CIPD GENERAL EDUCATION SUB-COMMITTEE DISTRICT WIDE COURSE PROPOSALS FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2013 – 2014 May 6, 2013 Prefix # Berkeley City College Add: AREA 1 - NATURAL SCIENCES Title Units Also In Delete: College of Alameda Add: Delete: BIOL 23 BIOL 24 BIOL 26 Laney College Add: Delete: ASTR 1 CHEM 50 PHYSC 10 Merritt College Add: Introduction to the Human Body Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology Human Biology 3 4 3 Introduction to Astronomy Beginning Chemistry Physical Science Survey 3 4 3 Delete: AREA 2 - SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Prefix # Title Berkeley City College Add: CHDEV 51 Child Growth and Development COMM 19 Survey of Mass Media ETHST 1 Introduction to Ethnic Studies HIST 3A World History to 1500 HIST 3B Modern World History: 1500-Present HIST 32 The United States since 1945 PSYCH 28 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology POSCI 4 Political Theory 11 Comparative Social Movements Since the 1960s (same as SOC 6 POSCI & SOCSC 3 SOC 6 Comparative Social Movements Since the 1960s (same as POSCI 11 Units 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Also In 4d 5 SOC SOCSC 120 3 & SOCSC 3) Introduction to Research Methods Comparative Social Movements Since the 1960s (same as SOC 6 & POSCI 11) 3 Delete: Modern World History (Approved as HIST 3C: Modern World History Since 1750 - October CIPD) LABST 10 American Labor Movement POSCI 34 Global Political Economy College of Alameda Add: HUMAN 60 Introduction to LGBTQ Studies POSCI 37 Transformative Social Change and Future Studies PSYCH 28 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology PSYCH 29 Introduction to Forensic Psychology SOC 120 Introduction to Research Methods Delete: BIOL 27 Human Sexuality HIST 3 Laney College Add: AFRAM 50A AFRAM 50B HIST 3B POSCI 4 SOC 120 Delete: ANTHR 5 ANTHR 14 ANTHR 16 3 HIST Merritt College Add: CHDEV 80 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 History of Africa History of Africa from 1800 to the Present Modern World History: 1500-Present Political Theory Introduction to Research Methods 3 3 3 3 3 American Indian History and Culture American Mosaic: The Culture of the United States Sex and Society Modern World History (Approved as HIST 3C: Modern World History Since 1750 - October CIPD) 3 3 3 Teaching in a Diverse Society 3 5 Units Also In 5 5 3 Delete: AREA 3 - HUMANITIES Title Prefix # Berkeley City College Add: ART 2 History of Western Art: Prehistory through the Middle Ages ART 3 History of Western Art : Renaissance to Contemporary Art HUMAN 5 Storytelling in American Culture PHIL 11 Formal Logic Delete: ENGL 31 Survey of African American Literature ENGL 32A Contemporary Women Writers ENGL 32B Contemporary Women Writers 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4d; 5 4d 4d ENGL 33B Introduction to Contemporary Literature ENGL 37A American Fiction (1914-1945) ENGL 37B American Fiction (1945 – Present) ENGL 44A Masterpieces of World Literature ENGL 44B Masterpieces of World Literature ENGL 82 Introduction to Latino/Chicano Literature ENGL 83 American Nature Writing ENGL 138 Survey of Asian American Literature ENGL 231 Survey of African American Literature ENGL 232A Contemporary Women Writers ENGL 232B Contemporary Women Writers ENGL 237A American Fiction (1914-1945) ENGL 237B American Fiction (1945 – Present) ENGL 238 Survey of Asian American Literature College of Alameda Add: ENGL 79 Introduction to LGBTQ Literature 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d; 5 4d 4d; 5 4d; 5 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 3 4d Delete: Laney College Add: ART 144 ART 145 THART 2 31 THART Delete: ART 6 ENGL 39 SPAN 60A SPAN 60B THART 10 THART 30 Merritt College Add: MUSIC 11 Eco Art Continuing Food and Water Advanced Eco Art Matters: Community Outreach and Collaboration Introduction to Theatre Arts Rehearsal and Production (formerly THART 30) must be taken for at least 3 units to satisfy Area 3 3 3 3 1-3 History of African Art and Related Cultures Latin American Literature in Translation Destinos I (Conversational Spanish) Destinos II (Conversational Spanish) Principles and Theory of Acting Rehearsal and Production 3 3 3 3 3 3 American Vernacular Music 3 5 Units Also In 6 6 4d 4d 4d Delete: AREA 4a - ENGLISH COMPOSITION Title Prefix # Berkeley City College Add: ESL 52A Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) ESL 52B Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) Delete: College of Alameda Add: ESL 52A Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) ESL 52B Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) Delete: Laney College Add: ESL 52A ESL 52B Delete: ENGL 110 ESL 110 Merritt College Add: 6 6 4d 4d Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) 6 6 4d 4d Academic Reading and Writing (same as ESL 110) Academic Reading and Writing (same as ENGL 110) 6 6 4d 4d Units Also In Delete: Prefix # Berkeley City College Add: AREA 4b - MATHEMATICS Title Delete: College of Alameda Add: Delete: Laney College Add: MATH 220 Delete: MATH 52A MATH 52B MATH 52C Merritt College Add: Delete: Technical Mathematics 4 Trigonometry (Lab) Trigonometry(Lab) Trigonometry(Lab) 1 1 1 AREA 4c - COMPUTER LITERACY Prefix # Title Berkeley City College Add: CIS 104 Survey of Programming Languages for the Web MMART 163 Survey of Web Design MMART 188 Introduction to 3D Animation Delete: CIS 101 Survey of Programming Languages for the Web CIS 101L Survey of Programming Languages for the Web Lab CIS 120 Desktop Publishing of Art & Literary Journals CIS 212A Introduction to Windows 2000 Server/Networking CIS 212B Introduction to Networking and System Administration CIS 215 Introduction to Networking and System Administration CIS 228A Desktop Publishing for the Macintosh and Windows Using Pagemaker CIS 228B Desktop Publishing for Macintosh and Windows Using Quark X-Press CIS 228C Intro to InDesign Desktop Publishing 229A Desktop Publishing for the Macintosh and PC Using Pagemaker CIS (Continuation) CIS 229B Desktop Publishing using Quark X-Press (MAC/PC) – Continuation CIS 229C InDesign Desktop Publishing (Continuation) CIS 241 Introduction to Using Windows CIS 243 Foundations to Computer Skills College of Alameda Add: Units Also In 3 2 2 1.5 1 2 2 2 1.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 Delete: Laney College Add: ARCH ARCH 104A ARCH 204 Delete: A/ET A/ET 104B Merritt College Add: New Prefix formerly A/ET Beginning Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) (formerly A/ET 104A) Computer Aided Drafting Laboratory - CAD Lab (formerly A/ET 204) 3 1 Deactivated Prefix Intermediate Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) 3 Delete: AREA 4d - ORAL or WRITTEN COMMUNICATION, or LITERATURE Prefix # Title Units Berkeley City College Add: COMM 3 Introduction to Human Communication 3 Also In COMM 19 Survey of Mass Media ESL 52A Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) ESL 52B Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) Delete: BUS 59 Technical Writing ENGL 14 Non-Fiction Writing ENGL 31 Survey of African American Literature ENGL 32A Contemporary Women Writers ENGL 32B Contemporary Women Writers ENGL 33B Introduction to Contemporary Literature ENGL 37A American Fiction (1914-1945) ENGL 37B American Fiction (1945 – Present) ENGL 44A Masterpieces of World Literature ENGL 44B Masterpieces of World Literature ENGL 53 Technical Writing ENGL 82 Introduction to Latino/Chicano Literature ENGL 83 American Nature Writing ENGL 138 Survey of Asian American Literature ENGL 211 Introduction to Critical Thinking ENGL 231 Survey of African American Literature ENGL 232A Contemporary Women Writers ENGL 232B Contemporary Women Writers ENGL 237A American Fiction (1914-1945) ENGL 237B American Fiction (1945 – Present) ENGL 238 Survey of Asian American Literature College of Alameda Add: ESL 52A Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) ESL 52B Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) Delete: Laney College Add: ESL 52A ESL 52B Delete: COMM 15B ENGL 39 ENGL 110 ESL 110 MEDIA 102A MEDIA 102B Merritt College Add: 3 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4a 4a 3; 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3; 5 3 3; 5 3; 5 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 4a 4a Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) Advanced Reading and Writing (re-reviewed) 6 6 4a 4a Voice and Diction Latin American Literature in Translation Academic Reading and Writing (same as ESL 110) Academic Reading and Writing (same as ENGL 110) Broadcast Journalism Broadcast Journalism 3 3 6 6 3 3 3 4a 4a Delete: Prefix # AREA 5 - ETHNIC STUDIES Title Units Also In Berkeley City College Add: ETHST 1 Introduction to Ethnic Studies 3 2 3 3 3 3 3; 4d 3; 4d 3; 4d 3; 4d American Indian History and Culture American Mosaic: The Culture of the United States 3 3 2 2 Teaching in a Diverse Society American Vernacular Music 3 3 2 3 Delete: ENGL 31 Survey of African American Literature ENGL 82 Introduction to Latino/Chicano Literature ENGL 138 Survey of Asian American Literature ENGL 231 Survey of African American Literature College of Alameda Add: Delete: Laney College Add: Delete: ANTHR 5 ANTHR 14 Merritt College Add: CHDEV 80 MUSIC 11 Delete: