Peralta Community College District PBIM - District Technology Committee (DTC) Template for Meeting Minutes Date of Meeting: September 5, 2014 Present: Fabian Banga, Vina Cera, Bala Sampathraj, Antonio Barreiro, Justin Hoffman, Evelyn Lord, Mary Louise Zernicke, Eun Rhee, Mike Orkin, Sharon Millman, Vincent Koo, Ahmad Mansur, Manny Uy, Danny McCarthy, Adrien Abuyen. Chair/Co-Chair: Calvin Madlock, Antoine Mehouelley, Fabian Banga Guests: Patricia Rom, Joseph Bielanski Facilitator/Recorder: Karolyn van Putten, Heather Dodge Absent: Agenda Item Meeting Called to Order 1. Review and Approval of Agenda 2. Review and Approval of Minutes from May 2, 2014 Committee Strategic Discussion Goal Planning Goal and/or Institutional Objective Follow- Decisions up (Shared Agreement/ Action Resolved or Unresolved) 9:00AM Agenda was approved unanimously without revisions Minutes from May 2nd, 2014 meeting were approved unanimously as presented. Motioned by Vina Cera, Second by Antonio Barreiro. 1 3. Setting DTC Goals for AY 2014-15 AVC Madlock reviewed the “Goals and Activities 2014-2015” handout with the DTC members; 1- Need to update district IT Plan: the title is updated to the PCCD Strategic Plan and this one will include technology projects according to AVC Madlock. AVC Madlock is advocating for this goal with changing the title to PCCD Strategic Information Technology Plan. AVC Madlock has also shared that there is a sub-Committee working on this. 2- Room scheduling software needed: AVC Madlock said that this is a project and it is a part of Strategic Information Technology Plan and this needs to be addressed right away, even though some colleges have started working on it. Every college IT representative shared the way they handle it at their own campuses such as keep tracking on an Excel spreadsheet. AVC Madlock shared that the budget has already been allocated for this project and he has already spoken to three different companies which are: Schedule 25, AD - ASTRA and College Scheduler. AVC Madlock added that we will begin scheduling the demos; however some colleges have already started the Demo. The primary sponsor stakeholders are VPs of Instruction and deans, 2 3- 4- 56- Room Schedulers and Business Managers. Need for regular training opportunities: Sharon said that this would be something that will allow people to get the training they need at their own offices, such as Evelyn mentioned that there are also other regular trainings needs such as Moodle and PeopleSoft. Need for district-wide satisfaction survey: Facilitator Karolyn mentioned that this survey is intended to be IT-specific. AVC Madlock thinks this is a goal for the DTC since it is attainable and reasonable. Sharon would like to join the group who will be working on the survey. Integration of technology and facilities planning Technology checklist for new/remodeled facilities AVC Madlock is suggesting that we combine the two goals listed previously. Sharon will be in touch with Brian “Director of Facilities” to find out some information on how to handle small projects at the District and come back to the DTC body with the report. 7- Smart classrooms—as a District we are not keeping up with 21st century instructional technology needs:Facilitator Karolyn said we had an extensive nine months process for developing those 3 standards in 2008, Karolyn mentioned that we worked with an outside consultant to develop those standards for Interactive Learning Environments and the standards have been available through the Dept. of General Services ever since the consultants finished their work. Sharon suggested to the group that she will report on this at the next DTC meeting. Facilitator Karolyn asked the members to articulate this item and come up with the new goal. For right now this item is put on hold to figure out how to language it. 8- New software acquisition: standards for integration with PeopleSoft: AVC Madlock does not think that we should set this as a goal so he thinks it is just a standard. AVC Madlock mentioned that he is in the process of assessing PeopleSoft and he will update the DTC group on this later on. Facilitator Karolyn is suggesting a new title which is: “Review and analyze current PeopleSoft capability” as a goal instead of new software acquisition. 9- Gmail implementation: This is going out to bid since it is over a particular procurement threshold, so AVC Madlock is considering this as a goal. 4 AVC Madlock mentioned that this item should be named “Web based Email”. A few DTC members are suggesting switching to Office 365 instead of Google. AVC Madlock said that this would be easier to accomplish if we choose to, but AVC Madlock said that if he does not have a very compelling case to bring back to the group next month, then we need to go with what the Committee decided last year. 10- Help desk ticketing system: Antonio made a clarification that his interest is at the College level not at the District level. AVC Madlock said that we will definitely be looking at this as a goal. Antoine said that the goal should be creating a standard for the help desk system so for him the goal should be “Review and Revise Standards for help desk ticketing system” which the group agreed on. 11- Advocacy for technology funding: Bala is suggesting requesting the budget from the Chancellor since the College presidents do not have a budget for IT. Antoine is insisting that the Advocacy is to go back to Chancellor to request the Budget 5 since Laney has already set the budget line but no funds so far. Facilitator Karolyn decided to put this item on side since it is hard for the DTC group to agree on what they mean by “Advocacy”. 12- Libraries—Upcoming need to upgrade from Millennium to Sierra library system: Evelyn said that we will need to upgrade from Millennium to the Sierra Library Management System and we are looking for budget. Because the transition need is not imminent, but should take place no later than 2 years from now, this is not a high priority item so this would not be a goal for this year according to Facilitator Karolyn. 4. Priority District & College IT Projects for AY 2014-15 AVC Madlock shared with the DTC group that the top priority projects will be: 1) Class/Room Scheduling Project 2) VOlP Telecommunication Project 3) Finance Upgrade Project Bala reminded AVC Madlock to add a budget line for maintenance for each project as needed. AVC Madlock is suggesting to add the goal “Libraries—Need to upgrade from Millennium to Sierra library system” as a project on the list of the District Information Technology Strategic Plan. AVC Madlock will come back with more details and a revised list to share with the 6 5. PCCD Strategic Information Technology Plan Update/Process 6. Distance Education Support and Planning 7. Student Enrollment Fall 2014 group at the next DTC meeting after meeting with the Sub-Committee. AVC Madlock shared with the group that he has already established a SubCommittee which will meet September the 10th. This Sub-Committee will be working on revising and developing the list of the IT projects. Faculty Co-Chair Fabian reported out that we need to have a goal with respect to Distance Education and institutional Technology. Facilitator Karolyn suggested that we need to add to the list of the Goals for 20142015 “the development of a Distance Education and institutional technology plan” and also mentioned that we will figure out how to deal with(downsize or delimit) that list at the next DTC meeting. Facilitator Karolyn said that she is hearing questions from faculty such as: What happened that caused so many students to get dropped?. What can we do to prevent this from happening again and what was the impact of this? AVC Madlock said that the students are being dropped for non-payment of fees and there is a debate about Board Policy versus what we should do. Vice Chancellor Mike Orkin mentioned that there is a board policy and procedure 7 on thewebsite related to this matter. AVC Madlock said there is a policy that states the student will get dropped for nonpayment two weeks before classes begin. VC Mike read the policy to the members and mentioned that in the past when this happen once the students pay the fees they can go ahead reenroll but this semester because of some changes that occurred during the PeopleSoft upgrade the student could not reenroll after paying the fees. VC Mike told the group that IT worked with finance to fix this issue, but the original problem of dropping students for non-payment requires going back to the Board to change the Board Policy. And they should set the threshold and also have a prior warning to students before dropping. This semester IT, Ed Services and finance will meet to recommend modifications to the Board Policy. AVC Madlock has made a recommendation to set up an Enrollment management taskforce that will get together to suggest changes to this policy prior to next semester. Karolyn was wondering who sets the threshold and VC said that this is set in Finance and he believes it is $65. 8 The Chancellor has requested from AVC Madlock, VC Mike Orkin, AVC Adela Esquivel-Swinson and VC Susan Rinne to meet to discuss this policy and bring it back to the Chancellor’s Cabinet. AVC Madlock is suggesting taking it to Ed Committee and report back at the DTC meeting. 8. PeopleSoft Modules Report 9. PS Security Administrator This item was not covered. AVC Madlock reporting out that last time at the DTC meeting we made a recommendation to hire a PeopleSoft security specialist. There is an immediate need to hire the People Soft security specialist to assess and develop security profiles and who will maintain security within PeopleSoft. AVC Madlock handed out a draft of the job description to the members and told the group that he will take it to HR even though the position is not funded. AVC Madlock has to go back to the Chancellor to ask for funding this position. 10. 3SP Update This item was not covered. 11. • District IT Financial Aid Module 9 Reports/Update s a) Director of Enterprise Services (all things PeopleSoft) Report Financial Aid Module Maintenance and Support Academic Advising Module b) Director of Technology Services Report Electronic Content Management (ECM, formerly known as “Document Management System”) Web-based Email Network Infrastructure Refresh Implementation: Ranell Holmes reporting out: - We are disbursing Financial Aid and we have three cycles. - The disbursement is done once a week on Thursday - Right now we are at the stage of maintenance and in terms of maintaining the disbursement processes we make sure everything is running smooth. • Academic Advising Module: It is a new module Academic Advising SEP “Student Education Planner”. - This module shows the student‘s progress in their courses compared to the requirements that are needed to complete their goal. - We are in the configuration stage for this project. - The second part is SEP (Student Education Plan) which is the student blueprint of their academic career; we are almost done with this. • CCCAPPLY Project: which is the website or web service we use for students in state of California when they want to apply for any Community College so all they need to do is go to this website and select the campus. This website is hosted by company named XAP and the contract is running out. Now the state hosts the website and this is giving us the opportunity to move to the new website called OPEN CCCAPPLY so 10 now we are transitioning to this new website. • Electronic Content Management (ECM, formerly known as “Document Management System”). Michael Dioquino reporting out: Unfortunately we are not done with the project as we hoped so we are in the process of extending it. We have three projects which are: ** DGS: requisition and invoices which is still open. **AR: Transcript processing and this one is closed. **AP: This is where we had the delay since AP had to close the books. I will be working with AP to finish the project and hopefully we will be done with it by the end of October. • Web-based Email Network Infrastructure Refresh: Web-based Email: We found that the cost of training alone is beyond a particular procurement threshold so we need to go out to RFP so we can have someone come in to implement the project. RFP should be advertised the next two weeks and hopefully it will close the end of the month. Network Infrastructure Refresh: The final cutover is scheduled for September 19th starting at 5PM and this is the final cutover to finish and complete the project so People Soft will be down for that weekend. 11 12. New Business 13. Meeting Adjourns 12:00PM Minutes taken by: Hayat Guessoum Attachments: All documents and/or handouts for this meeting can be found at: - Copy of District Technology Strategic Plan - Budget as of 09 5 2014 - PCCD –Security Job Description- DTC Agenda-September 5, 2014 - DTC Minutes-May 2, 2014 - Goals and Activities 2014-2015 12