Application consists of:

Application consists of:
1) this 2-page form;
2) curriculum vitae;
3) copy of page of passport containing
personal information
Application for the Training Course on
Marine Protected Areas
N.B. This form is in MS Word. To enter information, click on grey box and type data
1. Name of State requesting training:
2. (a) Ministry or governmental institution in charge of dealing with marine protected areas:
(b) Contact person from that Ministry or governmental institution:
Work address:
Work telephone:
Work fax:
Work e-mail:
3. Areas currently designated as marine protected areas by your Government:
4. Applicant information: (Curriculum vitae and passport information of the candidate must be attached.)
Full Name:
Date of birth:
/ yyyy
Passport #
Work address:
Work telephone:
Work fax:
Work e-mail:
Personal email:
Cell phone:
Home phone:
University degree(s):
Expected position and title of applicant relative to marine protected areas e.g. scientific/technical, project
planning, etc.
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5. Information concerning the training course:
MPA Training Course - South Pacific
Honiara, Solomon Islands
Date of training course:
Begins 15 January 2007 Concludes 20 January 2007
6. Itemized statement of the estimated costs for which assistance is requested:
(a) Tuition (in US$): - 0 (b) Does tuition include housing and meals? (Yes
) (No
) (Partial Board
(c) Roundtrip Economy airfare:
From: (departure airport and airport code)
(destination airport and airport code) Honiara (HIR)
7. Government official recommending the applicant:
Work Address:
Work telephone:
Work fax:
Work e-mail:
Personal email:
Cell phone:
Signature: ______________________________________ Date
/ mm /yyyy
The official submission of this completed application for training together with all required
documentation must be made through the Permanent Mission to the United Nations of the
State concerned to:
Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea
Office of Legal Affairs
Room DC2-0450
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
Only typewritten or electronic format applications will be accepted. For electronic version
see: and choose Application Form.
To expedite processing, please also fax: a) this 2-page application; b) applicants curriculum
vitae; and c) copy of page of passport containing personal information to (1) (212) 963-5847,
Attn. Mr. Maurice Jorgens. Please also email an electronic version of the application form to
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