Abstract 12-18-2015

Berkeley City College 2015 Equity Plan
Introduction. Berkeley City College (BCC) “promotes student success, provides our diverse
community with educational opportunities, and transforms lives.” Accordingly, the College
develops and implements its Equity Plans to provide opportunities to, transform lives of, and
promotes success for its High Need student populations.
Throughout the development of the 2015 Equity Plan, BCC has used the RP Group’s Six Success
Factors: Directed, Focused, Nurtured, Engaged, Connected, and Valued as its philosophical
framework. BCC has also used these Six Success Factors as a framework in several of its
primary plans, including the Education Master Plan and the 2014 Equity Plan. To update the
Equity Plan, BCC established a 2015 Equity Plan Taskforce and five Equity Success Indicator
Committees. The active and devoted Taskforce and Indicator Committee members well
represent the BCC community, consisting of instructional and counseling faculty, classified staff,
student leaders, researchers, administrators, and community advocates. In short, BCC lives
access, equity, and success.
Characteristics of Equity Planning. Key characteristics of Equity planning at BCC include the
Integrated Plans: Each and every Equity Plan Success Indicator has been included in
BCC’s primary plans, (e.g., the Education Master Plan, Strategic Plans, BSI, Program
Designing Curriculum and Co-Curriculum for Cohort Learning: In order to offer a
student-centered, flexible cohort model, BCC enhances its support to student clubs,
including expanding co-curriculum activities to be paired with faculty advising.
Listening to Student Voices: Acknowledging the importance of listening to students
when making planning decisions, BCC plans to conduct a “Math Reform,” including
embedded tutoring and offering Math labs along with lecture classes.
Facilitating Program Completion for Degrees and/or Certificates and Transfer: BCC
encourages students to transfer to a 4-year institution with 2-year degree(s) and/or
Target Groups. Based on the analysis of 1- to 6-year Equity indicator trend data and the “80%
Index,” using college-wide cohort data as the benchmarks, BCC has identified disproportionately
impacted student populations as follows:
(1) African American and Foster Youth – All Equity Indicators,
(2) Hispanic/Latino– Access, ESOL Completion, Distance Education Course Completion,
and Transfer Indicators,
(3) DSPS Students, Veterans, and Dreamers – Access, Degree and/or Certificate Completion,
and Transfer Indicators,
December 18, 2015
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Berkeley City College 2015 Equity Plan
(4) Students with Degree/Certificate Matriculation Goal(s) – Degree/Certificate Completion
Indicator, and
(5) Math Students – Basic Skills Math Progression and Math Course Completion.
Equity Goal and Primary Activities. To reach the ultimate goal of closing the Equity Gap by
2021-22, BCC is committed to conduct key activities as follows:
Access. Improve equitable access for students from underserved communities in higher
education and students of color,
Successful Course Completion. Create Thematic General Education pathways to offer
education support to entry GE course takers,
All Equity Indicators. Continue to offer BCC Scholars program through an enhanced
learning community model,
All Equity Indicators. Initiate a “community of practice” and design professional
development for all faculty,
Degree/Certificate/Transfer. Develop and conduct career and transfer Themed Events,
Degree/Certificate/Transfer. Offer early completion support through the 30-unit check
point for degree/certificate and transfer completion, and
Degree/Certificate/Transfer. Facilitate BCC students’ transferring to UCs, CSUs,
HBCUs, and HACUs with a BCC degree and/or certificate.
Evaluation and Communication Timeline. Using an Evaluation Rubric, BCC will review the
progress made annually for each Equity Goal and Activity and infuse findings into Annual
Program Updates (APU) for improvement, and on a 3-year cycle as part of Program Review.
BCC plans to annually present its Equity Impact Outcome findings to, and conduct discussion
sessions with, Roundtable, Department Chairs’ Council, PIE, and all shared governance
committees. BCC will also present these findings to, and discuss them with, faculty and staff
during a College Flex Day.
2015 Equity Budget Allocation. To maximize the use of all of its resources, BCC has been
routinely sharing existing resources and leveraging new funding alternatives, instead of
developing and implementing each plan along with its designated funding source in a silo. The
2015 BCC Equity teams have designed a budget based on two principals: (a) concentrating most
of the Equity funds on supporting Target Groups with the highest needs, and (b) supporting
Goals and Activities that have no other clearly earmarked funding source, (e.g., Course
Completion, Degree and/or Certificate Completion, and Transfer).
2015 Equity Budget Allocation Plan
December 18, 2015
Services &
& Planning
Course Dev.
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