COA Planning Resource Request Summary March 2014

College of Alameda – Summary of Resource Needs for 2014/2015
Personnel needs
Technology needs
Facilities needs
Other needs – Equipment, supplies,
materials, repairs, etc.
Faculty – 22.5 FTE
 Instruction
o Biology (2)
o Chemistry
o Dental
o English
o Geography
o Humanities/Philosophy
o Math (2)
o Political Science
o Psychology
o Learning Communities (2)
 Student Services
o DSPS (2.5)
o Health Services (campus nurse)
o Counseling (3)
Computers and peripherals
 Complete campus-wide computer &
peripheral refresh
 Program specific software, licenses, and IT
equipment (e.g. DSPS, A&R, EOPS, COUN,
Library, and multiple Instructional programs)
 Online educational software, or program
license, for content submission program
(e.g. Turnitin)
Additional Space
 Additional office spaces are needed for
Student Support programs, growing CTE
programs, Learning Communities, and
Administrative Units
 Additional Computer Labs for use by all
groups (e.g. classes, open labs, etc.)
 Dedicated testing lab/space for assessment
 Increase math lab space
 Increase space for tutoring programs (in
Library and 860 Atlantic)
Equipment Maintenance
 Repairs needed on valuable equipment
across all programs, areas, and facilities
Classified Staff – 17.0 FTE
 Instructional Assistants
o Auto Body
o Biology
o Diesel Mechanics
o Physics/Chemistry
 Program Support Staff
o A&R
o Counseling
o Assessment
o Articulation
o Learning Communities
IT infrastructure
 Upgrade Network Infrastructure (servers,
switches, etc.)
 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Smart Classrooms
 Maintenance of existing smart classrooms
 15 Additional Classrooms
Annual IT budget
 Annual IT budget set up for college IT
Existing Space – Improvements
 B Building - Automotive
o Preventative maintenance
o Electrical upgrades
 860 Atlantic - Sciences
o Stainless sink replacement
o Replace large student benches
o Storage space added/needed
 Library Building
o Lighting upgrades
o Install equipment in L210
 E Building – Diesel
o Classroom upgrades/repairs
o Storage containers
o Extend blacktop & move fence
New Equipment, Materials & Supplies
 New/Updated Instructional Equipment
needed in Apparel & Design, Auto Tech,
Auto Body, Chemistry, Biology, Physics,
Music, and Dental
 Instructional Supplies needed in all programs
 Upgrade Library collections
 New classroom desks, chairs and
instructional furniture
Printed Materials
 Brochures, pamphlets, and outreach
materials – for college and programs
C&D Building – Capital Project
 As noted in personnel needs, COA needs a
dedicated Project Coordinator
Approved by COA College Council on March 26, 2014
o Library
o Tutoring
President’s Office
o College Researcher
o College Network Coordinator (IT)
o Project Coordinator for C&D Project
Office of Instruction / Deans’ Offices
o Staff/Admin Support
Administration – 1.0 FTE
 Additional Dean of Instruction
Student Employees
 Student employees - to support student
service units and instructional programs
across campus
1) this summary of resource needs is not exhaustive; it reflects resource needs that are generally covered by general funds
2) this summary of resource needs is un-prioritized; COA participatory governance processes will continue to review and prioritize during spring, 2014
3) this summary of resource needs will serve as a guide for budget development for 2014/2015
Approved by COA College Council on March 26, 2014