BUDGET ALLOCATION MODEL MEETING BCC February 11, 2011 I. Model should be easily understood and transparent. Include Leave Banking? It’s a liability at over 1.5 million. Similar issue with Work Comp program- actuarial study should be done each year. Right now about 1.6 million for incurred but not reported claims. District has not set aside budget to pay for it. How would you make the PCCD model transparent? Look at Los Rios model. What should we do with the Economy of Scale? Compensatory formula that evolved out of practice to compensate smaller schools for Laney’s larger scale. If shifting funds from one college to another, what is the time frame and hold harmless period? What do we do with the workload reduction? How do we handle the changing fiscal situations? What about programs that are more expensive to run? Does the model address that? How does Los Rios determine ftes? PCCD allocates the ftes. Bob: CTE programs and higher costs…could high cost CTE programs be separated out and put aside? How can this affect redistribution of resources? Get Laney to 10,000 ftes for additional base funding of $500k CTE programs not mentioned in Los Rios model. District needs to set aside reserves to pay for known liabilities such as leave banking, workmens’ compensation, and retirees’ health benefits. OVERARCHING STATEMENT In addition to being transparent, the PCCD budget model needs to be flexible enough to allow for periods of district and statewide reductions, and periods of growth. OVERVIEW HOW TO ADDRESS BASE HOW TO ADDRESS GROWTH HOW TO ADDRESS REDUCTIONS ROLLOVER OF FUNDS Rollover of funds would incentivize the colleges to be frugal about spending of funds Need to account for counselors in the formula because they impact our student enrollment. Look at Los Rios model for Counseling Staffing and Faculty positions. Separate out classified positions that are supportive of instructional programs and student services programs as compared to those positions which support administrative services. The district core mission and values statements should be incorporated into the Budget Allocation Model. The Budget and Planning Committee will annually evaluate the Budget Allocation Model. 5. parity 6. funding for categorical programs and grants. 7. what about CTE inequity? Establishing a base: should it set aside CTE programs? What do we use as our base? What is the starting point? If we use ftes, that is an artificial model. If we are going to redistribute resources, we can plan for depth at one campus and avoid having a little at 4 campuses. Some districts use a rolling 3-year average. Would this account for growth spurts? Where do we pick a point in history? Los Rios uses base, WSCH, square footage, FTE in its CDF formula. Los Rios model does not address workload reduction. Model needs to include statements on redistribution of FTES and subsequent shifting of FTEF. Los Rios has a rollover base. Run the square footage for CTE programs to see if there is a disparity. How does Los Rios address its distance education program? Ron G can run the numbers for us on discretionary funds using the Los Rios model. We can pull the CTE data to see what is unique at each campus. IDENTIFY THE STRONG PARTS OF THE LOS RIOS MODEL. Formula for staffing counseling positions. Formula for faculty positions. Collective bargaining agreements cannot be included in the Budget Allocation Model.