Peralta Community College District District Technology Committee (DTC) 2012-13 Planning Calendar UPDATE (Revised) Meeting and/or Delivery Date Item Responsible November 2, 2012 A) College IT needs criteria development B) Report on review of District IT Strategic Plan for alignment with college needs College DTC Representatives and their campus constituencies December 7, 2012 A) College IT needs prioritization criteria completed DTC, Associate Vice Chancellor of IT (AVCIT) B) College IT needs template finalized & distributed January 2013 (no meeting in January) College IT needs forwarded to PBC DTC Facilitator, AVCIT/IT Staff, DTC Co-Chairs, College DTC Representatives February 1, 2013 A) College IT needs prioritization criteria completed DTC, AVCIT B) College IT needs template finalized & distributed March 1, 2013 A) Revisit College/District IT needs documentation and re-affirm purpose of collecting same DTC, AVCIT April 5, 2013 A) Determine membership of DTC Task Force for prioritizing district/college IT needs DTC, AVCIT B) College/District IT needs forwarded to PBC by April 23! May 3, 2013 (Final Meeting of AY 2012-13) A) Review/Assess IT Strategic Plan Progress B) Review and assess DTC goals for 2012-13 C) Recommend IT projects/goals for 2013-14 Prepared by Karolyn van Putten, DTC Faciliator, 4/4/13 Facilitator, DTC, AVCIT, IT Staff Prepared by Karolyn van Putten, DTC Faciliator, 4/4/13