0.00 $232,487.04 Atlantic Office Automation, Oakland, CA $259,038.54
$900.00 $258,138.54 The new leases are a Fair Market Value (FMV) lease, which means that after the
four years they revert back to the leaser and, if the College desires, it can purchase them at the FMV at
that time. The reason the District chose a FMV lease over a Municipal lease is that the lease payments
are cheaper, and typically the District copiers are ready to be replaced after four years. By leasing the
nine new, multifunction copiers over a four-year period for Laney College, we will ensure that the
departments receiving the equipment will be efficiently supported in their work. The new
multifunction copiers will increase productivity and allow Laney College to strengthen the delivery of
learning resources and basic skills services to students. It is recommended that a purchase order for
the lease be issued to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder, Sharp Business Systems, in the net
amount of $126,470.72. Funding Source: Laney General Funds. Budget Code: 5-04-531-5607-1672000-0000-00. All Board recommended contracts are subject to negotiation and execution by the
Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval to Designate Old Equipment as Surplus and to Dispose of the Equipment
Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo The District has accumulated an assortment of old, unwanted
equipment and wishes to designate it as surplus and dispose of the equipment. It includes: Old
computer equipment (and some typewriters) Six carts Two tractor attachments Some landscaping
equipment (such as an old rototiller, cement mixer, cyclone fence and a mower An old van The
District plans to sell any salvageable equipment in an online auction and donate any remaining
unsalable computer equipment to a local non-profit organization that will repair and donate the
computers to recipients who could not afford them. Any remaining equipment that does not sell or
cannot be donated will be recycled for scrap value. Funding Source: The District may receive (and
expend) minimal funds for the salable equipment. All Board recommended contracts are subject to
negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends approval.
Background Material
Consider Approval to Piggyback on the Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) Contract #MO732
with Commercial Service Group, for the Laney Tower Furniture for Floors 4 Through 6 Presenter:
Vice Chancellor Ikharo Consider Approval to Piggyback on the Cooperative Purchasing Network
(TCPN) Contract #MO732 with Commercial Service Group, for the Laney Tower Furniture for
Floors 4 Through 6, in the Amount of $197,600.53. Under Public Contract Code 20652, the
governing board of any community college district without advertising for bids, and when that board
has determined it to be in the best interests of the District, may authorize by contract to purchase
materials and equipment utilizing piggyback-able contracts. The District would like to utilize the
piggyback-able TCPN Contract #M0732 for Laney’s furniture needs. Laney College contacted four
furniture vendors who have competitively bid piggyback-able contracts, and requested each vendor to
provide their renditions of furniture for the Laney Administrative Tower Floors 4 through 6. The
College specified that some of this furniture will be first used in the swing space (Eagle Village
Portable Buildings 4 through 8) while the Tower is being renovated, and later the furniture would be
dismantled and transferred to the Tower Floors 4 through 6, its final resting spot. The reason for this
was the College wanted to save money and not rent furniture for the swing space, but instead,
purchase furniture that would fit both the swing space environment and the final office spaces in the
Laney Tower. By purchasing and utilizing the furniture for the swing space, the College would save
on the expense of not renting furniture for Eagle Village 4 through 8 (for up to one year). It is
estimated this would save $100,000 in rental fees. All four vendors provided their renditions of the
space (based on some design parameters that the College provided), and presented their renditions and
drawings to the College and District Purchasing staff. After review by the College and District
Purchasing staff, two vendors (CSG and KI) were selected to fine tune their proposals. This project
consists of two phases, and the vendors provided a quote for each phase. Each phase and the
vendors’ quotes are listed below: Phase I is to procure only the furniture that will physically fit into the
swing space (Eagle Village 4 through 8) and will be utilized instead of rental furniture, and consists of
approximately 79 "L" shape desks, 144 overhead cabinets and some partitions. This furniture will be
later transferred to the Laney Tower. Phase II consists of approximately 113 multimedia storage
cabinets, partitions, and approximately 32 additional desks that would not fit in the swing space, but
are required to furnish out the remainder of the Tower Floors 4 through 6 offices. The District has
secured a quote for this furniture but will not actually issue the purchase order for the furniture until
the Tower renovation project is near completion. Should the renovation be delayed or if there is a
steel increase (which affects the price of the furniture) the District will at a later date will come back to
the Board of Trustees and request approval for the change order. At this time the vendor is
committed to holding the quoted discounts until December 31, 2011. Below are the two final
proposals the District received for this project. Phases CSG Quote KI Quote Phase I (Only the
Furniture that will fit in the Swing Space) $80,378.64 $122,673.82 Phase II (Remainder of Furniture
for Laney Tower Offices Floor 4-6) $112,821.89 $107,194.74 (price includes a 7% escalation) Move
and reinstallation charges to move the Phase I Furniture to the Tower Floors 4-6 $4,400.00
$13,500.00 Total $197,600.53 $243,368.54 Both vendors provided valid piggyback-able contract
pricing. KI quoted from the National Joint Powers Alliance Contract (NJPA) and CSG quoted from
The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) contract. The price variance between the two vendors
is due to the style differences of the furniture. Based on review of the proposals, the College has
determined the Commercial Service Group’s (CSG) furniture best suits it needs and would like to
utilize the TCPN piggyback-able contract to purchase the furniture, in the amount of $197,600.53.
Funding Source: Measure A, as approved by the voters in Peralta’s constituency and authorized under
Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit A-1, Laney College, "Administration - Tower building repairs, upgrades,
and renovations." Budget Code: 1-63-391-6403-1-710000-2314-00. All Board recommended
contracts are subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends
Background Material
Consider Approval to Award Bid No. 09-10/34, Medical Imaging System Package for Merritt College
to Rolle Solutions, Inc. Presenter: Vice Chancellor Ikharo Consider Approval to Award Bid No. 0910/34, Medical Imaging System Package for Merritt College to Rolle Solutions, Inc., in the Amount
of $294,196.69. A formal bid was conducted for purchase and installation of Radiography and
Fluorographic Imaging Systems (with Picture Archiving and Communications Capability) for the
Radiologic Science program at Merritt College. The District, in cooperation with Merritt staff,
established specifications to replace its thirty-year-old x-ray equipment. Vendors were required to not
only provide and install the equipment, but to also provide application training on the equipment. The
District directly solicited five firms and publically advertised this bid in four newspapers of general
circulation and ethnic publications reflecting the diversity of the market area. Bids were due on June
16, 2010, and two companies submitted formal bids as follows: Vendor and Location Base Bid Rolle
Solutions Inc, Castro Valley, CA $294,196.69 ($289,196.69 Base Bid + $5,000.00 to dismantle and haul
away the old equipment) California Radiographic Inc, Soquel, CA $406,658.17 It is recommended that
a purchase order be issued to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Rolle Solutions Inc., in the
amount of $294,169.69 (which includes $5,000 to dismantle and dispose of the old equipment).
Because the existing equipment is over 30 years old, it is obsolete and has no value. Rolle solutions
has agreed to dismantle (de-energize the equipment) and properly dispose of this equipment for
$5,000.00. Funding Source: Measure A, as approved by the voters in Peralta’s constituency and
authorized under Resolution 05/06-45, Exhibit A-1, "Equipment, technology upgrades, and facility
and classroom improvements for the college’s following programs: Science, Child Development,
Communications, English as a Second Language at the Fruitvale Education Center, Art, Ceramics,
Landscape Horticulture/Design, Learning Center, Liberal Arts, Music, Physical Education/Athletics,
and Radiologic Science." Budget Code 6-63-631-6403-1-710000-2367-18. All Board recommended
contracts are subject to negotiation and execution by the Chancellor. The Chancellor recommends
Background Material
those requiring accommodations for disabilities in compliance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990. Interested persons must request the accommodation at least 48
hours prior to the meeting.
The motion was adjourned in memory of Mr. Logwood.
Wise E. Allen, Chancellor
Secretary to the Board of Trustees