Policy 1.18 Employment of Management Staff

Peralta Community College District
Board Policy 1.18
Policy 1.18 Employment of Management Staff
This policy recognizes that managers are District employees and may be assigned to any
site. For that reason, the selection process includes both District and campus participants.
Pre-selection Process
A. Proposals for new management positions or major changes in management
responsibilities will be referred to the Academic Senate and employee
representing organizations (Local 1021, Local 39, Confidential employee
representative, PFT, etc.) for reactions and suggestions before recruitment and
selection procedures are initiated. Ten working days will be allowed for response.
B. At the time of the vacancy or a pending vacancy in a management position,
the Chancellor, for District positions, or a college president, for campus positions,
will convene his/her advisory staff and will invite to that meeting the Academic
Senate President and his/her designee. The Chancellor, or President, in
consultation with the above staff shall:
1. Recommend whether or not the position should be filled.
2. Review and, if appropriate, revise the job description.
3. Recommend a time frame for filling the position and provide this
information to all concerned (distribution of this information is districtwide, or college-wide, depending on the position to be filled.)
C. If the position is new or if substantive changes are proposed in the job
description, proposed specifications and qualifications will be submitted to the
appropriate academic division, the academic senate (local or district), and if
applicable. Board committees for review and comment before the job
announcement and before the position is finalized and submitted to the Board of
Trustees for approval.
D. Once it has been determined that a management position is to be filled:
1. The Personnel Office will announce, circulate and advertise the
position both on campus and off campus and/or outside the District.
2. The Hiring Manager (footnote 1) in consultation with the AA office
will convene a selection committee which is balanced in compliance with
the District Affirmative Action Plan and consists of:
a) For a District position or for the position of college president,
three managers shall be appointed by the Chancellor, two of whom
shall be campus managers and one of whom shall be a District
manager. For a college position other than president, three
managers shall be appointed by the president, two of whom shall
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Peralta Community College District
Board Policy 1.18
be from the campus and one of whom shall be an off-campus
manager. The committee shall select the chair from among the
administrators appointed to serve.
b) In the case of a District committee, the District Academic
Senate President or designee and two faculty members jointly
appointed by DAS President and PFT President. In the case of a
campus position, the College Academic Senate President or
designee and two faculty members appointed jointly by him/her
and PFT chapter chair.
c) For a District selection committee, the student trustee or his/her
designee will serve on the committee. For a campus selection
committee, the student body president or his/her designee will
serve on the committee.
d) A classified representative shall be selected by joint
appointment of the classified organizations.
e) (footnote 2) For positions of College President and Dean or
Assistant Dean of Instruction or Student Services, one additional
faculty member (or counselor, if the position is in Student
Services) to be appointed as in “b” above.
f) (footnote 2, also) For positions other than Dean or Assistant
Dean of Instruction or Student Services, one additional classified
representative to be appointed as in “d” above.
g) The selection committee for a campus-based position shall be
so constituted as to provide significant representation from other
campuses or the District Office. The selection committee for a
District-based position shall be so constituted as to avoid a
majority from any one site.
3. The Chancellor or President shall designate a hiring coordinator who
will be responsible to see that procedures are carried out in a proper and
timely manner.
4. The Chancellor will be responsible to see that each phase of the process
is monitored by the Affirmative Action Office.
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Board Policy 1.18
E. If a vacancy should occur at a time which makes it impractical to follow the
regular selection process, the Chancellor may recommend a temporary or acting
appointment to the Board of Trustees. When such appointments are made, the
Academic Senate shall be consulted. Regular hiring procedures as outlined herein
should commence within six months after the acting appointment has been made,
except by mutual agreement by the parties in 1A and 1B.
II. Selection Process
A. The Personnel Office will screen all applications to determine which
candidates meet the position’s minimum qualifications and will refer all who meet
minimum qualifications to the selection committee.
B. Interim or acting persons serving in the position who applied for the
permanent position shall have the same, but not more rights as other applicants.
C. The committee shall review the job description, be apprised of the screening
process and time lines, be briefed by the Affirmative Action Officer, review all
applications, select, when appropriate, a maximum of 12 of the most qualified
candidates as semi-finalists for interview and interview the semi-finalists in
accordance with equal employment and affirmative action requirements and
D. The committee shall select and recommend, without ranking, up to three
qualified candidates to the College President or to the Chancellor. A
recommendation of fewer than three applicants constitutes an exception and must
be accompanied by a written explanation. The list of those recommended will be
transmitted to the College President or to the Chancellor in writing within two
working days after the final interview and shall include (on a separate sheet) a
CONFIDENTIAL review of the strengths and special qualifications of each of the
three candidates.
E. In the event that fewer than three candidates are recommended, the College
President or Chancellor will review the written explanation submitted in
accordance with “C” above and will determine if the process should continue with
fewer than three candidates or if the process should be reinitiated.
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Board Policy 1.18
III. Selection/Final Recommendation
A. For a campus position, the College President shall interview the recommended
candidate(s) and may conduct any further check of the candidate he/she desires.
If one or more of the candidates is found to be satisfactory, one candidate will be
recommended to the Chancellor. If he/she concurs, the name of that finalist will
be recommended to the Board of Trustees in closed session. If the Chancellor
does not concur, the College President will be asked to recommend another
candidate from those recommended.
B. For a District position, the Chancellor shall interview the recommended
candidates and may conduct any further checks he/she desires. If one or more of
the candidates is found to be satisfactory, one finalist will be recommended to the
Board of Trustees in closed session.
C. In the event that either the College President or the Chancellor rejects all
candidates, he/she shall so inform the Selection Committee. Thereafter, the
Committee will reconvene and determine if it will recommend additional
applicants for interview or recommend recruitment of additional candidates
D. The Board of Trustees may elect to conduct an interview of the finalist in
closed session.
E. Final approval is by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the
F. If no recommended candidate is acceptable to the Board, the Chancellor shall
request additional recommendations from the committee or reopen the process.
IV. Board Responsibility
As a matter or principle and policy, this Board adopts the position that it has the
right and responsibility to select, organize, deploy, and assess the effectiveness of
its management staff and resources.
(Footnote 1 – At the college level – the president of his/her designated dean (except for
college president). At the District level, or for college president – the Chancellor or
his/her designated Vice-Chancellor.
(Footnote 2 – For educational management positions, an additional faculty member added
to the committee; for other management positions, an additional classified member; for
college presidents, both.)
Approved by the Board of Trustees: December 1, 1987
Revised by the Board of Trustees: May 14, 1991
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Peralta Community College District
Board Policy 1.18
Revised by the Board of Trustees: May 11, 1993
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