CTE Committee Memo to DEC 3 20 15 submitted to DEC

Date: March, 20, 2015
District Education Committee
Peralta Career Technical Education (CTE) Committee
Dr. Michael Orkin, Vice Chancellor, Educational Services
CTE sub-committee proposed marketing strategy
Office of Educational Services
Request to adopt and support the implementation of the CTE Committee’s proposed marketing
The District Education Committee’s (DEC’s) subcommittee for Career Technical Education has developed a
marketing strategy for the Peralta Colleges and the District aimed at increasing enrollment in CTE programs at
each of the colleges. The members of the CTE sub-committee would like to request that the DEC adopt this
strategy and support its implementation over the time period identified. The proposed strategy is attached.
Thank you.
333 E. 8th Street Oakland, CA 94606 466-7208 FAX 466-7304 morkin@peralta.edu
CTE Committee: Proposed Marketing Strategy
Presented to the District Education Committee on February 27, 2015
1. Increase enrollment in the CTE programs
at the Peralta Colleges
Target Audience(s)
1. High School students in the Peralta service
area (primary)
2. Adults in the Peralta service area
1. Create capacity for marketing and communications at
each college.
 Hire and sustain Public Information Officers
(PIO’s) at each college.
 Make the outreach and communication to high
school students about CTE programs and career
development and placement, as well as transfer
opportunities, a top priority of the PIO’s.
 Make the development and maintenance of
quality, student-designed and supported
websites and mobile applications a top priority
for the PIOs.
 Require the PIO’s to coordinate at a District level
with the CTE Committee and the Economic &
Workforce Development Director on their
secondary school district and employer outreach
strategies and activities.
 Provide an additional budget to each college for
marketing beyond the cost of the PIO position
(for advertising, collateral material development
and production, etc.)
2. Produce and maintain quality District-wide CTE
collateral materials and web content for internal and
external audiences that synthesizes the college messages
and presents a consistent and coherent set of messages
on behalf of all four colleges. Create a template that
creates a consistent look and feel across the four
campuses for each campus and counselors to use.
Responsible Party
Date of
College Presidents
June 30, 2015
College Presidents
June 30, 2015
College Presidents
June 30, 2015
College Presidents
June 30, 2015
Chancellor (with College
June 30, 2015
Director of Economic &
Workforce Development
in collaboration with the
CTE Committee, College
PIO’s (to be hired), and
the District Executive
Director of Marketing,
Public Relations and
Begin immediately.
3. At the District level, improve the enrollment process so
that students can effectively and efficiently enroll in the
CTE courses and programs they desire.
333 E. 8th Street Oakland, CA 94606 466-7208 FAX 466-7304 morkin@peralta.edu
Work with Student Services to help implement
SSSP and make critical improvements to
PASSPORT and the admissions process, as well as
other key District functions that support the
timely availability of quality CTE courses and
programs. These include related improvements
to Finance (PROMT), HR, and IT as well as the
provision of high-quality facilities.
4. Coordinate an annual “All Counselor” meeting between
high school counselors, Peralta counselors, and CTE
faculty to provide an opportunity to develop and
maintain relationships and to ensure target audiences
have the most up-to-date information. Office of
Educational Services (Economic & Workforce
Development) to do this in collaboration with the
colleges and secondary districts).
5. Focus on marketing programs that meet LMI and APU
standards. Programs that are continuously improving
and responding to industry needs (expressed by industry
representatives and the most recent labor market
information), will be eligible for the marketing campaign
resources and activities. Those programs not meeting
the minimum requirements of market relevance and
quality must go through program review and
 CTE Committee to work via Educational Services
to review CTE programs and determine eligibility
for marketing and promotion.
A plan with
responsible parties
and timing for
making these
improvements due
to the District
Committee by April
3, 2015.
Director of Economic &
Workforce Development
(with college VP’s, CPT
Director, and secondary
district leaders)
Preferably before
the start of the Fall,
2015 term. No later
than December 31,
CTE Committee
beginning in the
Spring of 2015
333 E. 8th Street Oakland, CA 94606 466-7208 FAX 466-7304 morkin@peralta.edu