Peralta Community College District Administrative Procedure 5.02 Procedure 5.02 Procedure for Submitting a Proposal A. Planning Prior to writing a proposal or determining a source of funds, the proposal writer should have a clear idea of the project for which funds will be sought. A one- or two-page idea statement (including the purpose, scope and fiscal needs) should be prepared. B. Development Officer There is a development officer at each campus who is responsible for grant activities. This person should be contacted for assistance in locating appropriate funding sources and for guidance through the proposal process. C. Proposal Preparation The District Office of Institutional Development will assist in the proposal writing process if needed. Writers should be certain to follow all requirements set forth by the funding agency. In addition, fiscal data should be checked by the campus business office before the final budget is prepared. . D. Letter of Intent Once a program has been planned and funding source(s) identified, the College Development Officer must submit a Letter of Intent to the Office of Institutional Development. Intents should be sent to that office one month prior to the application deadline. E. Board of Trustees Authorization All requests for outside funds must be approved by the Board of Trustees. The District Office of Institutional Development is responsible for preparing all information regarding grant activities for presentation to the Board. F. Reviews and Approvals 1. A draft copy of the proposal and budget should be submitted to the District (both on paper and diskette) Office of Institutional Development at least one week prior to the application deadline. This will allow ample time for proposal review and any changes that may be necessary. The final budget and signature pages should also be submitted at that time. These materials are routed through the following District offices for review and final approval: Peralta Community College District Administrative Procedure 5.02 Institutional Development: Program consistent with mission and goals Budget Office: fiscal review Risk Management: insurance review Personnel: job classification, salary and wages 2. When forwarded to the District Office, all proposals should be accompanied by the Review and Routing form(s), with all required signatures and/or initials. This acknowledges submission approval. 3. A final proposal review will be made and the proposal will be signed by an authorized representative, usually the Vice Chancellor of Educational Services. G. Submission to Grantor Agency Following these reviews and signature, the original signed copy of the proposal and copies as required by the funding source can be mailed or delivered. Two additional copies are needed for District Office files. Either the college or the District Office of Institutional Development will submit the proposal. Schedule for Submitting Letters of Intent and Proposals* Letter of Intent - 1 month prior to proposal deadline Example: If the proposal is due in the mail on Tuesday, March 3, the intent should be received in the District Office of Grants Development and Monitoring by Tuesday, February 3. Draft Proposal and Budget - 1 week prior to proposal deadline Example: A draft of the proposal and budget should be received by Tuesday, February 22. The budge' will be sent to the District business office to verify fringe benefit rates and other fiscal considerations. The narrative will be reviewed by the District Office of Institutional Development to see that all guidelines and regulations have been followed and by the Office of Risk Management for any insurance and risk considerations. If any changes are required, the appropriate person will be notified. Final Proposal, Budget and signature Pages * Please determine the appropriate due dates according to your specific proposal deadline. Then mark your calendar to be certain that all information arrives in the Office of Institutional Development on time!!! Every effort will be made to review and approve proposals that due to unforeseen circumstances, have a short submission deadline. Peralta Community College District Example: Administrative Procedure 5.02 If the proposal is due in the mail by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3, the original proposal and copies as required by the funding source should be received in the District Office of Institutional Development by 4:45 on Monday, March 2. The proposal should include the Routing and Review Sheet with the appropriate signatures from the College. The District Office of Institutional Development will route the proposal for final review and approval by the Vice Chancellor of Educational Services, whose signature must appear on the proposal. . Two additional copies are needed for District Office files. Board of Trustees Approval Upon review of District Offices, material will be prepared for the next Board of Trustees' meeting. Source of Law: Developed by Administration: July 26, 1994 Attachment: Time Schedule