Peralta Community College District CIPD Agenda and Meeting Notes March 3, 2014 Board Room District Present: Carlos Cortez, Jennifer Lowood, Jayne Matthews, Robert Brem, Sheila Lau, Lynn Torres, Amy Bohorquez, Laura Bollentino, Tamika Brown, Elmer Bugg, Stacy Thompson, Alexis Alexander, Steve Pantell, Tae-Soon Park, Alejandria Tomas, Amany Elmasry, Matt Jackson Absent: Lilia Celhay, Dylan Eret, Joseph Bielanski, Inger Stark, Maurice Jones, Patricia Nelson, Denise Richardson, Michael Orkin, Adela EsquivelSwinson, Matthew Goldstein, Karolyn van Putten Facilitators: Amy Bohorquez; Jayne Matthews Guests: Marilyn Varnardo, John Patrick Note taker: Lynn Torres Next Meeting: April 7, 2014 (3:00 to 5:00). Board Room, District Topic Review of Minutes Follow-up Action & Recommendations Discussion Minutes from 2/3/14 in Dropbox MSU (A. Bohorquez/R. Brem) 1 abstention Curriculum: College Deactivations (5) (in dropbox) of Alameda Modified Courses (Catalog Changes) (1) (in dropbox) Curriculum: Berkeley City College Curriculum: Laney College Curriculum: Merritt College Approved by consensus None submitted Amany ElMasry As soon as possible Send to Board Robert Brem Amany ElMasry Dylan Eret Effective date Spring 2015 Amy Bohorquez Amany ElMasry Effective date Spring 2015 Alexis Alexander Amany ElMasry Effective date Spring 2015 Send to Board Approved by consensus, 1 abstention Deactivations (7) (in dropbox) New Courses (2) (in dropbox) Send to Board Approved by consensus, 1 abstention Page 1 of 3 Timeline Minutes to be posted to District Curriculum Website Completed Deactivations (6) (in dropbox) New Courses (10) (in dropbox) New Programs (2) (in dropbox) Responsible Party Peralta Community College District CIPD Agenda and Meeting Notes March 3, 2014 Board Room District Topic 2014 Program and Course Approval Process Manual 3rd edition Final Procedures for Consultation Hiring Curriculum Specialists and progress in curriculum clean up Discussion Status – Final Draft is done. S. Lau will have the doc. ready by Wednesday. Reminder to colleges How it applies to AD-Ts Relevant excerpt from 2014 Program and Course Approval Process Manual 3rd edition Final in Dropbox Update status As initially outlined in Memorandum to VPIs and Curriculum Chairs dated 1/26/14 from Michael Orkin (in dropbox) Other staffing options Follow-up Action & Recommendations Final draft will be sent out by M. Orkin/A. Elmasry. Doc. will be published as PDF only None required A. Elmasry will provide a list of all active courses from Peoplesoft to Curriculum Specialists Responsible Party Jayne Matthews Sheila Lau Jayne Matthews Amy Bohorquez VPIs Curriculum Chairs Curriculum Specialists Timeline Before April CIPD Before April CIPD Laney’s Curric. Specialist hiring – in process BCC’s Curric. Specialist hiring – in process Merritt’s Curric. Specialist hiring – in process Reassigned time for Curriculum Chairs CurricUNET META and Assessment/Program Pending from last meeting College of Alameda - .2 release time Berkeley City College - .2 release time Laney College - .5 release time for Curric Chair; 1. Tech Review; 1.0 SLO Merritt College - .2 release time; .3 SLO, .5 Curric. Specialist/.5 Assessment Review Status J. Matthews spoke with Mr. Steve Thyberg last week. Suggested to offer more meetings with smaller group; it will be a “go to meeting”. Resolution is for CurricUNETMeta to take over both CurricUnet and Assessment. Page 2 of 3 None required Meetings to be scheduled. Resolution to be written for CIPD. Various committee chairs. Jayne Matthews During March For April CIPD Peralta Community College District CIPD Agenda and Meeting Notes March 3, 2014 Board Room District Topic Follow-up Action & Recommendations Discussion CIPD Membership Possible new voting members from Assessment Committee Tabled Articulation Year End Articulation Reports Submission to Amany Passport Update of CSU/UC approved classes (audit report in Dropbox) Amany to send audit report. Articulation officers to perform audit. Basic Skills Coding Per A. Elmasry, articulation report is out of date. Amany will send out articulation list that are marked CSU transfer only. The goal is for articulation officers to update the list and to check if they are UC transfer also. Audit and Updating (audit report in Dropbox) Amany will do the update. CIPD Meetings 2014-2015 School Year 9/8/14; 10/6/14; 11/3/14; 12/1/14; 2/2/15; 3/2/15; 4/6/15; 5/4/15 Times: 1:00 to 3:00 or 3:00 to 5:00? Teaching Courses to the COR UCN, C-ID, and reciprocity of courses among colleges. Reciprocity Document in Dropbox Future meeting Agenda Items Page 3 of 3 Amany will send out a memo on how to code in peoplesoft and in State inventory. Tabled for next meeting Tabled for next meeting Responsible Party Timeline Michael Orkin Jayne Matthews Articulation Officers Amany ElMasry April CIPD Curriculum Chairs Amany ElMasry Amany ElMasry Jayne Matthews Joseph Bielanski Laura Bollentino April CIPD By April CIPD April CIPD April CIPD